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Influencing Policy : EPNoSL Refection Tools for Policy Design and Implementation

PLA in Nice/ France, September 25-26, 2014. PLA –Nice_2014. Influencing Policy : EPNoSL Refection Tools for Policy Design and Implementation. TOOLSET o n Educating School Leaders as Change Agents p repared by the EPNoSL -team at the University of Innsbruck/Austria:

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Influencing Policy : EPNoSL Refection Tools for Policy Design and Implementation

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  1. PLA in Nice/ France, September 25-26, 2014 PLA –Nice_2014 InfluencingPolicy: EPNoSLRefection Tools forPolicy Design and Implementation TOOLSET on Educating School Leadersas Change Agents preparedbytheEPNoSL-team at the University of Innsbruck/Austria: Michael Schratz, Helmuth Aigner, Silvia Krenn Helmuth Aigner

  2. Educating School Leadersas Change Agents M. Schratz / H. Aigner/ S. Krenn CONCLUSION Helmuth Aigner

  3. Educating School Leaders as Change Agents M. Schratz / H. Aigner/ S. Krenn PLA –Nice_2014 • Support forchallengeofchange • Train leadersfor system-widechange • Coherencebetweenschoolpolicyandpractice What do wewanttoacchievewiththe TOOLSET? BUILDING CAPACITY Helmuth Aigner

  4. Educating School Leadersas Change Agents M. Schratz / H. Aigner/ S. Krenn PLA –Nice_2014 Helmuth Aigner

  5. Educating School Leadersas Change Agents M. Schratz / H. Aigner/ S. Krenn PLA –Nice_2014 The Yin-Yang of Management and Leadership Interrelation between management and leadership (Hinterhuber, 2003) Helmuth Aigner

  6. Educating School Leadersas Change Agents M. Schratz / H. Aigner/ S. Krenn PLA –Nice_2014 * „International Co-operation for School Leadership“ (CZ, H, SK, SL, SW, AT) Helmuth Aigner

  7. Educating School Leadersas Change Agents M. Schratz / H. Aigner/ S. Krenn PLA –Nice_2014 Helmuth Aigner

  8. Educating School Leadersas Change Agents M. Schratz / H. Aigner/ S. Krenn PLA –Nice_2014 Helmuth Aigner

  9. Educating School Leadersas Change Agents M. Schratz / H. Aigner/ S. Krenn PLA –Nice_2014 Pattern Change through Creative Intervention Helmuth Aigner

  10. Educating School Leadersas Change Agents M. Schratz / H. Aigner/ S. Krenn PLA –Nice_2014 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Helmuth Aigner

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