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HEAL Africa H ealth, E ducation, community A ction, L eadership development Goma , Democratic Republic of the Congo

HEAL Africa H ealth, E ducation, community A ction, L eadership development Goma , Democratic Republic of the Congo The need for a global response to gender based violence Lowy Institute Sydney, 9 th September 2009. Whose fault?. 1960 Independence 1960-65 Civil War

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HEAL Africa H ealth, E ducation, community A ction, L eadership development Goma , Democratic Republic of the Congo

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Presentation Transcript

  1. HEAL AfricaHealth, Education, community Action, Leadership developmentGoma, Democratic Republic of the Congo The need for a global response to gender based violence Lowy Institute Sydney, 9thSeptember 2009

  2. Whose fault?

  3. 1960 Independence • 1960-65 Civil War • 1965 Beginning of Mobutu’s totalitarian rule • 1973 Zairianisation • 1990 Fall of the Berlin wall • 1991 Multiparty Democracy – end of the MPR • 1991, 1992 Looting • 1992 – 1993 Vicious attempts at ethnic cleansing in Ituri, Masisi, South Kivu, Katanga • 1994 Rwandan refugees flooded into North and South Kivu, continuing ethnic attacks on rural populations of North and South Kivu • 1996 1st Kabila war, forcing the refugees to return and sending interahamwe and Rwanda soldiers into the interior of Congo • 1997 Overthrow of Mobutu and installation of Laurent Kabila • 1998 Expulsion of Tutsis from Government and RCD rebellion against Kabila; invasion by Uganda and Rwanda; Kinshasa defended by troops from Angola, Zimbabwe, Namibia and Tchad, and the ex-Rwandan army

  4. 2000Uganda and Rwanda quarrel on Congolese soil; fierce hostilities break out between Hema and Lendu in the gold and oil rich region of Ituri • January 2001 Assassination of Kabila, who was replaced by his 29 year old son, Joseph Kabila • July 2002 Sun City peace process begins • June 2003: final signature of the Sun City agreement and start of a two year transition towards an elected government. • 2005 Referendum on the new constitution • 2006 Elections bringing Kabila to power as an elected president; beginning of decentralisation • 2006 to the present day: continued fighting in Ituri, North and South Kivu with lucrative involvement of foreign powers and globalised business interests; various peace agreements. • Over 1 million IDPs in the east, and sexual violence rampant

  5. loss of physical control of its territory, or of the monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force therein • erosion of legitimate authority to make collective decisions • an inability to provide reasonable public services, and • an inability to interact with other states as a full member of the international community. A failed state

  6. Illegal extraction, uncontrolled exportation

  7. Terrorism through rape

  8. Over 800000 displaced in North Kivu alone

  9. Evolution of average daily per capita income in North Kivu

  10. Lutundula Commission on mining contracts in Congo 1998 • UN report on illegal exploitation of minerals 2001 • Value of production in 2005: 4 500m$US • Potential receipts of the state: 390m$US • Actual receipts from the natural resources sector: 16,4 million $US in 2004 • Les ressources naturelles en République démocratique • du Congo - Un potentiel de développement? • Carla Berke, KfW Entwicklungsbank Avril 2007

  11. Efforts at regulation • Certified Trading Chains in Mineral Production Great Lakes Region Markus Wagner: Fatal Transactions • Certification of origin of metals from conflict regions USSenators Durbin and Brounback

  12. Our responsibility • Research the mechanics of faceless capitalism • Identify chains of accountability for globalised investment • Our right to a decent income must not be bought at the price of someone else’s destitution

  13. On behalf of the next generation of Congolese Thank you for listening

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