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First Time (Generic) Nursing Admission Criteria. Qualifying GPA of 2.8 will be defined/determined by one of the following ways by Counseling and Admissions and Records1. Most recent transcript from one college or university with 12 or more units. Saddleback and IVC transcripts will be combined if there are not 12 or more units from either one. 2. If there is no transcript with 12 or more units, the qualifying cumulative GPA will be calculated by using the most recent chronological transcr9446
1. Steps you should take PRIOR to applying to Saddleback College Nursing Program
Enroll in Saddleback College and obtain a student ID. Student ID is needed to complete the application.
Complete Anatomy, Microbiology, Physiology and English 1A
See a counselor for GE requirements-you will be asked to bring in your transcripts from other colleges/universities.
View the nursing curriculum http://www.saddleback.edu/hs/rn/
Enroll in the following core classes before entering the nursing program to improve success once admitted and earn points for completion:
Gerontology- Lifecycle I
N 161-Lifecycle II,
Psych I,
Speech 1or 5
Attend a nursing information session. THIS IS NOT MANDATORY BUT HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!! Dates are on 5th slide.
2. First Time (Generic) Nursing Admission Criteria Qualifying GPA of 2.8 will be defined/determined by one of the following ways by Counseling and Admissions and Records
1. Most recent transcript from one college or university with 12 or more units. Saddleback and IVC transcripts will be combined if there are not 12 or more units from either one.
2. If there is no transcript with 12 or more units, the qualifying cumulative GPA will be calculated by using the most recent chronological transcripts until 12 graded units (minimum) are reached . Transcripts are not split.
**Note: The most recent qualifying cumulative GPA will be used for application.
3. Saddleback College Nursing ProgramAdmission Requirements Before Applying to Program Completion of Anatomy, Microbiology, Physiology with 2.8 GPA.
Completion of English 1A or equivalent with a grade of “C” or
Have a qualifying cumulative GPA of 2.8 or better based on
your most recent transcript with 12 or more units.
Be at least 18 years of age at time of admission
Obtain a Saddleback College student ID This is needed to
complete the application.
Take the TEAS test, and pass with cut score of 67%. If taken at
another proctored location other than Saddleback College, have
ATI send scores.
Have all of your other Official (unopened)college transcripts
sent to Admissions & Records BEFORE applying to the program.
All course petitions will also need to be completed PRIOR to
applying. You will not need Saddleback/IVC/ATEP transcripts.
4. Biology Requirements Science department is now requiring:
Before taking Bio 11 Anatomy: Completion of Bio 20(Introduction to Biology) with a “C” or better exception is 1 year of High School Biology with a “C” or better
Before taking BIO 12 Physiology: Completion of Bio 11 AND Chem 108 with a “C” or better ; prerequisite exception to Chem 108 class only is 1 year of High School Chemistry with a “C” or better
Before taking BIO 15 Microbiology: Completion of Bio 20(Introduction to Biology) with a “C” or better; prerequisite exception is 1 year of High School Biology with a “C” or better
5. Nursing Information Sessions Two information sessions are held each semester.
September 13, 2010 7-9pm
November 8, 2010 12-2pm
Room Location -Ronald Reagan Auditorium First floor of Health Science Building, or signs will be posted for other location
No Reservations necessary
Call (949) 582-4701 for more information
6. Multi-Criteria Admission Criteria
Relevant Work/Volunteer Experience with Direct Patient Care
Experience in direct patient care with work experience >1000 hours as:
LVN,PM,EMT,CNA Medical Assistant, Medical Military, Dental Assistant/
Hygeniest = 12 points
Phlebotomist, Hospital unit based clerical or telemetry staff, Health care
therapists or technicians = 8 points
Any of the above w/ certification only =5 points
Clinical Care Extender or other program of volunteering > 200 hrs= 2 points
Multi-Criteria Admission Criteria
8. Requirements AFTER Invitation into the Program
BACKGROUND CHECK: All nursing students are required to pass a background check before working in the hospitals.
PHYSICAL: All nursing students are required to have a complete physical and the following:
TB Skin Test
Toxoid Diptheria (Td) (required within the past 10 years).
Positive Titers or Vaccines required for Rubella, Measles, and Varicella.
Seasonal Flu shots are now required
Hepatitis B is recommended but not mandatory.
INSURANCE: All nursing students are required to obtain liability insurance each year. Liability Insurance is $20.00 per year.
Students must have a current CPR card, BLS American Heart Association only
The paperwork for the physical, background check and liability insurance will be given to students before enrolling in classes. No student will be able to enroll in nursing classes until all of the above requirements have been met.
9. Nursing Program Curriculum