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Aligning Plans and Practice ____________________________

Learn about Results-Based Accountability (RBA) and Results-Oriented Management & Accountability (ROMA) processes to achieve economic stability for under-resourced individuals. Align strategic commitments with access to food, housing, jobs, and stakeholder mobilization. Ensure successful outcomes by linking strategic frameworks with daily activities.

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Aligning Plans and Practice ____________________________

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Aligning Plans and Practice____________________________

  2. A Strategic Planning Provides… FOCUS

  3. No No No Yes!

  4. What are RBA and ROMA? Two comprehensive management and accountability processes focused on the results achieved because of our activities.

  5. The Cycle

  6. Results-Based Accountability

  7. RBA provides… Performance Accountability for Agencies, Programs and Service Systems

  8. Efficient = Do things right Effective = Do the right things

  9. The Challenge: Link… Strategic Framework Annual Plans Daily Activities

  10. Pieces of the Puzzle: • Strategic Framework • Annual Operating Plan • Department/Program Plans • Job Descriptions and Job Matrix

  11. Our Mission is to create opportunities that empower under-resourced individuals, families and communities to achieve and sustain economic stability. To achieve our Mission,Access will uphold these Strategic Commitments:

  12. Strategic Commitment: Ensure access to adequate Healthy Food, and safe decent Affordable Housing Families and Individuals in-crisis have access to adequate healthy Food, and safe decent Affordable Housing & Indicator of Success:(What does success look like?)

  13. Strategic Commitment: Provide Access to Jobs and Other Pathways to Self-Reliance & Indicator of Success:(What does success look like?) Families and Individuals in needhave access to Jobs and Other Pathways to Self-Reliance.

  14. Strategic Commitment: Mobilize Stakeholders to Advocate and Act to ensure economic stability is more accessible Indicator of Success:(What does success look like?) Stakeholders advocate and act in ways that strengthen low-income families, organizations and communities.

  15. What does successful internal support of the other Indicators of Success look like? Organizations serving low-income populations (i,.e., Access) have the capacity needed to achieve intended results.

  16. RBA - ROMA Crosswalk

  17. HSI How CT’s CAAs deliver services to achieve performance and success.

  18. RBA:Results-Based AccountabilityROMAResults-Oriented Management & Accountability HSIIntegrating the Human Services Infrastructure

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