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History of Internet in Africa

History of Internet in Africa. By Nii Quaynor. AfNOG 10 Years of Building Africa’s ICT Capacity. Outline. Introduction African Connectivity African ccTLDs African IXPs African Governance Institutions Conclusion. Approach. Countries as the object

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History of Internet in Africa

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Presentation Transcript

  1. History of Internet in Africa By NiiQuaynor AfNOG10 Years of Building Africa’s ICT Capacity

  2. Outline • Introduction • African Connectivity • African ccTLDs • African IXPs • African Governance Institutions • Conclusion

  3. Approach • Countries as the object • Study is largely based on publicly available information • May be approximate in some cases • NSRC a very useful source • Relates geographic space and time • Produced by an independent consulting assistant who deserves the credit for this style of visualization • AfTLD secretariat, AfNOG, AfriNIC and AfREN

  4. Connectivity in Africa

  5. African ccTLDs

  6. Africa IXPs

  7. African Governance Institutions

  8. AfTLD – Africa Top Level Domain

  9. Development • AfTLD incorporated as Company by Guarantee in Mauritius -2002 • Board • Yan Kwok • Board Expanded in 2003 • Nii Quaynor • Brian Longwe • APTLD Request Hosting AfTLD person for training -2003 • Eric Akimiah from .gh – Three Months in Bangkok, Thailand • Marrakesh AfTLD Meeting – 2006 • Board Expanded to include 8 members • .za, .mw., .sd, .ke, .bi, .br, .mg, .eg

  10. Renewal • From Marrakesh • First AfTLD ccTLD Event in 2007 – Cairo, Egypt • Hosted by Egypt’s National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority • Second AfTLD ccTLD Event in 2008 – Johannesburg, SA • Hosted by Department of Communication (DOC) • Third AfTLD ccTLD Event in 2009 – Arusha, Tanzania • Hosted by Tanzania Network Information Centre tzNIC • ccTLD Training Workshops • Francophone West Africa ccTLD Workshop in the offering • Secretariat in Accra Managed by Eric Akumiah, General Manager of AfTLD • Currently 17 formal members

  11. AfriNIC

  12. AfNOG – Africa Network Operators Group

  13. Outreach 10 years of building Africa's capacity

  14. Achievements • Trained over 1,000 Internet engineers • Many from Educational and research institutions, govt and civil society • Former students are now instructors • Building new curriculum based on needs in the African region • New tracks progressively added to cater for training needs 10 years of building Africa's capacity

  15. Achievements 10 years of building Africa's capacity

  16. AfREN • Collaboration formalised through MoU • First meeting in Nairobi during AfNOG7/AfriNIC4 (May 2006) • Objective: collaboration to address specific needs of academic and research community • Strong support from IDRC and NSRC • AfREN not an organisation, but a forum used as platform for collaboration among African research and education networking community and between this community and the international REN community • Focus on campus networks and research and education networking • Joint initiative of AAU, AfNOG and AfriNIC

  17. Conclusion • It’s a 10 year history (fast) • Lots of contributors

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