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Start Up

Start Up. Procedures and Recommendations for Factory Authorized Equipment Start Up. Prepare Before You Go!. Review all documentation Call the contractor Keep notes Bring contact names and phone numbers. Prepare Before You Go!. Has the plumbing been completed?

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Start Up

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Start Up Procedures and Recommendations for Factory Authorized Equipment Start Up

  2. Prepare Before You Go! • Review all documentation • Call the contractor • Keep notes • Bring contact names and phone numbers

  3. Prepare Before You Go! • Has the plumbing been completed? • Has the system been pressure tested? • Has the resin and gravel been loaded?

  4. Prepare Before You Go! • Has the electrical been completed? • Are vessels full of water? • Does he know of any problems during installation?

  5. Show Up, Meet, and Greet

  6. Things to Check - Piping • Review piping with Plumbing Contractor (Let him explain it)  • Does it match Piping Diagram? • Are the shut off kits correctly installed? • Check tubing. Is it run correctly?

  7. Things to Check - Piping • Is the manual bypass valve in the correct location? • Is drain piping correctly sized? • Are the flow meter(s) positioned correctly?

  8. Things to Check – Brine System • Is the brine tank correctly installed? • Make certain the float is not dragging in the brine tank. • Is the water level up to the float in the brine tank? • Is the external injector properly installed? (for larger systems)

  9. Things to Check - Electrical • Review electrical with electrical contractor (Let him explain it) • Double check wiring. • Does it match electrical drawings from manuals? • Check terminals strips for correct locations and tightness.

  10. Things to Check - Controls • Control Valves • Electronic Demand Regenerator (EDR) • Program at this time • Flow Meter • Solenoid Valves (ASCO)

  11. Ready to Go . . . .

  12. Getting Started • Close Outlet Valves • Open Bypass Valve • Open Inlet Valves (s l o w l y) • Vent each Vessel  • Power Up

  13. After Power is Connected • Make certain every thing works. • On twin system, one unit will go to stand by. • ASCO will energized & get warm. Diaphragm Valve will be closed. Check with paper clip. If it goes in more than 1 ¼, valve is open. Warm ASCO, Valve should be closed.

  14. Work with the Unit in Stand By

  15. Manually Start Regeneration from Timer • Piston will move to backwash cycle. • Check flow to drain. • Watch for resin in drain. • Water may be discolored. (color throw) • Does flow match O & M? • Do not leave in this cycle longer than one minute.

  16. Advance Timer to Brine Draw Position • Is water level in Brine Tank moving down?

  17. Advance Timer to Fast Rinse Position • Check flow to drain. • Does flow match O & M? • Watch for resin. • Water may be discolored. (color throw) • Do not leave in this cycle longer than one minute.

  18. Advance timer to Service Position • Repeat short cycles until water to drain is clear

  19. Repeat with Other Units

  20. Place System Online • Ask operator for permission to open outlet valves. • Open outlet valves slowly. • Close Bypass Valve. • Water pressure should stabilize.

  21. Check Operation of EDR II • Verify water flow from EDR  • Re-program EDR preset to 1 to start a regeneration.  • Verify that 3-minute start signal was sent from EDR II to Taskmaster control valve. • Re-program EDR II with presets to original calculations.

  22. Final Equipment Check • Make certain both outlet valves are open.  • Check system unit over completely.

  23. Training • Explain the process and operations to the operator. • Show them how to use the operations manual to their benefit. • Answer all questions.

  24. You are the Pro

  25. The End

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