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International Space Weather Service: Providing Global Coordination

A leading provider of space weather services globally, endorsed by national governments. Coordinating efforts worldwide, including 18 Regional Warning Centers, 4 Associate Warning Centers, and more, to offer targeted services for local users. Recent accomplishments include new members, constitution rewrite, and economic impact studies. Active roles in ICAO activities and UNISPACE+50 Initiative. Key initiatives include standardization of probabilistic forecast methods and verification techniques. Join our efforts to strengthen reliability of space systems against space weather events.

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International Space Weather Service: Providing Global Coordination

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  1. International Space Environment Service Terry Onsager, NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center

  2. International Space Environment Service Coordinating space weather services since 1962 • Endorsed by national governments as space weather service providers • Network Member of the ICSU World Data Service • Formal exchange of letters with the WMO • Provide local users with targeted services • Coordinated world-wide operational effort 18 Regional Warning Centers 4 Associate Warning Centers 2 Collaborative Expert Center UK Graz Mexico Indonesia www.spaceweather.org

  3. Recent Accomplishments • New Members: - Mexico Regional Warning Center (2015) - Indonesia Regional Warning Center (2016) - STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory – Collaborative Expert center (2017) • Significant re-write of the Constitution • Product inventory with metadata created – This will help with selection of key information for rapid availability during extreme events. • Economic impact studies and user outreach activities conducted by numerous Members • Substantial progress made on observations and product development

  4. Actions from 2017 Annual Meeting (1 of 2) (To be discussed with full membership) Action: Submit the information about current RWC or AWC products, including the agreed metadata. Action: Indicate the products of the other ISES centers that would be valuable to have immediately and conveniently available. Following this, develop recommendations for the next steps to take to identify and initial set of information and a procedure for making it available. Action: Create and distribute a telephone list including all ISES centers. Action: Include links on the ISES web site to the locations on members’ web sites where users can subscribe to products and services. Action: Draft a protocol for ISES members to follow during extreme events.

  5. Actions from 2017 Annual Meeting (2 of 2) (To be discussed with full membership) Action: Review the information gathered on probabilistic forecast methods used by ISES centers and make recommendation on possible standardization of probabilistic flare forecasts. Action: Review the information gathered on verification techniques used for probabilistic forecasts. Make recommendations on standardization of verification techniques.

  6. Space Weather Service Requirements for International Civil Aviation ICAO is developing provisions for space weather information to international air navigation, including: • Requirements for space weather services • Criteria for space weather information providers ISES Members are key participants in ICAO activities and will be involved in the provision of services.

  7. United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) UNISPACE+50 Initiative – To be commemorated in 2018 • Celebrate 50th anniversary of United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space • Serve as a blueprint for shaping the “Space 2030” agenda • Strengthen reliability of space systems to space weather Seven Thematic Priorities identified for UNISPACE+50 Priority 4: International framework for space weather services Develop a space weather roadmap for coordination and information exchange on space weather events and mitigation

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