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Guidelines for Initial Formation in the Secular Franciscan Order in the United States of America Chapter 5 A Methodology of Formation: How to Explain the SFO Rule to the Candidates for Profession. A Review of Chapter 4: The SFO Rule – Way of Life Rule 4-19. A Preview of Chapter 6:
Guidelines for Initial Formationin the Secular Franciscan Orderin the United States of AmericaChapter 5A Methodology of Formation:How to Explain the SFO Ruleto the Candidates for Profession
A Review of Chapter 4:The SFO Rule – Way of Life Rule 4-19 • A Preview of Chapter 6: • Aspects of Formation; • “ Review of Life “
+Chapter 4:Living The SFO Rule is a project, a job, for the rest of your life!- it is a vocation, a call, and a faith-filledresponse (an answer!) to God’s universal and particular invitation/call to you to become holy…..to become a franciscan Saint!!..... who, ME?.............yes, YOU!!!!
The Focal-Point of the RuleIS ALL ABOUT life: in christ,through Christ and with Christ,- in relationship with Christ, in a franciscan manner, personally and with your brothers and sisters in the order and the world you inhabit!- AS SINGLE, MARRIED, SEPARATED,WIDOWS, WIDOWERS, YOUNG, active, retired, professional or not, MIDDLE-AGED AND ELDERLY DEVOTEES OF Christ, in Francis for the world!
Laity • Chapter 6: • ‘The Review of Life’: • Vatican II – Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity (Apostolicam Actuositatem) • “In keeping with their purpose and according to their measure, lay groups and associations dedicated to the • apostolate or to other supernatural goals should carefully and persistently promote formation for the apostolate. Frequently these groups are the ordinary vehicle of harmonious formation for the apostolate since they provide doctrinal, spiritual and practical information. Their members meet in small groups with their associates and friends, examine the methods and results of their apostolic activity, and measure their daily life against the Gospel.”
“Formation of this type must be designed to take into account the whole lay apostolate, which is to be carried-on not only among the organized groups themselves but also in all circumstances in life, especially in the believers professional and social life.Indeed, everyone should painstakingly ready themselves personally for the apostolate, especially as an adult. For the advance of age brings with it better self knowledge, thus enabling each person to evaluate more accurately the talents with which God has enriched their soul and to exercise more effectively those charismatic gifts which the Holy spirit has bestowed on them for the good of the brothers and sisters.”
Chapter 5 A Methodology of Formation: How to Explain the SFO Rule to the Candidates for Profession “The Grids”…............... OH! NO-O-O-O-O-O-O-O!!!!
‘The grids’ are A meTHOD, a model, a tool, to help you to explain the SFO Rule to Yourself, and/or to those whom you may be instructing…..in initial or on-goingformation;in other words, How to go ‘from gospel to life and life to the gospel’They may or may not ‘work’ for you……eh!!! ????
The Grids are a way of evaluating yourhuman, christian - catholic and franciscan progress…(or not)…in virtue, in grace …..a personal and/or communal way to an ‘examination of conscience’………“There cannot be two parallel lives in their existence: on the one hand, the so-called ‘spiritual life with its values and demands; and on the other, the so-called ‘secular life’, that is, life in a family, at work, in social relationships, in the responsibilities of public life and in culture”- -from the Apostolic Exhortation on the Laity, ChristifidelesLaici– JPII 1988
The ‘Places’ of our life nd our action SFO Rule #14-19……read text____________________________________________ Places: Plus Minus Project/Program • Public Life • _________________________________________________________ • Work, Activities • _________________________________________________ • Family • -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Creation • __________________________________________________
To the Secular Franciscan Order in the United States“I would like to share something with you that concerns me and which I have been focusing on while preparing various presentations about the Rule. Is there something that makes usbelieve that it is enough to merely speak of a value (the Rule)without having actually lived it?.......have we given the Rule life in our lives, or has it remained new and virgin-like for us because we only speak if it idyllically, or without having made it a part of ourselves? Better still, is Christ the center of our lives with God and with men, as the Rule suggests it should be? ……In order to incorporate and give life to the Rule, suppose we completely immerse ourselves…into the Gospel as did Francis, ……suppose we accept Jesus’ invitation to remain with Him as He remains in us…..Suppose we accept His friendship and intimacy…..just as francis did..
In this way, with this support and foundation, despite all issues, difficulties and the numerous interests that are associated with our secular vocation, we would be able to carry on the Franciscan way, and with that a message alive with optimism, hope, and joy, because inside us we would have found the resources that are only prevalent through a genuine relationship with Jesus in the manner of the spirituality of St. Francis. May you have a positive and favorable journey together and may our Rule, the Word and Life of Salvation, become for all the beautiful words of the Lord. -Encarnacion del Pozo, sfo Minister General -2003 In this way, with this support and foundation, despite all issues, difficulties and the numerous interests that are associated with our secular vocation, we would be able to carry on the Franciscan way, and with that a message alive with optimism, hope, and joy, because inside us we would have found the resoureces that re only prevalent through a genuine relationship with Jesus in the manner of the spirituality of St. Francis