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Unqualified Elders

Unqualified Elders. Amalunga angenazo izimpawu ezifanele. Unqualified Elders.

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Unqualified Elders

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  1. Unqualified Elders Amalunga angenazo izimpawu ezifanele

  2. Unqualified Elders Ezekiel 34:1 The word of the LORD came to me: 2 "Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel; prophesy, and say to them, even to the shepherds, Thus says the Lord GOD: Ah, shepherds of Israel who have been feeding yourselves! Should not shepherds feed the sheep? 3 You eat the fat, you clothe yourselves with the wool, you slaughter the fat ones, but you do not feed the sheep. Amalunga angenazimpawu ezifanele Hezekeli 34:1 Izwi likaJehova lafika kimi, lathi: 2 “Ndodana yomuntu, profetha ngabelusi bakwa-Israyeli; profetha uthi kubo, kubelusi: Isho kanje iNkosi uJehova, ithi: Wo kubelusi bakwa-Israyeli abazibonelela bona! Abelusi bebengayikuzalusa izimvu na? 3 Niyadla amanoni, nembatha uboya, nihlaba ezikhulupheleyo, kepha izimvu anizalusi.

  3. Unqualified Elders Ezekiel 34:4 The weak you have not strengthened, the sick you have not healed, the injured you have not bound up, the strayed you have not brought back, the lost you have not sought, and with force and harshness you have ruled them. 5 So they were scattered, because there was no shepherd, and they became food for all the wild beasts. 6 My sheep were scattered; they wandered over all the mountains and on every high hill. My sheep were scattered over all the face of the earth, with none to search or seek for them. Amalunga angenazimpawu ezifanele Hezekeli 34:4 Ezibuthakathaka aniziqinisanga, negulayo aniyibophanga, nexoshiweyo aniyibuyisanga, nelahlekileyo aniyifunanga, kepha nizibusile ngamandla alukhuni. 5 Zazihlakazekile, ngokuba umalusi wayengekho; zaba-ngukudla kwazo zonke izilwane zasendle, zahlakazeka. 6 Izimvu zami zazulazula kuzo zonke izintaba nakuwo onke amagquma aphakemeyo, yebo, izimvu zami zazihlakazekele ebusweni bonke bomhlaba, akwabakho ozifunayo ozicingayo.

  4. Unqualified Elders Ezekiel 34:7 "Therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the LORD: 8 As I live, declares the Lord GOD, surely because my sheep have become a prey, and my sheep have become food for all the wild beasts, since there was no shepherd, and because my shepherds have not searched for my sheep, but the shepherds have fed themselves, and have not fed my sheep, Amalunga angenazimpawu ezifanele Hezekeli 34:7 “Ngalokho belusi zwanini izwi likaJehova lokuthi: 8 Kuphila kwami, isho iNkosi uJehova, impela ngenxa yokuba izimvu zami zaba-yimpango, nangokuba izimvu zami zaba-ngukudla kwazo zonke izilwane zasendle, lokhu umalusi engekho, nangokuba abelusi bami bengafunanga izimvu zami, abelusi bezibonelela bona, bengazilusi izimvu zami,

  5. Unqualified Elders Ezekiel 34:9 therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the LORD: 10 Thus says the Lord GOD, Behold, I am against the shepherds, and I will require my sheep at their hand and put a stop to their feeding the sheep. No longer shall the shepherds feed themselves. I will rescue my sheep from their mouths, that they may not be food for them. Amalunga angenazimpawu ezifanele Hezekeli 34:9 ngalokho, belusi, zwanini izwi likaJehova lokuthi:10 Isho kanje iNkosi uJehova, ithi: Bhekani, ngimelene nabelusi, ngiyakuzibiza izimvu zami esandleni sabo, ngenze ukuba bangabe besazalusa izimvu, abelusi bangabe besazibonelela bona, ngophule izimvu zami emlonyeni wabo, zingabi-ngukudla kwabo.

  6. How Long should Elders serve? Kufanele akhonze isikhathi esingakanani amalunga? 4 year term maximum 2 terms Isigamu esiyiminyaka engu4 noma izigamu ezi2 5 year term maximum 2 terms Iminyaka ewu5 izigamu ezingu 2 12 year term maximum 1 term 12 weminyaka ngesigamu esiyi1 Serve for Life or until they resign Bakhonza impilo yonke noma baze basule

  7. Unqualified Elders Congregations are sometimes so anxious to have elders that unqualified men are selected. “Men that are close to qualified are better than no elders at all.” Many of the men who might otherwise be qualified don’t have faithful children. Perhaps the few who have faithful children are ill equipped to teach. The tendency is to select the ones who meet the domestic qualifications – “They are good men.” Amalunga angenazimpawu ezifanele Amabandla abamagange kakhulu ukuba namalunga kuze kukhethwe amadoda angenazo izimpawu. “Amadoda acishe asondelele ekubeni nezimpawu ancono ukungabi nawo sanhlobo amalunga.” Amadoda amaningi okungaba anazo izimpawu kepha awanabo abantwana abakholwayo. Mhlampe labo abanabo abantwana abakholekile kepha abakwazi ukufundisa. Okujwayele ukwenzeka ukukhetha labo abahlangabezana nezimpawu zasekhaya- “Bangamadoda amahle.”

  8. Unqualified Elders How much of God’s Word (in terms of divinely-given qualifications) must we ignore before it gets serious? Amalunga angenazimpawu ezifanele Kumele kube okungakanani ngokwezwi likaNkulunkulu (lokho okunikwe ngokwaphezulu njengezimpawu) okumele singakunaki ngaphambi kokuba kuze kungathi sine?

  9. Unqualified Elders Purpose: • Note the need for elders to remain qualified. • Discuss how an elder might become unqualified. • Identify what should be done in the event that an elder becomes unqualified. Amalunga angenazimpawu ezifanele Inhloso: • Qaphela isidingo sokuba amalunga ahlale abe ngafanele. • Akudingidwe ukuthi ilunga lingaba kanjani ngelingafanele. • Akuhlaluke obala ukuthi yini okumele yenzeke lapho ilunga liba ngelingafanele na.

  10. The Need to Remain Qualified • Tendency to ignore qualifications after a man has been appointed. • Recall the purpose of the qualifications for an elder. • I am not advocating “terms of office” for elders. Isidingo sokuhlala ufanele • Okujwayeleke ukwenzeka ukunganaki izimpawu emveni kokuba indoda isikhethiwe. • Khumbula inhloso yezimpawu zamalunga. • Angivumelani “nezigamu esikhundleni” samalunga.

  11. Identifying Unqualified Elders What if an elder sins? 1 Timothy 3:2 Therefore an overseer must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, Elders will never be sinless but they must repent when they sin. Ukubona ilunga elingafanele Kanjani uma ilunga lona? 1 KuThimothewu 3:2 Ngakho umbonisi umelwe abe-ngongasolekiyo, indoda emfazi munye, abe ngozikhuzayo, oqondileyo, oziphatha ngokufaneleyo, ongenisa izihambi, onesu lokufundisa, Amalunga akunakwenzeka angabinasono kepha kufanele aphenduke lapho ona.

  12. Identifying Unqualified Elders What if an elder changes his understanding of part of God's Word? Elders must continue to grow in both knowledge of God's Word and in character. What should any Bible student do when understands God's will more perfectly? Isidingo sokuhlala ufanele

  13. Identifying Unqualified Elders No children at home (under submission)? I Timothy 3:4 He must manage his own household well, with all dignity keeping his children submissive, 5 for if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God's church? Common sense dictates that an older man may not have children at home so is this qualification “time-specific,” i.e., deals with the time when a man had children in his home? Ukubona ilunga elingafanele Abekho abantwana ekhaya (abamthobelayo)? I KuThimothewu 3:4 ophatha kahle indlu yakhe, abantwana bakhe bemthobela ngenhlonipho yonke, 5 kepha uma umuntu engakwazi ukuphatha owakhe umuzi, angaliphatha kanjani ibandla likaNkulunkulu? Umqondo osobala usho ukuthi lawomadoda amadala okungenzeka angabi nabo abantwana ekhaya lokho ngaba uphawu “ngesikhathi” okungukuthi , kukhulunywa ngenkathi indoda inabantwana ekhaya kwayo na?

  14. Identifying Unqualified Elders What if an elder’s wife dies? I Timothy 3:2 Therefore an overseer must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, Is it probable that a wife has a role in an elder being qualified to lead? Ukubona ilunga elingafanele Kanjani uma unkosikazi welunga efa na? 1 KuThimothewu 3:2 Ngakho umbonisi umelwe abe-ngongasolekiyo, indoda emfazi munye, abe ngozikhuzayo, oqondileyo, oziphatha ngokufaneleyo, ongenisa izihambi, onesu lokufundisa, Kungenzeka yini ukuthi umfazi uneqhaza alibambayo ekutheni ilunga libe ngelifanele ukuba lihole na?

  15. Identifying Unqualified Elders What if an elder becomes violent, greedy for money, harsh, quarrelsome, of bad report in the community, quick-tempered, self-willed.? 1 Timothy 3:2 Therefore an overseer must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, 3 not a drunkard, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. Ukubona ilunga elingafanele Kanjai uma ilunga lijika liba nodlame, (isilwi)What if an elder becomes violent, lifuna imali, libenesankahlu, lithande ukuxabana, laziwe kabi emphakathini, asheshe acasuke, angaboniseki? 1Thim 3:2 Ngakho umbonisi umelwe abe-ngongasolekiyo, indoda emfazi munye, abe ngozikhuzayo, oqondileyo, oziphatha ngokufaneleyo, ongenisa izihambi, onesu lokufundisa, 3 ongesilo ixhwele lewayini, ongesiso isilwi kepha omnene, ongaxabaniyo, onganxaneli imali,

  16. Identifying Unqualified Elders What if an elder becomes violent, greedy for money, harsh, quarrelsome, of bad report in the community, quick-tempered, self-willed.? 1 Timothy 3:7 Moreover, he must be well thought of by outsiders, so that he may not fall into disgrace, into a snare of the devil. Ukubona ilunga elingafanele Kanjai uma ilunga lijika liba nodlame, (isilwi)What if an elder becomes violent, lifuna imali, libenesankahlu, lithande ukuxabana, laziwe kabi emphakathini, asheshe acasuke, angaboniseki? 1 Thim 3:7 Kumelwe futhi abe nobufakazi obuhle kwabangaphandle, funa ayele esihlambeni nasesihibeni sikaSathane

  17. Dealing with Unqualified Elders Paul wrote to Timothy about the treatment of elders who sin? 1 Timothy 5:19 Do not admit a charge against an elder except on the evidence of two or three witnesses. 20 As for those who persist in sin, rebuke them in the presence of all, so that the rest may stand in fear. Again...an elder is not necessarily unqualified because he sinned. Elders are not exempt from rebuke or correction even to the extent of withdrawal, if necessary, in the event that they sin. Ukuphatha ilunga elingafanele UPawulu ulobela uThimothewu ngokuphathwa kwamalunga enza isono? 1 Thim 5:19 Icala eliqondene nelunga ungalamukeli, kungengawofakazi ababili noma abathathu. 20 Abonayo ubasole phambi kwabo bonke, ukuze nabanye besabe. Ngiyaphinda...ilunga alibi ngelingafanele ngoba nakhu lona. Amalunga awahlukile ekutheni asolwe noma aqondiswe kuze kufike ekutheni ahlanyukwe impela, uma kudingekile, lapho kuyisigameko sokona.

  18. Dealing with Unqualified Elders Two extremes: #1 Ignoring that an elder is unqualified – Why? • Because of the accusations that sometimes comes on the one who challenges. • Because of the turmoil that sometimes results when an elder's qualifications are challenged. Ukuphatha ilunga elingafanele Izindlela ezimbili: #1 Ukunganaki ukuthi ilunga alinazimpawu—ngani na? • Ngenxa yezinsolo ezivele kwesinye isikhathi komunye ophonsa inselelo. • Ngenxa yosizi olubangelwa umphumela wophoselwa inselelo ngezimpawu zamalunga.

  19. Dealing with Unqualified Elders Two extremes: #1 Ignoring that an elder is unqualified – Why not? • The soul of the man is jeopardized. • The congregation will suffer spiritually. • Elders who would lead a congregation into error should not be obeyed any more than the government should be obeyed if its laws conflict with our responsibilities to God (Hebrews 13:17; Acts 5:29). Ukuphatha ilunga elingafanele Izindlela ezimbili: #1 Ukunganaki ukuthi ilunga alinazimpawu—kungani kungeke kubenjalo? • Umphefumulo womuntu ubukelwe phansi. • Ibandla liyohlupheka ngokomoya. • Amalunga aholela ibandla ephutheni akumele alalelwe njengalokho nohulumeni kungamele alalelwe lapho ephasisa imithetho eshayisana nemigomo yethu kuNkulunkulu (Heb 13:17, Izenzo 5:29)

  20. Dealing with Unqualified Elders Ukuphatha ilunga elingafanele Two extremes: #2 Accusing an elder of being unqualified because one does not like his actions/decision. • Paul gives instructions designed to protect elders from unfounded accusations. I Timothy 5:19 Do not admit a charge against an elder except on the evidence of two or three witnesses. Izindlela ezimbili: #2 Ukusola ilunga ngokungabi nazo izimpawu ngoba lowo engahambisani nezenzo/nezinqumo zalo. • UPawulu unika iziyalo ezakhelwe ukuvikela amalunga kwizinsolo ezingenasisekelo. I Thim 5:19 Icala eliqondene nelunga ungalamukeli, kungengawofakazi ababili noma abathathu.

  21. Dealing with Unqualified Elders Several of the qualifications are matters of degree; challenging the leadership of a congregation is such a serious matter that there should be no doubt about the fact that the elder(s) challenged is unqualified. Ukuphatha ilunga elingafanele Eziningi zezimpawu zamalunga indaba yokuthi ubheka kanjani; kuvivinywa ubuholi bebandla okuyinto ebaluleke kakhulu okungukuthi akufanele kubekhona ukungabaza maqondana nokuthi ilunga lelo eliphoselwa inselelo; lingaba ngelingafanele.

  22. In the event of an unqualified elder Note that the Scriptures do not detail any specific procedure for removing an unqualified elder. We have no example of this being done by the early disciples. Esigamekweni selunga elingenazo izimpawu Qaphela ukuthi imibhalo ayiniki mininingwane ukuthi likhishwa kanjani ilunga elingenazimpawu. Asinaso isibonelo salokho kwenziwa abafundi bokuqala.

  23. In the event of an unqualified elder The examination should start with the elders themselves (Acts 20:28 - “Therefore take heed to yourselves...”) Esigamekweni selunga elingenazo izimpawu Ukuhlolwa kumele kuqale kuwo amalunga uqobo (Izenzo 20:28 – “Ziqapheleni nina….)

  24. In the event of an unqualified elder With regard to the man being challenged, the one(s) who think that an elder is unqualified should confront that elder privately. Matt. 18:15 "If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. 16 But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses. 17 If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. And if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector. Esigamekweni selunga elingenazo izimpawu Maqondana nendoda ephonselwa inselelo, labo abacabanga ukuthi akumfanele ukuba ilunga kufanele babhekane naye ngasese. Math. 18:15 “Kepha uma umfowenu ekona, hamba umsole ninodwa naye. Uma ekuzwa, woba umzuzile umfowenu. 16 Kodwa uma engakuzwa, thatha futhi abe munye noma babebili kanye nawe ukuba onke amazwi aqiniswe ngomlomo wawofakazi ababili noma abathathu. 17 Uma enqaba ukubezwa, tshela ibandla; uma enqaba ukuzwa nalo ibandla, makabe kuwe njengowezizwe nomthelisi.

  25. In the event of an unqualified elder If agreement cannot be reached between the elder being challenged and the member(s) who are convinced that these elders are unqualified, then the charge should be brought before the preacher or other elders. I Timothy 5:19 Do not admit a charge against an elder except on the evidence of two or three witnesses. Esigamekweni selunga elingenazo izimpawu Uma kungafinyelelwa esivumelwaneni phakathi kwelunga eliphonselwa inselelo namalungu anesiqiniseko sokuthi lamalunga awafanele, icala kumele lilethwe kumshumayeli noma kwelinye kwamanye amalunga. I Thim 5:19 Icala eliqondene nelunga ungalamukeli, kungengawofakazi ababili noma abathathu.

  26. In the event of an unqualified elder Arbitration by a wise person in the congregation may also be in order. I Corinthians 6:5 I say this to your shame. Can it be that there is no one among you wise enough to settle a dispute between the brothers, Esigamekweni selunga elingenazo izimpawu Umxazululi ohlakaniphileyo ebandleni engaba usizo kulesisimo. I Kor 6:5 Ngisho lokhu ukuba nibe namahloni. Kunjalo kanti: akukho namunye phakathi kwenu ohlakaniphileyo onganquma phakathi kwabazalwane,

  27. In the event of an unqualified elder If it is clear that the elder is unqualified, then he should be removed as an elder if he will not resign the work himself. Ezekiel 34:8 As I live, declares the Lord GOD, surely because my sheep have become a prey, and my sheep have become food for all the wild beasts, since there was no shepherd, and because my shepherds have not searched for my sheep, but the shepherds have fed themselves, and have not fed my sheep, 9 therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the LORD: 10 Thus says the Lord GOD, Behold, I am against the shepherds, and I will require my sheep at their hand and put a stop to their feeding the sheep. No longer shall the shepherds feed themselves. I will rescue my sheep from their mouths, that they may not be food for them. Esigamekweni selunga elingenazo izimpawu Uma kucaca ukuthi ngampela akafanele, lokho kusho ukuthi kufanele akhishwe uma engafuni ukuzesulela ngokwakhe. Hezekeli 34:8 Kuphila kwami, isho iNkosi uJehova, impela ngenxa yokuba izimvu zami zabayimpango, ngangokuba izimvu zami zabangukudla kwazo zonke izilwane zasendle, lokhu umalusi engekho, nangokuba abelusi bezibonelela bona, bengazalusi izimvu zami, 9 ngalokho, belusi zwanini izwi likaJehova lokuthi: Isho kanje iNkosi uJehova, ithi: Bhekani, ngimelene nabelusi, ngiyakuzibiza izimvu zami esandleni sabo, abelusi bangabe besazibonelela bona, ngophule izimvu zami emlonyeni wabo, zingabi ngukudla kwabo.

  28. In the event of an unqualified elder I am in favor of elders being examined periodically by the whole congregation • It is sometimes difficult to remove an unqualified elder. • It can cause strife in the congregation if there are one or more elders the group feels is unqualified and they do not want to step down. • The method of examination is up to the congregation. Esigamekweni selunga elingenazo izimpawu Ngiyahambisana nokuthi amalunga ahlale ehlolwa yibandla lonke njalonjalo ngesikhathi esinqunyiweyo • Kunzima kwesinye isikhathi ukukhipha ilunga elingafanele. • Kungaletha izinxushunxushu ebandleni lapho kukhona ilunga noma wonke engafanelwe ubulanga kepha bengafuni ukwehla esikhundleni. • Indlela yokuhlola incike ebandleni kakhulu.

  29. Conclusions Isiphetho • Any elder who does not periodically examine himself to ensure that he still meets the qualifications for an elder does not properly estimate the seriousness of the work of an elder. • Elders should be protected from frivolous charges, but they should not serve as elders because of popularity or the length of time that they have been recognized as elders. • Elders must be qualified men; a congregation is justified in removing a man from the work if he is indeed unqualified and refuses to resign. • Yilelo nalelo lunga elingazihloli ngokwalo njalo njalo ukwenza isiqiniseko sokuthi ngabe uyahlangabezana yini nezimpawu zelunga akakuboni ukubaluleka awuphathele phezulu umsebenzi wobulunga. • Amalunga kufanele avikelwe kwizinsolo ezingasho lutho, kepha akumele bakhonze ngokuba amalunga ngoba bedumile noma ngenxa yesikhathi bethathwa njengamalunga. • Amalunga kufanele kube amadoda anezimpawu ezifanele; ibandla linobulungiswa llapho likhipha indoda engafanele nempela nalapho inqaba.

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