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History textbook reform

Explore the problematic features of 1930s/1940s textbooks, steps taken by occupation authorities, guidelines for authors, selection of textbooks today, and ongoing issues. Delve into the postwar position of the emperor, propaganda surrounding him, popular perceptions, and leadership's envisioned relationship. Assess the Imperial Tours' importance, stages, unintentional consequences, and the changing prestige of the emperor during the occupation.

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History textbook reform

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Presentation Transcript

  1. History textbook reform • What were some problematic features of textbooks of the 1930s and early 1940s? • Why? • What steps did the occupation authorities take in dealing with textbooks? • What guidelines did the occupation textbook authors follow? (269) • What issues did the authors have to deal with? • How are textbooks selected for use in schools today? (273) • What problems remain in the composition of history textbooks? The Allied Occupation of Japan

  2. The emperor after the war • What did the occupation decide about the position of the emperor after the war? • What was necessary to make this happen? (321f) • In particular, what kind of propaganda? Toward whom? The Allied Occupation of Japan

  3. The emperor meets MacArthur The Allied Occupation of Japan

  4. Creating the symbol monarchy • What goals did the emperor seem to have? • Evidence? • What views did the Japanese populace have of the emperor? • What relationship between the emperor and the populace did the leadership envision? (329f) • What steps were taken to promote this view? • What effect did the postwar constitution have? (336f) • Why were the Tokyo Trials a problem? • How was the problem handled The Allied Occupation of Japan

  5. Creating the symbol monarchy • Evaluate the importance of the Imperial Tours of Inspection. • Bix sees the imperial tours of inspection as occuring in stages. • How did the stages differ? • Where there any unintentional consequences? (350) • How does the prestige of the emperor change in the course of the occupation? • Why? The Allied Occupation of Japan

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