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New Features of APV-SRS- LabVIEW Data Acquisition Program

New Features of APV-SRS- LabVIEW Data Acquisition Program. Eraldo Oliveri on behalf of Riccardo de Asmundis INFN Napoli [ Certified LabVIEW Developer] NYC, Sept . 2012. Srs-LabVIEW. Easy to use software for SRS data acquisition APV- Hybrid ADCs modules Needs a PC

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New Features of APV-SRS- LabVIEW Data Acquisition Program

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  1. New Features of APV-SRS-LabVIEWData Acquisition Program Eraldo Oliveri on behalf of Riccardo de Asmundis INFN Napoli [CertifiedLabVIEW Developer] NYC, Sept. 2012

  2. Srs-LabVIEW • Easy to use software for SRS data acquisition • APV-HybridADCsmodules • Needs a PC • with Gigabit Ethernet only • Compiled (.exe) release available • need of the LabVIEW Runtime Engine only (from NI, (unlessalreadyinstalled) • User friendly GUI with Real time features for interactive Setup of SRS (trigger/timing windowing)

  3. Remind:The LV Project for srs-DAQ Detectors/Chambers “RD51-srs” LabVIEW Project

  4. Data Files paths & Naming (for normal and pedestal runs) User commands Menus The apparence: main panel APV & SRS settings Processes Running control UDP Parameters RUN status display Internal queues occupacy Current Error status Online analysis settings & Detectors MAP definition

  5. LabVIEWRD51-srs:summary of current features • Fullyintegrated with SRS (slow) control • Based on the oldSorin’s «SRS Slow Control» projectfor data exchange with SRS • SRS settingsobtainable via high level GUI • UDP Connection & data flow monitoring • Build events monitor with integrity-based events filter • Automatic RUN handling • Normal RUNs • Pedestal RUNs • Powerful and scalable Online Data Monitor

  6. SettingOperative Parameters via high level GUI UDP Communicationsettings SRS hardware interactivesettings APV hardware settings Data Processing File settings

  7. Detector ChannelsMapsettings

  8. Event builder panel UDP data frame in graphical representation: different channels in color Formatted Event Incoming Event

  9. Online Data Quality Monitor • “Internal” (i.e. for data monitor) flexible settings • Raw data view (incoming frames) • Two ways: • A. individual APV analysis • B. all APV analysis • 2-D and 3-D views of fired strips or pads on the detector • Main projections: • Amplitude vs. Channel (multiplot on ADC Samples) • Amplitude vs. ADC Samples (multiplot on Channels) • Efficiency and Channels multiplicity calculations

  10. Pad View in the 8x8 pads configuration. Eventviewas Strip vs. Time Eventviewas Strip vs. Sample Index 3-D view of a significant Event: APV “Channel” vs Sample. Height is the ADC counts. 2-D, 3-D, Projections

  11. Online Data Quality Monitor • Pedestals • Pedestal data visible • Long termhistogramming • Hit profiles • Time distribution • Amplitudedistribution • Local Noise and Baseline • “Chamber View” plots: • Chamber hit profile on separate components (X, Y) • “Strips” or “Pads” vision (the latter to be developed…) • Y vs X strip profile

  12. Incoming event frame Incomingevents Pedestal data Events data with Pedestal subtraction

  13. Example of Efficiencytracing and Multiplicitycalculation Online Data Monitor:some samples II 1:Online EfficiencyCalculation 2:Online MultiplicityCalculation 1: user sets a threshold for Efficiency calculation using the mouse and graphical cursor 1: user sets a threshold for Multiplicity calculation using the mouse and graphical cursor Amplitude vs. APV Channel view Amplitude vs. Sample index (i.e. time) view 2: the Efficiency is automatically calculated online all over the run 2: the Multiplicity of hitted strips or pads is shown here. # of chn. over thresh., central ch., higher and lower chns. are shown.

  14. X and Y profiles in the case of Stripsgeometry X and Y strips occupancy Chamber View

  15. “Recorder” control Data file under inspection Datafile Dump • Saved files can be inspected thanks to a specific subprogram. • Accessible from the Main Panel • Very interactive, “recorder” style • Graphical representation of data Event Header Event Dump

  16. Documentation • A Word «White Paper» is under writing. • Conceived as both User Manual and System Reference Manual • From “getting started” to details of program structure and data file format. • to be completed…

  17. LabVIEWRD51-srs:cnclusions & perspectives • Smart • Not big in Files and Modules occupancy • Standalone version available (pen drive transportable, ~25 MB) • Flexible • Able to acquire a full FEC (16 APV). Scalable to more FECs (to be developed). • Portable • Portable on different machines and Operating System (standalone versions are platform dependent and must be recompiled) • Scalable • Relatively easy for developing of new features • Fast • Able to handle different parallel processes with fine priorities tuning • Compatible • Data file format compatible with existing analysis Available from now for daily laboratory usage or Test Beams. Looking for Beta tester !

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