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Clayton P. Henderson (MRAeS) ICAO Annex 1 compliant JAR 'Flight Crew' & EASA Part 66 'B1.1 Aircraft Maintenance' License holder (without limitation) 'Current' UK CAA / EASA License Ref: 229844J. 'AvcatABC' business proposal - 2017 (French SIRET No. 827 892 589 00017). GOAL.
Clayton P. Henderson (MRAeS) ICAO Annex 1 compliant JAR 'Flight Crew' & EASA Part 66 'B1.1 Aircraft Maintenance' License holder (without limitation) 'Current' UK CAA / EASA License Ref: 229844J 'AvcatABC' business proposal - 2017(French SIRET No. 827 892 589 00017)
GOAL. Seek employment opportunities to realise Category A (mechanic), B (technician) & / or C (engineer) “organisational” certifying privilege, via personally acquired UK CAA / EASA Part-66 Category A & B1.1 (Turbine) Aircraft Maintenance License (without limitation). - Expires 07 February 2022 & / or Investigate forthcoming entrepreneurial contracting opportunities, taking benefit from personally acquired qualifications and attested Airbus (both initial developmental 'EASA Part 21' & continued / continuing in-service 'EASA Part 145') organisational airworthiness knowledge & experience. [Airbus A400M MSN001 - Design Office MAP Signatory (DOS).]
Global Target Market? • AS/EN 9100 & 9110 compliant manufacturers, owners & operators, [Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)'s, Lessor's, Lessee's, AOC holder's & approved CAMO's etc....]. • Globally approved Maintenance Repair Organisation (MRO)'s and associated contracted Airframe and Engine 'CAMO' service providers - ASP/ESP organisations respectively).
AvcatABC global business niche. 1. Availability of an independent ICAO Annex I defined, Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (AME). 2. Provision of FAL customer representation services, including post Transfer of Title (ToT) maintenance certifying requirements. 3, Compliance with already established (OEM specific) standardised developmental, production and in-service support referentials (i.e. processes, procedures, auditing methods, assessments and reporting formats). 4. Global 'ad-hoc' provision of physical overview & assistance, ensuring; - Asset maintenance (coverring both physical and recorded) condition verification, - Turn-Key facilitator / on-site link-man for existing 'in-service' maintenance products and services, asset re-deliveries and / or return storage processes and procedures, - Ad-Hoc Provision of 'on-site' Means of Active Control & global oversight, - Initial on-site trouble-shooting clarity of repetitive technical discrepancies, previously reported to in-service support (reliability) engineering.
Benefits realized. • Global availability of a qualified and experienced AME, to realize 'on-site' Means of Active Control (MAC) and oversight of in-service support products / ad-hoc provision of in-service fleet management activities. • Assist to introduce an enhanced Risk Assessment Analysis, linked to Safety Management Systems / ICAO Global Aviation Safety Plan - promoting tighter control and in-service monitoring of asset values / product-integrity (globally, throughout scheduled maintenance checks). • Contractual alignment to suit pre-established customer referentials concerning processes, formats and methods (as required) for; - Aircraft / Engine physical inspection / survey reports, - Life Limited Parts, 'Back-to-Birth' traceability and tech. records reviews, - Aircraft bridging check contractual compliance, inspection & acceptance, - Post transfer technical acceptance support / follow-up......etc.
OEM contracted Means of Active Control (MAC) [at aircraft level] & oversight resource provision. As soon as there is a contract in place the term “contracting” should be used even if the contracted organisation is not approved. OEM oversight of contracted 'continuing airworthiness' task accomplishment, promotes & compliments the Operator’s overall responsibility under ICAO Annex 6 - Part 1, Chapter 8, 8.1.1 (a) Operators are ultimately responsible for ensuring that each aeroplane they operate is maintained in an airworthy condition.
MANDATORY CONTINUING AIRWORTHINESS INFORMATION (MCAI) Airworthiness Manual (Chapter The role of aircraft maintenance engineers or maintenance organisations; “…The AMO or AME is responsible for the work that has been contracted to him or requested of him.” Important to REMEMBER The responsibility for compliance with Mandatory Continuing Airworthiness Instruction (MCAI), rests with the operator.
Future primary candidates(suitably qualified, trained and experienced personnel for recruitement); • Independant aeronautical professionals and assessor's, will have evolved from either: - Category A & B Maintenance:- Experienced Licensed maintenance engineers who may have a lower level of academic qualifications but a high level of practical certifying experience on the job, and - Category C Engineering:- College / University graduates who have passed a recognised engineering degree in the required discipline and have some experience in design and engineering modifications and repair offices. The above both, encourages and aligns with: ICAO's NGAP – Next Generation of Aviation Professionals.
Internationally recognized Referenced Documentation; * ICAO International Standards and Recommended Practices Annex 1 - Personnel Licensing, Annex 6 – Operation of Aircraft & Annex 19 - Safety Management System to the Convention on International Civil Aviation * ICAO Airworthiness Manual (Doc 9760 AN/967) Third Edition - 2014
THANK-YOU! FOR YOUR ATTENTION. Clayton P. Henderson (MRAeS) UK/PP/229844J UK.66.229844J https://www.linkedin.com/in/clayton-p-henderson-mraes-05991b38 https://www.facebook.com/Clayt01