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International Scientific Optical Network and UN Basic Space Science Initiative (ISON&BSSI). Outreach seminar in margins of 55 th session of Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space 11 June 2012. Vladimir Agapov and Igor Molotov. International Scientific Optical Network.
International Scientific Optical Network andUN Basic Space Science Initiative(ISON&BSSI) Outreach seminar in margins of 55th session of Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space 11 June 2012 Vladimir Agapov and Igor Molotov
International Scientific Optical Network (ISON) • Open non-government scientific project having goals – to support existing and establishing new telescope facilities worldwide – to enhance the international collaboration in optical observation of celestial objects between observatories in developing nations and scientific organization in industrialized countries – to provide significant scientific output in 3 key areas of research: space debris, asteroids and GRB afterglows • Cooperation already joins 31 observation facilities of various affiliation (Academy of Sciences, Universities, Scientific Institutions, Private Companies) in 14 countries • Coordinated by the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (KIAM) and maintained with participation of ASC “Project-technics” and “ISON-Skolkovo”
Examples of ISON activities in developing nations left:40-cm telescope in Uzbekistan; center: 25-cm telescope in Moldova (top) and CCD-camera in Vietnam (bottom); right: equipment for modernization of 60-cm telescope in Tadjikistan is on the way, 25-cm telescope in Bolivia is ready to observe
Typical ISON telescopes:19-cm VT-78e, 25-cm ORI-25, 40-cm ORI-40
Forms of collaboration within ISON project • Participation in regular ISON coordinated observations • Joint observation and data analysis campaigns, exchange the obtained results • Arrangement of ISON resources for observations under specific scientific goal or program • Providing software tools, elaborated under ISON project, for further coordinated activities • Installation of telescopes, elaborated under ISON project • Modernization of non-operational obsolete telescopes • Production of telescope under joint grant • Education and training (including special workshops)
The most recently opened ISON observation facility in Mexico – joint project with Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa left:dome with 25-cm telescope in Cosalá, Sinaloa (Mexico); center: the commemorative plaque right: outreach and educational seminar at the facility; bottom: the telescope and numerous visitors at the opening ceremony
ISON workshops left:Oct 2009 ISON workshop participants. The workshop took place in Andrushivka observatory, Ukraine. right: Nov 2011 ISON workshop participants. The workshop took place in Verbilki, Moscow region, Russia.
The UN General Assembly Resolution 62/117 (1 February 2008) The General Assembly, …………………… Considering, that space debris is an issue of concern to all nations, …………………… 28. Considers that it is essential that Member States pay more attention to the problem of collisions of space objects, including those with nuclear power sources, with space debris, and other aspects of space debris, calls for the continuation of national research on this question, for the development of improved technology for the monitoring of space debris and for the compilation and dissemination of data on space debris, also considers that, to the extent possible, information thereon should be provided to the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee, and agrees that international cooperation is needed to expand appropriate and affordable strategies to minimize the impact of space debris on future space missions;
ISON – leading international project in observational research of space debris at high near-Earth orbits • 1704 GEO and 1585 HEO region objects were in the ISON database as of31.12.2011 • 54 new GEO and 18 HEO region fragments are already discovered in 2012 • ISON maintains the largest in the world database on orbital and other information for unique GEO space debris objects having high area-to-mass ratio value • Results obtained by ISON are presenting to IADC annually • Success of the ISON project proved feasibility of creation of international observation network and data centre (similar to the Minor Planet Centre) on space debris information for high altitude (GEO, MEO, GTO and other HEO) objects in full compliance with the UN General Assembly Resolution 62/217
Quantity of measurements accumulated by ISON participating instruments
Distribution of observing GEO objects by RAAN and inclination
ISON project presentations to STSC COPUOS • Results of GEO region artificial objects population research and proposal for organization of cooperative international GEO space debris monitoring. Presentation to the 44th Session of the COPUOS STSC , 12-23 February, 2007, Vienna • International scientific optical observation network (ISON) for the near-Earth space surveillance – results of the first years of work and plans for the future. Presentation to the 45th session of the COPUOS STSC, 11-22 February 2008, Vienna • Estimation of current status of geostationary orbit based on results of research in the framework of ISON international project. Presentation to the 46th session of the COPUOS STSC, 9 - 20 February 2009 , Vienna • GEO protected region: ISON capabilities to provide informational support for tasks of spacecraftflight safety and space debris removal. Presentation to the 47th session of the COPUOS STSC, 8 - 19 February 2010 , Vienna • Review of events occurred in geostationary region in 2010 based on data obtained by ISON international network. Presentation to the 48th session of the COPUOS STSC, 7-18 February 2011, Vienna. • Results of GEO and HEO space debris population research and asteroids study within the framework of ISON international project in 2011. Presentation to the 49th session of the COPUOS STSC, 6-17 February 2012, Vienna
ISON and BSSI - similar aims and ways • Both BSSI and ISON are a long-term efforts for the development of astronomy and space science through regional and international cooperation in this field on a worldwide basis, particularly in developing nations. Material for teaching and observing programs for small optical telescopes were developed or recommended and astronomical telescope facilities have been inaugurated in a number of nations • 7 optical telescopes & CCD cameras and 20 planetariums are installed in 22 countries under Official Development Assistance (ODA) program of BSSI • 25 optical telescopes, 43 CCD-cameras, various other equipment and special software tools are installed in 14 countries (Bolivia, Georgia, Italy, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, Russia, Spain, Tajikistan, Vietnam, Ukraine, USA, Uzbekistan) under ISON project and there are plans to start collaboration with teams in another 9 countries (Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Chile, Namibia, South Africa, Venezuela)
ISON and UN BSSI • Joining efforts • Involvement of new countries (mainly developing nations) • Enlarging quantity of telescopes participating in Observing Program of BSSI • Adding new topical goals to Observing Program of BSSI such as space debris, asteroids, gamma ray burst afterglows etc. • Development of an international database on space debris