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β-beam background in a Water Cherenkov Detector. Elena Couce (IFIC - U. Valencia) Based on a collaboration with D. Casper, JJ Gomez-Cadenas and P. Hernandez. April 27 2006 ISS meeting at RAL (UK). Experimental Challenge. Next generation neutrino oscillation experiments:
β-beam background in a Water Cherenkov Detector Elena Couce (IFIC - U. Valencia) Based on a collaboration with D. Casper, JJ Gomez-Cadenas and P. Hernandez April 27 2006 ISS meeting at RAL (UK)
Experimental Challenge • Next generation neutrino oscillation experiments: • Need for precision measurements of very small oscillation probabilities at E/L m2atm: • High Statistics • Low Systematics Very intense and well-known beams Very large detectors with low backgrounds
In this talk we’re presenting the results of a complete and realistic MC simulation of a Water Cherenkov detector exposed to a β-beam So why a Water Cherenkov Detector? At least ~10 times larger than for any other technology! • Because water is cheap… so we can make it large! Let’s say… 20 x ! • It has other uses: atmospherics, proton decay, supernova… • However it cannot detect the charge… • Is signal/background ratio good enough? SK ≈ 1000 kTon √ √ • β-beam • SuperBeam • -Factory
Low β-Beam High β-Beam • L = 130 Km • = 100 • 5 + 5 years • 5.8 1018 d.p.y. of 6He • 2.2 1018 d.p.y. of 18Ne • L = 700 Km • = 350 • 5 + 5 years • 5.8 1018 d.p.y. of 6He • 2.2 1018 d.p.y. of 18Ne Procedure • Fluxes: • Nature’s oscillation parameters: • Analysis cuts: G.L. Fogli hep-ph/0506083 • Distance to walls > 2 m • Maximum of 10 hits in outer det. • Fiducial: • PID • Michel e- • Selection:
Fiducial cuts: Signal and Background spectra High--beam Low--beam
+ - o + + + - - - o o o Fiducial cuts : Absolute # of events Low--beam after fiducial cuts: 18Ne 6He High--beam after fiducial cuts: 18Ne 6He
PID cut • Electron/muon separation: μ-like event e-like event Selecting 1 ring -like events
PID cut : Signal and Background spectra Low--beam: FIDUCIAL PID cut High--beam: FIDUCIAL PID cut
+ + + + - - - - o o o o PID cut: Absolute # of events Low--beam after fiducial + PID cuts: 18Ne 6He High--beam after fiducial + PID cuts: 18Ne 6He
Michel e- cut Signal Michel e- t ~ decay time Selecting events with a second delayed ring after the first
Michel e- cut: Signal and Background spectra Low--beam: PID Delayed ring cut High--beam: PID Delayed ring cut
+ + + + - - - - o o o o Michel e- cut: Absolute # of events Low--beam after fiducial + PID + Michel e- cuts: 18Ne 6He High--beam after fiducial + PID + Michel e- cuts: 18Ne 6He
+ + + + - - - - o o o o Michel e- cut: Absolute # of events Low--beam after fiducial + PID + Michel e- cuts: 18Ne 6He High--beam after fiducial + PID + Michel e- + Energy > 500 MeV cuts: 18Ne 6He
SIGNAL BKGND Signal/Bkgd final composition Low--beam after fiducial + PID + Michel e- cuts: 18Ne 6He SIGNAL BKGND SIGNAL BKGND High--beam after fiducial + PID + Michel e- cuts: 18Ne 6He SIGNAL BKGND SIGNAL BKGND
SIGNAL BKGND Signal/Bkgd final composition Low--beam after fiducial + PID + Michel e- cuts: 18Ne 6He SIGNAL BKGND SIGNAL BKGND High--beam after fiducial + PID + Michel e- + Energy > 500 MeV cuts: 18Ne 6He SIGNAL BKGND SIGNAL BKGND
Cuts evaluation: Relative effect of each cut e Low--beam: 18Ne 6He Normalized to fiducial events
Cuts evaluation: Relative effect of each cut e High--beam: 18Ne 6He Normalized to fiducial events
Cuts evaluation: Signal to noise ratio High--beam Low--beam
Conclusions • Aβ-beam with a Water Cherenkov should have good signal to noise ratio well below θ13 = 3º (s/n = 60) • Water Ckov detectors might not be the best choice in terms of performance for β-beam experiments (particularly at high ). However the increase in statistics compensates, up to ~ 350 • The s/n is better for high β-beam, particularly for . In addition it allows energy binning.
Conclusions HELP WANTED! • From this study we know the relevant processes contributing to signal and background. With some knowledge on the corresponding cross section errors it should be possible to obtain, if not a good estimate, at least an educated guess on the systematic errors… possibly good enough?
The End Coming next: Study of T2HK signal and background and Realistic comparison of β-beam and Superbeam performances to be continued…