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Brochure Northeastern Tribal Health System. Wh o ca n joi n th e Project?. NE Triba l Healt h System Hear t Saver s Program. NTH S Hear t S a v e r s.
Brochure Northeastern Tribal Health System Who can join the Project? NETribalHealthSystem Heart Savers Program NTHSHeartSavers Wearelooking for people age 18andolder who have the diagnosis of type 2diabetes and hare interestedin reducingtheir riskofcar- diovascular disease. Special Diabetes Program for Indians Special Diabetes Program for Indians Youshouldbe willingtoparticipatein monthly clinicvisits with a casemanager. You should be willingto stay in theproject for up to3 years. How canIjoin the Project? Let theproject staff knowthat youareinter- estedin volunteeringfor the project. They willscheduleyou for a medicalvisit to confirmthatyouare eligible. NTHS Diabetes&WellnessCenter ShawneeCommunityBuilding 108 EightTribesTrail Miami,OK74354 918-675-2044 If youare interested in volunteering for the project, wewillexplaintheproject toyou and answer anyquestions. Diabetes&Wellness Program Please call for more information: Phone: 918-675-2044 Other: 918-675-2051 Tel:918-675-2044
Weare looking for volunteerswith diabetestoparticipateinthisproject, which includescasemanagement services, diabetesclinicvisits,andeducation toreduce riskfor cardio- vasculardisease. Whatis the Heart Savers Project? The purposeoftheproject is to reduce the riskofcardiovasculardiseasein peoplewithdiabetes. Why shouldIjoin the Heart Savers Project? The Heart Savers Projectcanhelpyouin several ways: • Wewillwatchyourhealth closely. • Diabetes is aseriousproblemfor Ameri- can Indians. • Youwill continue toget free checkups andother needed medical tests. CouldI have Heart Disease? Mostpeopledonotknowif theyhave cardiovas- cular diseaseuntil they have anemergency, such asa heartattack or stroke. • Cardiovasculardisease,which affectsthe heart and bloodvessels, is amajorcompli- cation ofdiabetes and thenumberone cause of death forAmerican Indians. • You will beoffered classesonmanaging your diabetesandreducingyourriskfor cardiovasculardisease. • Youwill helpus learnthebestwaysto prevent cardiovasculardisease. Researchhasshownthatitispossibleto reduceyourriskofcardiovascular disease by: You could have heart disease if: • You havediabetes. • Controlling blood pressure, cholesterol and bloodglucoselevels. • Youhavehighbloodpressure. • Youhave high cholesterol levels. • Stoppingsmoking. • Yourblood glucose(sugar)is too high. Takingpartin thisprojectisvoluntary. • Takinganaspirinaday. • You weighmorethanyoushould. • Losingweight throughahealthierdietand physical activity. • MoreinformationonReverse