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Explore the impact of CP-odd Higgs bosons on bottomonium spectroscopy, decays, and dark matter phenomena. Discuss the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM) Higgs sector and its implications for particle physics. Investigate the interplay between Higgs bosons, dark matter, and bottomonium resonances to understand fundamental physics principles. Relevant topics include Lepton Universality, WIMP scattering, and pseudo-scalars in particle interactions.
Effect of a light CP-odd Higgs boson on bottomonium spectroscopy and decays & dark matter connection Miguel-Angel Sanchis-Lozano IFIC University of Valencia - CSIC Institut Henri Poincaré Paris, September 24-25, 2015
Things should be as simple as possible, but not simpler A. Einstein Next-to-Minimal-Supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM) Higgs sector New gauge-singlet superfield Six “free” parameters vs three in the MSSM : κλ Aκ Aλμtan β Physical Higgs bosons: (seven) 2 neutral CP-odd Higgs bosons (A1,2) 3 neutral CP-even Higgs bosons (H1,2,3) 2 charged Higgs bosons (H±) PQ symmetry or U(1)R slightly broken light pseudoscalar Higgs Non-singlet component Singlet component tan β = vu / vd A1 coupling to down type fermions Might be not too small for high tanβ
The Proposal(s) Mod. Phys. Lett. A17 (2002) 2265 Int. J. Mod. Phys. A19 (2004) 2183 Phys. Lett B653 (2007) 67 J. Phys. Soc. Jap. 76 (2007) 044101 • Test of LeptonUniversality* in (1S,2S,3S) decays to taus to (below) thefewpercentlevel @ a (Super) B factory 2) PossibleDistorsion of BottomoniumSpectroscopydueto mixing of ηbstateswith a light CP-oddHiggs • Contribution to Spin-Dependentcrosssection of WIMP scattering off nuclei Domingo, Ellwanger, M.A.S.L. Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 (2009) 111802 PoS ConfinementX (2012) 236 with N. Kochelev * Lepton universality: Gauge bosons couple to all lepton species with equal strength in the SM
Present status of Lepton Universality (PDG 2014) Lepton Universality in Upsilon decays implies < R / l > = 0 (actually -0.08)
LU A0 ^ R/l Status of Lepton Universality (plot) R/e(1S) BaBaR R/(1S) CLEO R/e(2S) R/(2S) R/e(3S) R/(3S) 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 -0.1 0.0 R/l For charmonium
Upper bounds for all parameters scanned in the NMSSMF.Domingo,U. Ellwanger, E. Fullana, C. Hugonie and M.A.S.L., arXiv: 0810.4736 Bs → μμ puts limits about the Bs mass CLEO, BaBaR searches for ϒ→ γ A1 puts stringent limits for mA1 <9 GeV BaBar discovery of ηb(1S) puts limits about 9.4 GeV Look at here Mixing withηb resonances below b-bbar threshold can occur
Mixing of a pseudoscalar Higgs A1 and a b resonance Drees & Hikasa PRD 41 (1990) 1547 e+ e- τ+ τ- hep-ph/0702190 A10 , b0 unmixed states A1 , b mixed (physical) states The ηb decays to leptons because of its mixing with the CP-odd Higgs 0 0
Resonant and non-resonant decays with ηb(nS) –A1mixing The “Higgs” is to be produced through the A1- components of the mixed states no matter which production mechanism is considered. In turn, the decay of physical pseudoscalar states into taus should also take place via their A1- components. Non-resonant Resonant Mixing effect in the decay hep-ph/0702190 arXiv: 0810.4736
Expected LU breaking Xd=12, b0 = 5 MeV Green line: non-resonant decay Black line: resonant decay Red line: sum arXiv: 0810.4736
Spectroscopic consequences for the bottomonium family General mixing matrix(in collaboration with F. Domingo & U. Ellwanger) Non-relativistic calculation Physical states = (mass) eigenstates of the above matrix i=1,2,3,4
Perturbation of the bottomonium spectrum tension M1 3.2 σ E1 Becirevic, Sanfilippo 1206.1445 Baker, Penin, Seidel, and Zerf 1504.05979
0907.0348 An “extra” ηb(2S) peak “seen” by CLEO Dobbs et al. PRL 109 (2012) 082001faded away in the Belle search! PRL 111 (2013) 11
Summary I • Slightlylargertauonic BF of Upsilonresonancesfound (wrtelectronic and muonicdecaymodes) Systematic error? Requiresmeasurements of BFs at 1% levelorbelow • Still tensión of hyperfinesplitting of ϒ(1S)-ηb(1S), maybe due to mixingwith a CP-oddHiggsscalar • In spite of a claimmadebysome CLEO membersabout theobservation of an “extra” ηb(2S)peak, no evidence of any “extra” state • Benchmark in the NMSSM with a ≈ 10 GeV CP-oddHiggs
Dark matter connection Non-perturbativeeffects in ηb→ p pdecaysand WIMP scattering off nuclei Direct observation of dark matter A puzzling situation NO YES DAMA (NaI) 9.3σ! XENON, LUX (Xe) SIMPLE COUPP PICASSO…
(Light) Dark Matter @ the NMSSM WIMP candidate = lightest neutralino Scattering off nuclei - Spin-independent: through CP-even Higgs exchange - Spin-dependent: through Z0 vector meson exchange through A0 pseudoscalar exchange J.F. Gunion, D, Hooper, B. McElrath: hep-ph/0509024
Motivating ideas (see : arXiv:1201.6541 ) 1 Many orders of magnitude above pQCD calculations! Possible non-perturbative QCD effects: One-loop contributions, higher Fock/diquark effects, instanton effects Experimentally B[ηc→ pp] ≈ 1.5 x 10-3 Feldmann & Kroll [hep-ph/0003096] Anselmino & Forte [hep-ph/9311365] Liu & Zhao, JPG 2011 ηb p Whataboutηbdecayinto a proton-antiprotonpair? p 2 WIMP scattering off-nuclei Pseudoscalar mediator WIMP scattering off nuclei via could also occur via the loop diagram mediator Z, h, H, A ηb*
Instantons in QCD Non-trivial properties of non-abelian gauge theories like QCD Existence of topologically non-trivial solutions of the tunneling process between different classical field configurations: deep connections with the U(1) problem, -problem, chiral symmetry breaking in QCD. For a reviewseeSchäfer & Shuryak Rev. Mod. Phys. 70 (1998) 323 What are instantons? Instanton are large fluctuations of the gluon field corresponding to a tunneling process occuring in time whose amplitude is proportional to exp(-2π/αs) 1 2 Instantons are localized pseudoparticles in Euclidean space-time that can induce interactions between quarks and gluons (t’ Hooft) Instantons are missed in all orders of perturbation theory The physical QCD vacuum resembles a kind of “instanton gas or liquid” provided that the typical instanton size c is smaller than the instanton separation R ≈ 1 fm.
Instantonsizedistribution in ηc,bdecays to p p One-loop approximation at small ρ and Nf=3 Our working hypothesis Instanton size distribution Heavy quarkonium should mainly couple to instantons of size : 4 n(ρ) 2 Small size! for ηc and ηbrespectively Simplifying assumption: 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.8 ρ (fm) We are interested in the ratio: Numerical estimate:
Rules fromtheeffectiveinstanton-quark/gluon Lagrangian: • Each quark in zeromode in instantonfieldgives a factor ρ3 • Eachclosed quark loopgives a factor mcurrentρ • Each gluon coupling to theinstantonfieldgives a factor ρ2/gs (ρ-1) ≈ Diagrams with extra light quark loops are suppressed because of small u, d masses though with lower ρ powers ! Quark-gluon interaction In our case u Interaction amplitude ρ11 /αs (ρ-1) d To be convoluted with the instanton density: ≈ρ15 s very sensitive for ηc,b ! u
Expected ηb→ p p partial width We will rescale the decay rate of ηcto p-pbar pairs by taking into account kinematical and dynamical factors according to the ansatz: Naivelyrescalingfactors from charmoniumtobottomonium ηc(1S) ηb(1S)
Expected BF[ηb→ p p] PDG Experimentally Belle Our order-of-magnitude prediction on ηb decays into proton-antiproton pairs based on instanton-induced effects yields: NOT TOO LOW ! At reach of LHC and (Super) B factories
Extrapolation to (very) small transfer momentum q Instanton interactions lead to the modification of the (divergent) size distribution WIMP scattering typically q ≈ 100 MeV Let us define: supresses large size instanton contributions ρ0≈ 1 fm ! saturates at small q (large ρ) : relative to the charmonium size The WIMP scattering cross section might be enhanced by a factor which can be VERY LARGE problematic extrapolation! ηbηc O(100) MeV q ρ(fm) (MeV)/200
Spin-dependentWIMP-nucleusinteractionsmightalleviatethe tensión betweentheclaims of darkmatterdirectobservationbyDAMA and nullresults of othersearches(LUX, XENON, KIMS, PICASSO…) Effectivecoupling of a (light) WIMP to a nucleusthrough a pseudoscalar mediator: Freytsis & Ligeti PRD83 (2011) 115009, Scopel, Yoon & Yoon [arXiv:1505.01926] Dependence of the SD crosssectiononthetransferredmomentumq2 Non-relativistic limit DAMA has a larger sensitivity to higher q values
Higherpowers of q2 terms in theform factor ofthecross-section of WIMP-nucleusscatteringmightexplainthe positive resultby DAMA whileothersearcheswith a smaller q2sensitivitycouldfail
Summary II • Instanton-inducedeffectscan be important in ηc and ηb • resonancedecaysinto a pair of baryons (e.g. p p ) • Wethereforepredictforthehelicitysuppresseddecaymode: • Wehavetentativelyextrapolatedouranaylisistovery • low q values (largeinstantonsize) suggesting a • largeenhancementof the (spin-dependent) crosssection • forWIMP scattering off nuclei • (likelyrelevantfordarkmattersearches) with large uncertainties! It could be measured at the LHC and (Super) B Factories
Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM) A new singlet superfield is added to the Higgs sector: In general more extra SM singlets can be added: hep-ph/0405244 The μ-problem of the MSSM would be solved by introducing in the superpotential the term Spontaneous breaking of the PQ symmetry Breaks explicitly the PQ symmetry If к =0 → U(1) Peccei-Quinn symmetry Spontaneous breaking NGB (massless), an “axion” (+QCD anomaly) ruled out experimentally If the PQ symmetry is not exact but explicitly broken provides a mass to the (pseudo) NGB leading to a light CP-odd scalarfor small к If λand zero → U(1)R symmetry; if U(1)R slightly broken → a light pseudoscalar Higgs boson too Higgs sector in the NMSSM: (seven) 2 neutral CP-odd Higgs bosons (A1,2) 3 neutral CP-even Higgs bosons (H1,2,3 ) 2 charged Higgs bosons (H±) Coupling of A1 to down type fermions: [hep-ph/0404220] The A1 would be the lightest Higgs: Favored decay mode: H1,2 A1 A1 hard to detect at the LHC[hep-ph/0406215]
τ+ τ- Y z Leptonic decay mode: Y(nS) τ+τ– vs Y(nS) e+e– • For transverse polarization of Y(nS), the helicity of leptons gives no difference • For longitudinal polarization of Y(nS), lepton helicityfavours the tauonic mode (as e.g. in π → μνμ versus π → e νe ) • Phase spacefavours the muonic decay mode For Y(1S):
Leptonic width of resonances Lowest Feynman diagram • Γll (as presented in the PDG tables) is an inclusive quantity: l+ l- is accompanied byaninfinite number of soft photons The test of lepton universality can be seen as complementary to searches for a (monochromatic) photon in the γττ channel • To order α3:Γll = Γll0 [ 1+δvac+ δvertex ] Γll0 [ 1+δvac ] • Divergencies/singularities free at any order: Bloch and Nordsieck theorem & Kinoshita-Sirlin-Lee-Nauenberg theorem Warning! 3α /4π~ 0.17% 7.6% Contribution potentially dangerous for testing lepton universality if final-state radiation is not properly taken into account in the MC to obtain the detection efficiency in the analysis of experimental data Albert et al. Nucl. Phys. B 166 (1980) 460 δvac=δee+δ+δ+ δquarks
“Requirement” on Xdfrom the ηb(1S) mass measurement Hyperfine splitting MY(1S)-Mb(1S) = 69.9 3.1 MeV(BABAR) Hyperfine splitting MY(1S)-Mb(1S) = 42 13 MeV (pQCD) 0907.0348
Resonant and non-resonant decays without mixing QCD+binding energy effects small for a pseudoscalar A0 Polchinski, Sharpe and Barnes Pantaleone, Peskin and Tye Nason Leading-order Wilczek formula with binding-state, QCD + relativistic corrections: F = ½ quite uncertain especially ~ 9 GeV • Non-resonant decay Wavefunction overlap • Resonant decay M1 transitionprobability Naïve view!
Dark matter: bounds from B factories BaBar arXiv:0908.2840 [hep-ex] scalar mediator (pseudo) scalar mediator arXiv:0808.0017 [hep-ex] Effort should be put on the search for light dark matter (e.g. neutralinos) such that 2 mχ< mA1< 10 GeV NOT YET EXCLUDED by B factories searches Small photon energy Detection not that easy!