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L’Environnement. Jeudi le 7 avril 2011. WALT : Project 2 Assessment on the environment you live in and example reading tasks.
L’Environnement Jeudi le 7 avril 2011 WALT: Project 2 Assessment on the environment you live in and example reading tasks. WILF: to complete example task sheet to help you to improve your work / levels in your project assessment on the environment you live in then continue with your project describing your house, bedroom and town, aiming to include opinions and detailed descriptions for up to a level 3a / 4c. • Write the date, title, WALT and WILF in your exercise book • Go through task sheet to practice what you need to include in the project. USE these examples to help you achieve up to a level 3a!!!!!!!! • Continue to work through the guide sheet and develop your project by following the instructions. A minimum of 2 tasks should be completed today!! Remember you can access this by going onto www.zimflex.com-French-KS3-Year7- PBL2 .You will also find a vocab guide on zimflex to help but don’t forget to use also previous ICT work, exercises books and métro to help. • Get your teacher to check your work and initial it • Homework: continue work on project ( 1 task min) Due : 8.4.11 Don’t forget to use www.wordreference.com for dictionary
Nom (name) : Classe(form): Tiltle PROJECT 2: L’environnement 1 Talking about what my town is like and say if I like it or not What do I have to do? In this project I need to describe where I live (My town, my house, my bedroom) and say if I like it or not. I can achieve up to a level 3 3 Talking about what my bedroom is like and say if I like it or not 2 Talking about what my house is like and say if I like it or not
1 Talking about what my town is like and say if I like it or not Task 2: Use the vocabulary below and use the example. Replace the words underlined for your own town. Task 1: READ THE TEXT AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW My Town: Bonjour, je m’appelle…………... J’habite à …………… dans le …………… de …………… ………….. est…………... C’est……………..et …………. A………il y a ………………, ……………… et……………... J’aime…….. Parcequec’est…………….. Example: Bonjour, Je m’appellePierre. J’habite à Lille dans le nordde France. Lille estunegrandeville. C’esthistorique et industrielle. A Lille,il y a un port, un muséeet un cinéma. J’aimeLille parcequec’estgrande. • What is his name? • Where does he lives • What is his town like? • What is there? • Does he like it ? Why?
2 Talking about what my house is like and say if I like it or not Task 2: Use the vocabulary below and use the example. Replace the words underlined for your own house / flat. Task 1: READ THE TEXT AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW Example: J’habitedansunemaisonà la campagne. Ma maison a 6 pièces : une cuisine, un salon, unesalle de bains, unesalle à manger et 3 chambres. Il y a un jardin et une garage. J’aime ma maisonparcequec’estjolie. My house / flat: J’habitedans…………. à ……………. Ma …….. a …. pièces: une cuisine un salon, unesalle de bains, une…………. et …… chambres. Il y a un ……………. et ……………. J’aime ma ……….Parcequec’est…………. • Where is his house? • How many rooms are there? • How many bedrooms? • Has he got a garden? • Does he like it ? Why?
3 Talking about what my bedroom is like and say if I like it or not Task 2: Use the vocabulary below and use the example. Replace the words underlined for your own bedroom. Task 1: READ THE TEXT AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW Example: Ma chambreestpetite. Dans ma chambreil y a un lit, une armoire, une étagère et une table. Aussi, j’aideux posters mais je n’ai pas de télévision. Ma chambreestbleue. J’aime ma chambreparcequec’estmoderne. My bedroom: Ma chambreest…………. Dans ma chambreil y a ………………………, ………………., …………………et……………. Aussi, j’ai………. posters mais je n’ai pas de télévision. Ma chambreestbleue …….. J’aime ma chambreparcequec’est…………….. • Is his bedroom small or big? • Name 3 things he has in his room ? • What colour is his bedroom? • Does he like it ? Why?