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The DESIR low energy beam facility at SPIRAL2. D ecay, E xcitation and S torage of R adioactive I ons http://www.cenbg .in2p3.fr/desir. Collaboration promoting ISOL beams at SPIRAL2 Spokes-person: B. Blank , Bordeaux; blank@cenbg.in2p3.fr
The DESIR low energy beam facility at SPIRAL2 Decay, Excitation and Storage of Radioactive Ions http://www.cenbg.in2p3.fr/desir Collaboration promoting ISOL beams at SPIRAL2 Spokes-person: B. Blank, Bordeaux; blank@cenbg.in2p3.fr GANIL liaison: J.-C. Thomas, Caen; thomasjc@ganil.fr • DESIR@ SPIRAL2 • Beam preparation • The DESIR Facility • Selected physics cases • Cost estimates / Synergies / Milestones B. Blank, CENBG LEA workshop, Catania, 13-15 october 2008
Why a low energy beam facility atSPIRAL2? • Different production modes considered • n-induced fission -> neutron-rich nuclei • fusion reaction -> (super)heavy, n-deficient nuclei (+ refractory elements) • fragment products at low-energy -> light exotic nuclei • Large variety and high degree of purity for exotic beams • all kind of ionization sources (including laser ionization) • high-efficiency RFQcooler/buncher + high-resolution mass separator
DESIRphysics program • Decay spectroscopy - decay properties and nuclear structure studies - particle-particle correlations, cluster emission, GT strength - exotic shapes, halo nuclei • Laser spectroscopy - static properties of nuclei in their ground and isomeric states - nuclear structure and deformation • Fundamental interactions - CVC hypothesis, CKM matrix unitarity via 0+ 0+ transitions - exotic interactions (scalar and tensor currents) - CP (or T) violation with e.g. Radium • Solid state physics and other applications
15 m N F S SPIRAL2 layout SRI LINAG Fusion reaction 14 A.MeV A/Q=3 HI, 1 mA S3 DESIR Level -1 Level -1 n-induced 238U fission 40 MeV 5 mA deuterons 1014 fissions/s Fragmentation + ISOL 95 A.MeV 36Ar 3 kW Production building GANIL/ SPIRAL
8m Legend: Electronics Quadrupole Sextupole Multipole Dipole HRS 12m RFQ storage and maintenance RFQ and HRS cave in the production building Production building SHIRaC
SHIRaC SPIRAL2 High Intensity Radiofrequency Cooler Prototype RFQ linear Paul trap, work initiated at CSNSM Orsay (D. Lunney) Under development at LPC Caen (G. Ban, F. Duval) Goals: High-voltage (20 kV), high frequency (20 MHz) linear radio-frequency quadrupole trap for strong confinement of mA beams; should deliver beams with 1 p.mm.mrad emittance Results so far: Prototype tested at high-current separator SIDONIE (Orsay) O. Gianfrancesco et al., Proc. EMIS2007
High resolusion mass separator • symmetric design, inspired by the CARIBU HRS at ANL: with two magnetic dipoles (D) six quadrupoles (Q) two sextupoles (H) one multipole (M) combined as QQHQD M DQHQQ • minimized aberrations, large mass dispersion • expected performances : M/DM ~ 2.104 for a 1 p.mm.mrad at 10 to 60 keV Beam profile in x-direction Suggested layout T. Kurtukian-Nieto, CENBG
General purpose LUMIERE BESTIOL LN2 Control room Gas & waste storage IS TAS off-line source 1 Collinear Laser spectroscopy b-NMR off-line source 2 Penning trap + Decay setup MLL trap Double MOT RFQ bun- cher LPC trap DAQ room General purpose Neutron ditch Electronics Desk Access Laser room (mezzanine) DESIR layout – level 0 Identification station with tape Beam from S3 Level 0 Level -1 Beam from Production building Level -1 Crane access to basement 5 m Beam from SPIRAL1
Assembly Room 3 Gray Room 2 Electri- city Stor- age 1 Stor- age 2 Gray Room 1 free Assembly Room 1 Assembly Room 2 Control Racks Interfaces HV supplies Crane access to basement 5 m Neutron ditch DESIR layout - Level -1 Beam from S3 Work shop Radio lab storage Beam from Production building X Supply Limits DESIR hall Beam from SPIRAL1
Refractory elements For ISOL-type studies
LUMIERE Laser Utilisation for Measurement and Ionization of Exotic Radioactive Elements F. Le Blanc ,Orsay G. Neyens, Leuven P. Campbell, Manchester • Collinear Laser spectroscopy: • - spins • - magnetic moments • - quadrupole moments • - change of charge radii • b-NMR spectroscopy: • - nuclear gyromagnetic factor • - quadrupole moment • N=50, N=64, N=82, … • Microwave double resonance in a Paul trap: • - hyperfine anomaly and higher order momenta (octupole and hexadecapole deformation) • Eu, Cs, Au, Rn, Fr, Ra, Am ….
BESTIOL BEta decay STudies at the SPIRAL2 IsOL facility • Decay studies with halo nuclei • Clustering studies in light nuclei • b-delayed charged-particle emission: e.g. proton-proton correlation • Super-allowed b decays and the standard model of electro-weak interaction • Deformation and Gamow-Teller distribution • 2n correlations, Pn and nuclear structure (r-process) • ... M.J.G. Borge, Madrid B. Blank, Bordeaux b-g setup, B. Blank (Bordeaux) TETRA, Y. Penionzhkevich (Dubna) TAS, B. Rubio (Valencia)
MLLTRAP • High-accuracy mass measurements • - unitarity of CKM matrix (Vud): 50Mn, 54Co with DM/M~10-10 • - transuranium isotopes (beams from S3): M(Z>102) • In-trap spectroscopy: • - conversion electron and a spectroscopy: shape coexistence • Trap-assisted spectroscopy • - b decay studies of isomerically pure radioactive species P. Thirolf , Munich Set-up being installed at MLL/Garching
KVI atomic trapping facility: MOT • New limits on scalar and tensor contributions in the weak interaction • New limits on time-reversal violation in beta decay • Systematic of atomic parity non-conservation in a long isotopic chain H. Wilschut, Groningen detector MCP +V0 -V0 0 Experimental set-up at KVI
Search for exotic interactions e+ nucleus q ne • b-n angular correlation requires to measure the recoil ion + b particle • within the SM x : Fermi fraction; r : GT/F mixing ratio • beyond the SM a contains quadratic S and T contributions O. Naviliat-Cuncic et al., LPC Caen
CVC, CKM, exotic currents: 0+ 0+ b decays = 3071.4 (8) s Measurements: - Q value - T1/2 - branching ratios Vud0+0+= 0.97418(26) VusK= 0.2254(21) VubB = 0.00367(47) 1.0000(11)
B0 b-NMR spectroscopy b-asymmetry in the decay of polarized nuclei in a magnetic field • Zeeman splitting related to gI and QS M+I I M-I with and • resonant destruction of the polarization (i.e. b-asymmetry) by means of an additional RF magnetic field • DgI/gI ~ 10-3, DQS/QS ~ 10-2 • complementary technique to collinear laser spectroscopy • suitable for light elements(low QS values)
Atomic hyperfine structure Interaction between an orbital e- (J) and the atomic nucleus (I,mI,QS) • results in a hyperfine splitting (HFS) of the e- energy levels n J with F DEHFS • Hyperfine structure constants: and • Collinear laser spectroscopy: DmI/mI ~ 10-2, DQS/QS ~ 10-1 for heavy elements
Isotope shift measurements Frequency shift between atomic transitions in different isotopes of the same chemical element • related to the mass and size differences J2, F2 dnA,A’ J2, F2 J1, F1 J1, F1 • mean square charge radius variations with a precision ~ 10-3 • study of nuclei shape (deformation)
Z=40 Z=28 N=50 N=40 The physics case for b-NMR on polarized beams: nuclear structure towards and beyond 78Ni Kr Produced at SPIRALII with d-induced fission Se Ge • Evolution of n orbits • from Z=40 to Z=28: • ground state spins and moments • of 83Ge, 81Zn, 79Ni and • of 81Ge, 79Zn, 77Ni • g-factors can reveal erosion of N=50 shell closure Zn Ni Lifetime OK for b-NMR studies G. Neyens et al., KU Leuven
DESIR building costs Infrastructure Estimated costs Available funds DESIR building 6000 k€ 2000 k€ (CPER) RFQ 320 k€ 320 k€ (CPER) HRS 1000 to 1500 k€ - beam lines 3600 k€ - RFQ + off-line sources 200 k€ Total (preliminary) 11000 to 16000 k€
Equipments foreseen at DESIR Collinear laser spectroscopy: Manchester 300 k€ Orsay 200 k€ Leuven 150 k€ b-NMR setup: Leuven 100 k€ b-charged particle setup: France, ANR VS3 2006 240 k€ Spectroscopy setup: Madrid 200 k€ TAS setup: Valencia 180 k€ Neutron detection - multiplicity, TETRA setup: Dubna 200 k€ - energy: LPC Caen and others 400 k€ MLL trap system: LMU München 860 k€ MOT trap: KVI Groningen 500 k€ Total (preliminary) 3300 k€ LUMIERE BESTIOL
DESIR Milestones • Dec 2008: technical report (SPIRAL2 TAC) • 2009: call for experiment proposals • 2010: building design study • 2011: construction of the building • end 2013: day 1 of operation B. Blank, M.J.G. Borge, P. Cambell, F. Leblanc, M. Lewitowicz, D. Lunney, O. Naviliat-Cuncic, G. Neyens, B. Rubio, P. Thirolf, J.-C. Thomas and many more… Opened to everyone interested ----------------- http://www.cenbg.in2p3.fr/desir