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Umayyads and Abbasids

Umayyads and Abbasids. Sunni v. Shi’a. At issue: Who should lead the Muslim Umma? First 4 Caliphs = “The Rightly Guided” Caliphs Ali, 4 th caliph, killed by Umayyads Husayn (Ali’s son) killed in 680 by Umayyads (10,000 soldiers v. 72 of Husayn’s followers) – all killed

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Umayyads and Abbasids

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Umayyads and Abbasids

  2. Sunni v. Shi’a • At issue: Who should lead the Muslim Umma? • First 4 Caliphs = “The Rightly Guided” Caliphs • Ali, 4th caliph, killed by Umayyads • Husayn (Ali’s son) killed in 680 by Umayyads (10,000 soldiers v. 72 of Husayn’s followers) – all killed • Killing of Husayn = the final split. • Shi’a = “Party of Ali” Sunni = “The Majority”

  3. Umayyads • Expansion (central Asia, N.W. India, N. Africa, Spain) • Capital = Damascus (modern Syria) • Arab conquest state • Bureaucracy – Arab elite ruled over non-Arab, non-Muslim populations • Segregated into garrison towns to prevent mixing

  4. Damascus: Umayyad Capital

  5. People of the Book • Christians and Jews • paid extra taxes, but tolerated • non-Arab converts still had extra taxes • few conversions

  6. Family & Gender Roles • Women’s status high, at first • Active in commerce • Pastoralist background! • More patriarchal over time

  7. Umayyad Decline & Fall • REVOLT led by Abbasid family • Non-Arab converts & Shi’ites joined Abbasids

  8. Abbasid Caliphate • Centralized • Capital = Baghdad. Imitated Persian culture • Vizir = chief advisor

  9. From Arab to Islamic Empire: Abbasids • non-Arab Converts fully integrated • Opportunities for education/gov’t positions • LOTS of conversions

  10. Abbasid Economy & Culture • Urban • Madrassa schools • Trade & Hajj = constant and quick ideas exchange • Ancient authors translated (especially Greek!!!)

  11. Abbasid Decline • Overexpansion • Caliphs hired personal armies of Turkic Central Asian nomads (slave soldiers) • Centralization breaks down • Mamluk & Seljuk Turkic slave soldiers really run the gov’t (caliph = figurehead) • Mongols – kill the last caliph in 1258

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