1. SIDI™ ppt V1.2 7-11-07 1 Standardized Information on Dietary Ingredients(SIDI™) A joint trade association initiative to standardize ingredient information exchange
2. SIDI™ ppt V1.2 7-11-07 2 Proposed solution:
NG – Overview
Current Industry Practice Situation
Industry Challenges to Overcome
Advantages to SIIP
Next Steps
Proposed solution:
NG – Overview
Current Industry Practice Situation
Industry Challenges to Overcome
Advantages to SIIP
Next Steps
3. SIDI™ ppt V1.2 7-11-07 3 Members of the Joint Standardized Ingredient Information Protocol (SIIP) Working Group More companies to be added????? –More companies to be added????? –
4. SIDI™ ppt V1.2 7-11-07 4 Current Industry Practice Manufacturers use individualized product questionnaires because they:
must qualify vendors/suppliers
cannot audit every vendor must qualify vendors/suppliers
Manufacturing practices
Quality systems
Nature of raw ingredient
cannot audit every vendor
Questionnaires cannot replace audits, but provide vital supplemental information to assist in
must qualify vendors/suppliers
Manufacturing practices
Quality systems
Nature of raw ingredient
cannot audit every vendor
Questionnaires cannot replace audits, but provide vital supplemental information to assist in
5. SIDI™ ppt V1.2 7-11-07 5 Questionnaire Challenges Industry Must Overcome
Inconsistent and inefficient
Every manufacturer has own individual format
Difficult for vendor to complete quickly/accurately
Questions may not apply to ingredient(s) of concern
Require stamps/signatures: what do these really mean?
6. SIDI™ ppt V1.2 7-11-07 6 Questionnaire Challenges Industry Must Overcome Every manufacturer has own individual format
Vendors receive too many questionnaires to complete
Change control practically impossible
Questionnaires often sent to distributors
Most common response: N/A!
7. SIDI™ ppt V1.2 7-11-07 7 Questionnaire Challenges Industry Must Overcome Manufacturer sends out and receives back 100 questionnaires of 50+ pages each:
Who reviews all this information?
How much actual information is provided?
How is the information judged, stored, retrieved?
What about change control? Answers to these questions will help create the solution
Answers to these questions will help create the solution
8. SIDI™ ppt V1.2 7-11-07 8 Primary Goals of the SIDI™ Enhance information management between dietary ingredient suppliers and dietary supplement manufacturers by providing standards for the exchange of data.
Integrate information on raw dietary ingredient sourcing into a voluntary, standardized system - eliminating the need for a questionnaire
9. Goal of SIDI™: To optimize information exchange between ingredient suppliers and manufactures, benefiting industry and consumers
10. SIDI™ ppt V1.2 7-11-07 10 Advantages of Using SIDI™ Protocol Benefits of standardized ingredient information is INDUSTRY-WIDE:
Dietary supplement manufacturers
Ingredient suppliers
11. SIDI™ ppt V1.2 7-11-07 11 Advantages of using SIDI™ Protocol
Practical and economic advantages
Hidden costs of current industry practice:
Time/potential mistakes/corrections
Significant costs and errors from this activity could be eliminated! Time it takes to send these out, follow up, receive back
Possible mistakes made in providing the information
Corrections, if mistakes are detected at all
Time it takes to send these out, follow up, receive back
Possible mistakes made in providing the information
Corrections, if mistakes are detected at all
12. SIDI™ ppt V1.2 7-11-07 12 Advantages of using SIDI™ Protocol For manufacturers:
Consistent information from multiple suppliers and across product lines
Reduction/reallocation of costs/resources
Change control
13. SIDI™ ppt V1.2 7-11-07 13 For manufacturers:
Rapid retrieval/interpretation of information
Information is more accessible to FDA
Facilitates FDA audits (all information is already assembled)
Facilitates merger/acquisition transitions
14. SIDI™ ppt V1.2 7-11-07 14 For ingredient suppliers:
Complete data in standardized format
Reduced completion time
Increased accuracy of information
15. SIDI™ ppt V1.2 7-11-07 15 For ingredient suppliers:
Change control/notification
Liability risk potentially reduced
Potential for Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
Forms can be made available for download
16. SIDI™ ppt V1.2 7-11-07 16 For consumers:
Increased standardization of any process has potential to reduce risk of error
More organized system of vendor qualification could increase safety/quality of products
17. SIDI™ ppt V1.2 7-11-07 17 The Proposed Solution SIIP working group’s Standardized Information on Dietary Ingredients (SIDI™) Protocol
Provides the basis for suppliers to develop their own dietary ingredient data sheets (DIDS) to be sent to manufactures in lieu of questionnaires Based on IPEC’s Standardized Excipient Information Protocol, EIP (www.ipecamericas.org)
Based on IPEC’s Standardized Excipient Information Protocol, EIP (www.ipecamericas.org)
18. SIDI™ ppt V1.2 7-11-07 18 The SIDI™: A User’s Guide Primary purpose
Provide voluntary standards for the exchange of ingredient information between ingredient suppliers and finished product manufacturers
19. SIDI™ ppt V1.2 7-11-07 19 The SIDI™: A User’s Guide Content
Scope and purpose of the SIDI™ Protocol
Formatting information
Section-by-section evaluation of the SIDI™ documents
Dietary ingredient data sheets (DIDS)
Interactive definitions and glossary
20. SIDI™ ppt V1.2 7-11-07 20 Highlights of the SIDI™ Protocol Standardized document with change control, planned updates, and reviews
Broad Scope
developed by members of four industry trade associations with the goal of obtaining industry-wide acceptance
Use is entirely voluntary and is not enforceable
Will be provided to FDA for comment
21. SIDI™ ppt V1.2 7-11-07 21 SIDI™ Format 2 separate main documents + glossary
Information package vs. questionnaire
Defines the minimum type and scope of information that should be covered
Format of DIDS is ingredient supplier’s choice
Similar to MSDSs
Minimum topics
Revision history/contact information
Potential for broader usage SIDI™ is an information package as opposed to a questionnaire
Similar to MSDS (do not require signatures)
Q & A format is not necessary or preferred
Short, bulleted formats are encouraged
Specific phrasing also not specified
Must be in official company format and/or on letterhead
Potential for broader usage - food, personal care, and dietary supplement industry, including botanicals
SIDI™ is an information package as opposed to a questionnaire
Similar to MSDS (do not require signatures)
Q & A format is not necessary or preferred
Short, bulleted formats are encouraged
Specific phrasing also not specified
Must be in official company format and/or on letterhead
Potential for broader usage - food, personal care, and dietary supplement industry, including botanicals
22. SIDI™ ppt V1.2 7-11-07 22 SIDI™ Protocol
23. SIDI™ ppt V1.2 7-11-07 23 I. SIDI™ Protocol Product Information Data Sheet
Intended for non-botanical & botanical ingredients
Important physical, manufacturing and regulatory information specific to the ingredient
Intended to facilitate the use of the ingredient in finished products Explain part a and part b sections. Explain part a and part b sections.
24. SIDI™ ppt V1.2 7-11-07 24 Product Information Part A. Non-Botanical Dietary Ingredients
Section 1 – Product Information
Section 2 – Manufacturing Information
Section 3 – Physical/Chemical Information
Section 4 – Labeling Information
Section 5 – Regulatory Information
Section 6 – Miscellaneous Product Information Section 1 - Product Information
This section provides general information about the product.
Full product description
Product name and code (if applicable)
"Common or usual name" of product
Scope of document
General product information, e.g., generally intended uses, form, etc. (optional)
Section 2 – Manufacturing Information
This section provides general information about how the product is manufactured.
Name and address of site where this product is manufactured
Indicate whether this product is self-manufactured, contract manufactured (including any toll processes) or brokered
Description of manufacturing process (blend, reaction, etc.) and/or flowchart
GMP compliance statement (e.g., food GMPs, USP dietary manufacturing practices, etc.)
Identify any method of sterilization and/or fumigation used (if applicable).
Brief description of known or potential impurities
Identify any organic solvents and solvent mixtures (including composition) used in product manufacturing and address potential for residual solvent levels in finished commercial product
Include the known and suspected impurities listed below in section 3
Section 3 – Physical/Chemical Information
This section provides general physical, chemical and related information about the product.
List all ingredients (including excipients) in descending order of predominance and indicate the weight percentage, “common or usual name,” other synonyms, and CAS number of each ingredient, with the exception that weight percentages need not be given for proprietary blends of dietary ingredients.
Origin information for each ingredient contained in the product (synthetic, animal, vegetable, mineral, product of fermentation, botanical, etc…)
Section 3 – Physical/Chemical Information, con’t
Product specifications - Attach current product specification sheet including method of analysis and limit of detection for each test. Specifications should include, as applicable, the following:
Appearance/physical description
Method(s) of determining ingredient identity
Physical parameters (e.g. pH, mesh size, moisture, bulk density)
Microbiology (total aerobic plate count, yeast and mold, coliforms, E. coli, Salmonella spp., other)
Disclose known or suspected impurities; include specifications (if known): e.g. polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), dioxins, acrylamides, heavy metals, pesticides, organic volatile impurities (OVI), aflatoxins and other mycotoxins, preservatives, latex, silicones, other CA Proposition 65 chemicals, etc…
Quantitative analysis of active compounds and/or marker compounds
Description of how impurities and lot-to-lot variation are controlled
Bioassay method, if applicable.
Section 4 - Labeling Information
This section provides general information related to product labeling.
Required finished product label statements (e.g., patent attribution, logo usage, etc…, if applicable)
Recommended restrictions of use – see section 5 for possible specifics
Information related to Nutritional Facts/Supplement Facts statements (e.g., fat, protein, carbohydrate and other nutritional content information, if applicable)
Section 5 - Regulatory Information
This section includes information related to the regulatory status of the product and addresses pertinent product specific topics of general regulatory concern as applicable.
Information about patent coverage
Compendial grade (e.g., USP/NF, ANSI, FCC, PhEur, BP, JP, JSFA)
Regulatory status and supporting information
New Dietary Ingredient (NDI) status
Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status
Food additive status
Other (e.g., 21 CFR, CA Proposition 65, European legislation, JECFA)
Product Master File (NHPMF) availability
BSE/TSE Information (both related to the product and the potential for cross-contamination)
Vegan or vegetarian status
Allergens/Hypersensitivities Information (both related to the product and the potential for cross-contamination) – Reference the regulation or specific allergens evaluated
Provide lists and references for specific allergens cited in the regulations: FALCPA, EU Directive, Japan, etc…
Kosher/Halal and/or Organic status, including certifying agency(s)
GMO status of all ingredients (non-GMO, GMO-free by testing, identity preserved, etc…).
Tariff code for importation/exportation of product(s)
Section 6 - Miscellaneous Product Information
This section should be used by the supplier to provide any additional information that may be pertinent to the product but is not covered elsewhere in this document or in the other SIDI™ documents.
Explanation of the batch/lot numbering system
Description of batch definition
Expiration dating and/or recommended reevaluation interval
Recommended storage conditions
Other optional information
Package size offerings and/or types
Use of recycled packaging materials
Suggested product claims, including supporting documentation
Other product safety information
Section 1 - Product Information
This section provides general information about the product.
Full product description
Product name and code (if applicable)
"Common or usual name" of product
Scope of document
General product information, e.g., generally intended uses, form, etc. (optional)
Section 2 – Manufacturing Information
This section provides general information about how the product is manufactured.
Name and address of site where this product is manufactured
Indicate whether this product is self-manufactured, contract manufactured (including any toll processes) or brokered
Description of manufacturing process (blend, reaction, etc.) and/or flowchart
GMP compliance statement (e.g., food GMPs, USP dietary manufacturing practices, etc.)
Identify any method of sterilization and/or fumigation used (if applicable).
Brief description of known or potential impurities
Identify any organic solvents and solvent mixtures (including composition) used in product manufacturing and address potential for residual solvent levels in finished commercial product
Include the known and suspected impurities listed below in section 3
Section 3 – Physical/Chemical Information
This section provides general physical, chemical and related information about the product.
List all ingredients (including excipients) in descending order of predominance and indicate the weight percentage, “common or usual name,” other synonyms, and CAS number of each ingredient, with the exception that weight percentages need not be given for proprietary blends of dietary ingredients.
Origin information for each ingredient contained in the product (synthetic, animal, vegetable, mineral, product of fermentation, botanical, etc…)
Section 3 – Physical/Chemical Information, con’t
Product specifications - Attach current product specification sheet including method of analysis and limit of detection for each test. Specifications should include, as applicable, the following:
Appearance/physical description
Method(s) of determining ingredient identity
Physical parameters (e.g. pH, mesh size, moisture, bulk density)
Microbiology (total aerobic plate count, yeast and mold, coliforms, E. coli, Salmonella spp., other)
Disclose known or suspected impurities; include specifications (if known): e.g. polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), dioxins, acrylamides, heavy metals, pesticides, organic volatile impurities (OVI), aflatoxins and other mycotoxins, preservatives, latex, silicones, other CA Proposition 65 chemicals, etc…
Quantitative analysis of active compounds and/or marker compounds
Description of how impurities and lot-to-lot variation are controlled
Bioassay method, if applicable.
Section 4 - Labeling Information
This section provides general information related to product labeling.
Required finished product label statements (e.g., patent attribution, logo usage, etc…, if applicable)
Recommended restrictions of use – see section 5 for possible specifics
Information related to Nutritional Facts/Supplement Facts statements (e.g., fat, protein, carbohydrate and other nutritional content information, if applicable)
Section 5 - Regulatory Information
This section includes information related to the regulatory status of the product and addresses pertinent product specific topics of general regulatory concern as applicable.
Information about patent coverage
Compendial grade (e.g., USP/NF, ANSI, FCC, PhEur, BP, JP, JSFA)
Regulatory status and supporting information
New Dietary Ingredient (NDI) status
Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status
Food additive status
Other (e.g., 21 CFR, CA Proposition 65, European legislation, JECFA)
Product Master File (NHPMF) availability
BSE/TSE Information (both related to the product and the potential for cross-contamination)
Vegan or vegetarian status
Allergens/Hypersensitivities Information (both related to the product and the potential for cross-contamination) – Reference the regulation or specific allergens evaluated
Provide lists and references for specific allergens cited in the regulations: FALCPA, EU Directive, Japan, etc…
Kosher/Halal and/or Organic status, including certifying agency(s)
GMO status of all ingredients (non-GMO, GMO-free by testing, identity preserved, etc…).
Tariff code for importation/exportation of product(s)
Section 6 - Miscellaneous Product Information
This section should be used by the supplier to provide any additional information that may be pertinent to the product but is not covered elsewhere in this document or in the other SIDI™ documents.
Explanation of the batch/lot numbering system
Description of batch definition
Expiration dating and/or recommended reevaluation interval
Recommended storage conditions
Other optional information
Package size offerings and/or types
Use of recycled packaging materials
Suggested product claims, including supporting documentation
Other product safety information
25. SIDI™ ppt V1.2 7-11-07 25 Product Information Part B. Botanical Dietary Ingredients
Section 1 – Botanical Ingredient Identity and Composition
Section 2 – Botanical Manufacturing Information
Section 3 – Physical/chemical information
Section 4 – Labeling Information
Section 5 – Regulatory Information
Section 6 – Miscellaneous Product Information
Explain part a and part b sections. Explain part a and part b sections.
26. SIDI™ ppt V1.2 7-11-07 26 II. SIDI™ Protocol Site Quality Overview
Tool to assist in evaluating the manufacturing practices and quality systems of ingredient suppliers
Intended to address the foundation of the requirements and not all of the details
Site specific
27. SIDI™ ppt V1.2 7-11-07 27 III. SIDI™ Sections Comprehensive glossary
Contains a comprehensive list of terms, compendia, regulations, authoritative bodies
Definitions, web site links
Hyperlinked to terms in the body of the document
28. SIDI™ ppt V1.2 7-11-07 28 Under Development “Mock” or example forms
To demonstrate an example of a complete dietary supplement ingredient data sheets (DSIDS)
Imaginary product and company
New questions can be submitted to AHPA, CHPA CRN, or NPA
Will be used as the basis for updates to the Protocol
Regulatory Reference Guide --
To provide links to regulatory information to assist in the preparation of DIIP documents
Maintained by SIIP working group
Valuable tool to all regulatory/quality professionals involved in the dietary supplement industry
Available free of charge http://www.tobedetermined.org
To demonstrate an example of a complete dietary supplement ingredient data sheets (DSIDS)
Imaginary product and company
New questions can be submitted to AHPA, CHPA CRN, or NPA
Will be used as the basis for updates to the Protocol
Regulatory Reference Guide --
To provide links to regulatory information to assist in the preparation of DIIP documents
Maintained by SIIP working group
Valuable tool to all regulatory/quality professionals involved in the dietary supplement industry
Available free of charge http://www.tobedetermined.org
29. SIDI™ ppt V1.2 7-11-07 29 Accessing the SIDI™ Accessible free of charge at: www.ahpa.org;
www.chpa-info.org; www.crnusa.org; www.naturalproductsassoc.org
Questions can be submitted to AHPA, CHPA, CRN or Natural Products Association
Will be used as the basis for updates to the Protocol The SIDI™ will be made available electronically free of charge from the web site of any one of the four participating trade associations:
The SIDI™ will be made available electronically free of charge from the web site of any one of the four participating trade associations:
30. SIDI™ ppt V1.2 7-11-07 30 Challenges to Implementation Industry acceptance
Each manufacturer “attached” to their own system
Ingredient suppliers must maintain sensitivity to customers special requests (customer service)
Both suppliers and manufacturers must remain current on global requirements
31. SIDI™ ppt V1.2 7-11-07 31 Summary Current industry challenges
Goal of SIDI™ - To optimize information exchange between ingredient suppliers and manufacturers, benefiting industry and consumer
Additional details to follow soon!
32. SIDI™ ppt V1.2 7-11-07 32 Special Acknowledgements Paul Bolar, Pharmavite
Dave Schoneker & Alexa Smith, Colorcon
Steven Dentali, AHPA
Marcia Howard, CHPA
Dan Fabricant, NPA
Andrew Shao, CRN
33. SIDI™ ppt V1.2 7-11-07 33 Questions???