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Morphology: Words and their Parts

Learn about morphology and how words are constructed from meaningful units called morphemes. Explore the applications of morphological analysis and the rules governing word formation in different languages.

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Morphology: Words and their Parts

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  1. Morphology: Wordsand their Parts CS 4705 Julia Hirschberg CS 4705

  2. Words • In formal languages, words are arbitrary strings • In natural languages, words are made up of meaningful subunits called morphemes • Morphemes are abstract concepts denoting entities or relationships • Morphemes may be • Stems: the main morpheme of the word • Affixes: convey the word’s role, number, gender, etc. • cats == cat [stem] + s [suffix] • undo == un [prefix] + do [stem]

  3. Why do we need to do Morphological Analysis? • The study of how words are composed from smaller, meaning-bearing units (morphemes) • Applications: • Spelling correction: referece • Hyphenation algorithms: refer-ence • Part-of-speech analysis: googler [N], googling [V] • Text-to-speech: grapheme-to-phoneme conversion • hothouse (/T/ or /D/)

  4. Let’s us guess the meaning of unknown words • ‘Twas brillig and the slithy toves… • Muggles moogled migwiches

  5. Morphotactics • What are the ‘rules’ for constructing a word in a given language? • Pseudo-intellectual vs. *intellectual-pseudo • Rational-ize vs *ize-rational • Cretin-ous vs. *cretin-ly vs. *cretin-acious • Possible ‘rules’ • Suffixes are suffixes and prefixes are prefixes • Certain affixes attach to certain types of stems (nouns, verbs, etc.) • Certain stems can/cannot take certain affixes

  6. Semantics: In English, un- cannot attach to adjectives that already have a negative connotation: • Unhappy vs. *unsad • Unhealthy vs. *unsick • Unclean vs. *undirty • Phonology: In English, -er cannot attach to words of more than two syllables • great, greater • Happy, happier • Competent, *competenter • Elegant, *eleganter • Unruly, ?unrulier

  7. Regular and Irregular Morphology • Regular • Walk, walks, walking, walked, walked • Table, tables • Irregular • Eat, eats, eating, ate, eaten • Catch, catches, catching, caught, caught • Cut, cuts, cutting, cut, cut • Goose, geese

  8. Morphological Parsing • Algorithms to use these regularities and known irregularities to parse words into their morphemes • Cats cat +N +PL • Cat cat +N +SG • Cities city +N +PL • Merging merge +V +Present-participle • Caught catch +V +past-participle

  9. Morphology and Finite State Automata • We can use the machinery provided by FSAs to capture facts about morphology • Accept strings that are in the language • Reject strings that are not • Do this in a way that doesn’t require us to in effect list all the words in the language

  10. How do we build a Morphological Analyzer? • Lexicon: list of stems and affixes (w/ corresponding part of speech (p.o.s.)) • Morphotactics of the language: model of how and which morphemes can be affixed to a stem • Orthographic rules: spelling modifications that may occur when affixation occurs • in  il in context of l (in- + legal) • Most morphological phenomena can be described with regular expressions – so finite state techniques often used to represent morphological processes

  11. A Simple Example • Regular singular nouns are ok • Regular plural nouns have an -s on the end • Irregulars are ok as is

  12. Simple English NP FSA

  13. Expand the Arcs with Stems and Affixes dog cat child

  14. Parsing/Generation vs. Recognition We can now run strings through these machines to recognize strings in the language Acceptwords that are ok Rejectwords that are not But is this enough? We often want to know the structure of a word (parsing) Or we may have a stem and want to produce a surface form (production/generation) Example From “cats” to “cat +N +PL” From “cat + N + PL” to “cats”

  15. Finite State Transducers (FSTs) • The simple story • Add another tape • Add extra symbols to the transitions • On one tape we read “cats” -- on the other we write “cat +N +PL” • Or vice versa…

  16. Koskenniemi 2-level Morphology • Kimmo Koskenniemi’s two-level morphology • Idea: a word is a relationship betweenlexicallevel (its morphemes) and surface level (its orthography)

  17. Transitions c:c means read a c on one tape and write a c on the other +N:ε means read a +N symbol on one tape and write nothing on the other +PL:s means read +PL and write an s +N:ε +PL:s c:c a:a t:t

  18. Not So Simple • Of course, its not as easy as • “cat +N +PL” <-> “cats” • What do we do about geese, mice, oxen? • Many spelling/pronunciation changes that go along with inflectional changes, e.g. • Fox and Foxes

  19. Multi-Tape Machines • Solution for complex changes: • Add more tapes • Use output of one tape machine as input to the next • So to handle irregular spelling changes, add intermediate tapes with intermediate symbols

  20. Example of a Multi-Tape Machine • We use one machine to transduce between the lexical and the intermediate level, and another to transduce between the intermediate and the surface tapes

  21. FST Fragment: Lexical to Intermediate

  22. FST Fragment: Intermediate to Surface • The add an “e” rule as in fox^s# <-> foxes#

  23. Putting Them Together

  24. Practical Uses • The kind of parsing we’re talking about is normally called morphological analysis • It can be • An important stand-alone component of an application (spelling correction, information retrieval, part-of-speech tagging,…) • Or simply a link in a chain of processing (machine translation, parsing,…)

  25. Porter Stemmer • Standard, very popular and usable stemmer (IR, IE) • Sequence of cascaded rewrite rules, e.g. • IZE ε (e.g. unionize  union) • CY  T (e.g. frequency  frequent) • ING  ε , if stem contains vowel (motoring  motor) • Can be implemented as a lexicon-free FST (many implementations available on the web)

  26. Note: Morphology Differs by Language • Languages differ in how they encode morphological information • Isolating languages (e.g. Cantonese) have no affixes: each word usually has 1 morpheme • Agglutinative languages (e.g. Finnish, Turkish) are composed of prefixes and suffixes added to a stem (like beads on a string) – each feature realized by a single affix, e.g. Finnish epäjärjestelmällistyttämättömyydellänsäkäänköhän ‘Wonder if he can also ... with his capability of not causing things to be unsystematic’

  27. Polysynthetic languages (e.g. Inuit languages) express much of their syntax in their morphology, incorporating a verb’s arguments into the verb, e.g. Western Greenlandic Aliikusersuillammassuaanerartassagaluarpaalli.aliiku-sersu-i-llammas-sua-a-nerar-ta-ssa-galuar-paal-lientertainment-provide-SEMITRANS-one.good.at-COP-say.that-REP-FUT-sure.but-3.PL.SUBJ/3SG.OBJ-but'However, they will say that he is a great entertainer, but ...' • So….different languages may require very different morphological analyzers

  28. Summing Up • Regular expressions and FSAs can represent subsets of natural language as well as regular languages • Both representations may be difficult for humans to understand for any real subset of a language • Can be hard to scale up: e.g., when many choices at any point (e.g. surnames) • But quick, powerful and easy to use for small problems • AT&T Finite State Toolkit does scale • Next class: • Read Ch 4

  29. Morphological Representations: Evidence from Human Performance • Hypotheses: • Full listing hypothesis: words listed • Minimum redundancy hypothesis: morphemes listed • Experimental evidence: • Priming experiments (Does seeing/hearing one word facilitate recognition of another?) suggest neither • Regularly inflected forms (e.g. cars) prime stem (car) but not derived forms (e.g. management, manage)

  30. But spoken derived words can prime stems if they are semantically close (e.g. government/govern but not department/depart) • Speech errors suggest affixes must be represented separately in the mental lexicon • ‘easy enoughly’ for ‘easily enough’

  31. Concatenative vs. Non-concatenative Morphology • Semitic root-and-pattern morphology • Root (2-4 consonants) conveys basic semantics (e.g. Arabic /ktb/) • Vowel pattern conveys voice and aspect • Derivational template (binyan) identifies word class

  32. Template Vowel Pattern active passive CVCVC katabkutib write CVCCVC kattabkuttib cause to write CVVCVC ka:tab ku:tib correspond tVCVVCVC taka:tab tuku:tib write each other nCVVCVC nka:tab nku:tib subscribe CtVCVC ktatab ktutib write stVCCVC staktab stuktib dictate

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