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Si-detector macroscopic damage parameters during irradiation from measurements of dark current evolution of with fluence. Craig Buttar, University of Sheffield collaborators P Booth, I Dawson, PJ Dervan, C Grigson, RS Harper, R Nicholson, University of Sheffield
Si-detector macroscopic damage parameters during irradiation from measurements of dark current evolution of with fluence Craig Buttar, University of Sheffield collaborators P Booth, I Dawson, PJ Dervan, C Grigson, RS Harper, R Nicholson, University of Sheffield Maurice Glaser, CERN, Alick Macpherson, PSI/CERN
Outline • Radiation damage in Si • ATLAS SCT PS irradiation facility • Current evolution with fluence • Results from proton irradiation • Pion irradiation at PSI • Results from pion irradiation • Summary of results-comparison to NIEL Craig Buttar NSS 2002
Radiation effects • Irradiation by heavy particles: s, ps,… results in displacement of atoms from their lattice sites. • Linear increase in leakage current with fluence: I=D • Change in effective doping due to donor removal and acceptor creation • type inversion np at ~1013-1014neqcm-2 • Change in depletion voltage, primarily due to • At the Large Hadron Collider • Expect levels ~1.4x1014(1MeV)neqcm-2 in regions closest to interactions-central tacking region of ATLAS and CMS • Detector irradiation programme at CERN PS Craig Buttar NSS 2002
PS Irradiation setup • Irradiate detectors with voltage applied at ~-70C • Monitor temperature and current during the irradiation between beam spills • Small beam spot requires scanning of detectors • Monitor fluence and uniformity of irradiation • Measure fluence by activating Al foils • measure 24Na peak at 1369keV, T1/2=16hrs • Calibrate counter from secondary emission counter Craig Buttar NSS 2002
Silicon Microstrip Detectors Craig Buttar NSS 2002
At high fluences, depletion depth~ =>I~ Model of bulk current during irradiation Assume no annealing at ~-7oC Current damage: I=afD Change in effective carrier concentration Depletion depth, d At low fluences, depletion depth is constant => I~ Craig Buttar NSS 2002
Current evolution with proton fluence Vb=100V Craig Buttar NSS 2002
High fluence gives good agreement with: Low fluence agreement is less good with fluence rising sublinearly: Proton Results-power laws Results based 90 full-size ATLAS detectors Craig Buttar NSS 2002
Proton Results-Damage parameters Craig Buttar NSS 2002
Module currents 4 detectors in Module Use for on-line dosimetry Craig Buttar NSS 2002
PSI-pion irradiation • Πe1 beamline, T=191MeV • Different operation due to beamstructure-switch-off beam to take I-Vs19ns beam with 1ns spacing • Use ATLAS mini-detectors1cm2, from wafer with full-size detector • ‘Portable’ cold box, chiller, monitoring system • Guard and bulk biased seperately Craig Buttar NSS 2002
Pion Irradiation Results Craig Buttar NSS 2002
Summary of results Craig Buttar NSS 2002
Summary • A model for current evolution with fluence based on bulk current has been used to analyse detectors currents during irradiations with protons and pions • The model appears to work well but there are deviations from the expected power laws • Values of a and b have been extracted from the dataa and b are larger than other results, but care required when comparing. • Ratio of alpha agrees with relative NIEL-but need to reduce errors from fluence on pion measurements. Craig Buttar NSS 2002
More work • Improve model, why are there deviations from the power law ? • Investigate effect of annealing • Make measurements at other sites with a range of particle and energies Craig Buttar NSS 2002