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Publications in Comparative Magnetospheres

Publications in Comparative Magnetospheres. Siscoe, G. L.: Towards a comparative theory of magnetospheres, in Solar System Plasma Physics, Vol. II , edited by C. F. Kennel, L. J. Lanzerotti, and E. N. Parker, North-Holland Publishing Co., 299-402, 1979.

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Publications in Comparative Magnetospheres

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  1. Publications in Comparative Magnetospheres • Siscoe, G. L.: Towards a comparative theory of magnetospheres, in Solar System Plasma Physics, Vol. II, edited by C. F. Kennel, L. J. Lanzerotti, and E. N. Parker, North-Holland Publishing Co., 299-402, 1979. • Lanzerotti, L. J., and S. M. Krimigis: Comparative magnetospheres, Physics Today. 38, 24-32, 1985. • Vasyliunas, V. M.: Comparative magnetospheres: Lessons for Earth, Advances in Space Research, 33, 2113-2120, 2004. • Blanc, M., R. Kallenbach, and N. V. Erkaev: Solar system magnetospheres, Space Science Reviews, 116, 227-298, 2005. • Russell, C. T.: New horizons in planetary magnetospheres, Advances in Space Research, 37, 1467-1481, 2006.

  2. Comparative CME and Magnetosphere Phenomena Magnetosheath • Draping • Turbulence • Accretion/reconnection ICME/Magnetosphere • In-transit cooling • interchange reconnection CME/Plasmoid Dynamics • Acceleration & propagation Close-Field-Line Heating • Flares and ring current Eruption Dynamics • Reconnection instability scenarios Energetic Particles • Shock acceleration • Reconnection acceleration Plasmoid-Like Structures • BBFs • Solar wind examples • Reconnection in solar wind

  3. Comparative CME and Magnetosphere Phenomena Pre-Eruption • Flux cancellation for CMEs & flux buildup for substorms Eruption • Instability mechanisms for CMEs and substorms Post-Eruption • Heating on closed field lines • Current sheets and blobs • CME/plasmoid acceleration and propagation • In-transit cooling and magnetic transfiguration Particle Energization • Reconnection and shock models Sheath Phenomena • Draping, turbulence, accretion and reconnection

  4. Reconnection in Solar Corona and Geotail Same absolute scale in both pictures

  5. Draping in Terrestrial & ICME Magnetosheaths

  6. ICME

  7. ICME W11 E14 W02 00deg 10 Hours Kaymaz and Siscoe 2006

  8. Dawn-Dusk Asymmetry in |B| Model and IMP 8 Data Compared Weak field on dawn side

  9. Lat = 10o 1.3 AU East Flank Weak East-West Asymmetry in |B| In ICMEs West Flank Strong B (nT) CCMC-Cone Model


  11. Top View Front View Dawn-Dusk Draping Asymmetry in IMF Bz

  12. |Bz| Boundary of Body nT 5 2 3 0 4 1

  13. Lat = 20o Lat = 10o 1.3 AU East Flank Weak West Flank Weak East Flank Strong West Flank Strong B (nT) Blat (nT) East-West ICME Draping Asymmetry in IMF Bz

  14. Approx. Boundary of Disturbed Solar Wind 1 AU West Flank Weak East Flank Strong Latitude (deg) Blat (nT) Longitude (deg) East-West ICME Draping Asymmetry in IMF Bz Siscoe, MacNeice and Odstrcil 2007

  15. 0o 0o Bow Shock Bow Shock Magnetopause Magnetopause 45o 45o 90o 90o 135o 135o 180o 180o Magnetosheath Accretion IMF clock angle Computed Field Strength on Stagnation Streamline in Earth’s Magnetosheath (no accretion)

  16. Magnetosheath Accretion Measured Field Strength Near Stagnation Streamline in ICME Magnetosheaths (accretion)

  17. Disequilib. Mass Tether Tether Tether Loading Release Straining R Straining B Similar CME and Substorm Eruption Scenarios Directly Driven Blocking-Release CME Thermal Dynamo SUBSTORM Blast Drctly Drvn IMF Connec. Recon. Inst. Config. Inst. Blocking-Release Current. Inst. Mass Exchng. MIC Inst. Dis- eqlb. Triggered. Diseqlib.

  18. Example CME Substorm

  19. Melon-Seed Magnetic Geometry Mikic and Linker Low Zhang Forbes

  20. Bo Ba Forbes’ Model

  21. Speed (km/s) Ba=8 G Bo=20 G 6 G 2000 15 G 10 G 4 G 1500 6 G 2 G 1000 1 G 0.1 G 500 Ba=5 G, Density Ratio=1, Cd=0 Bo=10 G, Density Ratio=1, Cd=0 10 8 6 4 2 2 4 6 8 10 Distance from Sun Center (Rs) Distance from Sun Center (Rs) Velocity Profiles Obtained with Melon-Seed Model

  22. Mean Acceleration to 0.76 AU (m/s/s) * Ave Number Density at 1 AU (cm-3) Gopalswamy et al. (2001) * Elliott et al. (2006) (b) (a) (25.5, 26.4) (12.4, 12.9) ICME Speed at 1 AU (km/s) Initial CME Speed (km/s) (65.2, 64.7) (d) (c) 1313 * * Owens et al. (2005) Cliver et al. (1990)

  23. 1000 Forbes CME 800 600 Velocity (km/s) 400 200 Hones TPE Slavin et al. 1985 0 50 100 150 200 Distance from Sun (Rs) and Earth (Re) Geotail Plasmoid Interplanetary CME

  24. Comparative CME and Magnetosphere Phenomena Pre-Eruption • Forbes/Hughes/Bhattacharjee Eruption • Forbes/Hughes/Bhattacharjee/Reeves Post-Eruption • Raymond/Golub/Korreck/Reeves/Spence • van Ballegooijen/Hughes • Forbes/Siscoe/Goodrich/Raeder • Owens/Crooker/Siscoe Particle Energization • Lee/Schwadron/Korreck Sheath Phenomena • Farrugia/Smith/Richardson/ Siscoe/Crooker Pre-Eruption • Flux cancellation for CMEs & flux buildup for substorms Eruption • Instability mechanisms for CMEs and substorms Post-Eruption • Heating on closed field lines • Current sheets and blobs • CME/plasmoid acceleration and propagation • In-transit cooling and magnetic transfiguration Particle Energization • Reconnection and shock models Sheath Phenomena • Draping, turbulence, accretion and reconnection

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