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Family Album Archive Made Easy with Collectionaire

Here at Collectionaire, we can give you a step-by-step guidance to manage your family album archive in the most precised way. It can help you archive and convert your photos & videos into digital files that can be viewed at any time from anywhere as per the requirement of user. Visit us at www.collectionaire.com for more information.

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Family Album Archive Made Easy with Collectionaire

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  1. Collectionaire DIGITAL FAMILY ARCHIVE Seamlessly Organize, Share, and Securely Store The Best of Your Family Memories

  2. Seeking the Perfect Digital Family Archive A Better Way – With Collectionaire, we’ve sought to give people a better way to do all of this… i.e. organize and view their cloud-stored items and associate each with an ancestor, a current family member, or the collective family. Examples of keepsakes might include: Home MoviesPhotosScrapbooks that can be converted to digitalNewspaper ArticlesAudio RecordingsDiplomas and CertificateseBooks PhotoBooksBlogs, Journals and WritingsArt and Projects

  3. The Challenge of Organizing, Viewing and Sharing The Problem: Organizing collections of old and new family photos, home movies, and keepsake mementos is a significant challenge, made even more difficult as a result of format and technology changesover the past 40 years. Changes to Formats and Storage Medium of Photos and Home Movies Found mostly in printed form or on 8mm reels, and stored in photo albums and boxes. Home movie format shifted to 30 minute to 2 hour tapes, while photos went digital and were stored on computer hard drives or discs. Videos became short digital clips and users began uploading these and digital photos to cloud services like Facebook, Flickr, Dropbox and Google Drive. Google Photos, iCloud Photos and other services enable automatic digital uploadswith search by facial recognition, landmarks and descriptive nouns. 1920 to 1975 1980 to 2010 2012 to 2018 Today

  4. The Challenge of Organizing, Viewing and Sharing Cloud Storage is Creating a New Opportunity: Cloud storage has become highly affordable in the past five years, enabling backup, multi-device viewing and sharing of all of a family’s photos, home movies and keepsake mementos. But cloud services are not designed to optimize the organization of this media for a given person or family. Collectionaire was created to take this last step.

  5. The Challenge of Organizing, Viewing and Sharing Family Photos are Hard to Organize – Even if legacy items are in digital formats, the files are usually simply placed on a hard drive, disk or thumb drive, and not easily organized, viewed or shared. The system of organization is usually a complex nested tree structure that can be cumbersome to access and hides from clear view key family members and key files.

  6. The Challenge of Organizing, Viewing and Sharing No One Site is Best – Many users have taken the additional step of uploading their digital media to cloud-based services like Flickr, Dropbox, Google Photos, iCloud Photos, Vimeo, YouTube, Facebook, etc. But these sites were not built to create a Family Archive. Organizing still remains either a nested list of files, or Album thumbnails on multiple sites. And most use not one but multiple cloud sites as few have found just one that works for every type of file. Flickr Album Interface

  7. The Challenge of Organizing, Viewing and Sharing Special Presentation Websites – Many users also have memories on specific websites that are required to host the memory, such as the blog sites Tumblr and SquareSpace, or the eBook sites Flipsnack and Yumpu.

  8. The Challenge of Organizing, Viewing and Sharing Legacy Profiles – A parallel challenge is that of creating a rich, full-profile legacy memory of a parent or grandparent, or of one’s collective family, containing photos, videos, news clippings, keepsakes and memoirs.

  9. Our Solution A Table of Contents for Every Family Member – Our core concept is this: Users create a media index, or collection,for each ancestor or family member for whom they wish to allocate keepsake items. Each Collection allows: • An optional legacy bio of the person or family • “Chapters” or categories of life interests or time periods. • “Entries” under each Chapter which contain videos, documents, photo collections and other documents, along with descriptions of each. Clicking on a preview image for an Entry takes the user to that media item or album, wherever it is stored on the web. Entries can link to media on any cloud service that allows a shared URL.

  10. Our Solution Users access each Collection through their Family Tree “Dashboard”.

  11. Our Solution • Clicking an individual brings up that person’s media Collection page. • Clicking the link circle between a couple brings up their Family Collection page which may contain family albums, family videos, vacation albums, etc. • The number associated with each node denotes the number of Entries stored for that person or family.

  12. Our Solution Users can build their tree as deeply as they wish to add information on any family member.

  13. Our Solution Users can share their Collections with others, and set guest viewing permissions to one of four levels of privacy. And all features for storing and viewing will be available on all platforms… PC/Mac, Tablet and Mobile phones.

  14. Collectionaire Email us at support@collectionaire.com or Sign up today! Thanks for viewing!

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