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Medical Words and Word Parts. Size, Shape, Color, Direction…. The part of the body. Prefix Infor. or describes test or problem. Combining Form. Prefix. Suffix. -a -itis -ology -emesis -pnea -ectomy. a- dys- brady- endo- tachy- peri-. bronch /o cardi /o gastr /o hepat /o
Size, Shape, Color, Direction…. The part of the body. Prefix Infor. or describes test or problem Combining Form Prefix Suffix -a -itis -ology -emesis -pnea -ectomy a- dys- brady- endo- tachy- peri- bronch/o cardi/o gastr/o hepat/o pne/o nephr/o
Prefix a- allo- brady- hetero- macro- micro- a- (no; not; without) allo- (other) brady- (slow) hetero- (different) macro- (large) micro- (small) nulli- para- peri- poly- supra- tachy- nulli- (none) para- (near; beside; abnormal; apart from; along the side of) peri- (surrounding) poly- (many; much) supra- (above; upper) tachy- (fast)
Combining Forms root slash combiningvowel hyphen cardi / o - cardi/o-
Suffix -capnia -pnea -thorax -ptysis -stasis -globin -pathy -emic (Pertaining to blood cond) -ia(Condition) -ology (Study of…) -penia(deficiency) -emesis (vomiting) -orexia(appetite) -itis(inflammation) -emic -ia -ology -penia -emesis -orexia -itis -capnia(carbon dioxide) -pnea(breathing) -thorax (chest; pleural cavity) -ptysis(spitting) -stasis (to stop; control; place) -globin (protein) -pathy(disease; emotion)
Make a Word -a (condition of) -ectomy (cut out) -emesis (vomit) -ia (condition) -ic (pertaining to) -itis (inflammation) -ium (structure of tissue) -logy (study of) -ostomy (opening) -pathy (disease) -penia (lack of) -plasty (surg repair) -scopy (exam w/instr) -a -ectomy -emesis -ia -ic -itis -ium -logy -ostomy -pathy -penia -plasty -scopy ante- bi- brady- contra- dys- endo- hyper- hypo- inter- per- peri- poly- tachy- ante- (before) bi- (two) brady- (slow) contra- (against) dys- (w/difficulty) endo- (with-in) hyper- (above normal) hypo- (below normal) inter- (between) per- (through) peri- (around) poly- (many) tachy- (fast) arthr/o- bronch/o- cardi/o- carp-o- gastr/o- lip/o- oste/o- nephr/o- neur/o- ot/o- pne/o- ren/o- rhin/o- arthr/o- (joint) bronch/o-(bronchus) cardi/o- (heart) carp-o- (wrist) gastr/o- (stomach) lip/o- (fat) oste/o- (bone) nephr/o- (kidney) neur/o- (nerve) ot/o- (eye) pne/o- (breathe) ren/o- (kidney) rhin/o- (nose)
Medical WordsExcerpted From: (http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/medicalwords) U.S. National Library of MedicineNational Institutes of Health