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Business Cases - do not have a good reputation

Mark Blakeman Director of Informatics and Corporate Projects Business Cases - hurdle or useful tool? . Business Cases - do not have a good reputation. Despite Employing the best staff – from the best companies. Despite following the best guidance for governance.

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Business Cases - do not have a good reputation

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  1. Mark BlakemanDirector of Informatics and Corporate ProjectsBusiness Cases - hurdle or useful tool?

  2. Business Cases - do not have a good reputation

  3. Despite Employing the best staff –from the best companies

  4. Despite following the best guidance for governance

  5. Despite using the best accountants, carefully analysing the finances and assuring ourselves that there is a case to be made.

  6. Despite setting out clear delivery time scales

  7. Risks get missed

  8. Projects get delayed and blame apportioned

  9. And projects get abandoned

  10. On the basis of evidence, Business Cases are just about jumping through f***ing hoops !

  11. Questions ?

  12. But……

  13. Background – The Economic Reality

  14. Economic Reality

  15. All Public Sector Organisations need to respond. • Standard responses include • Salami slicing • Slash and burn • Lies were it falls • Money at the expense of quality • Displacement activity • Too much too late. • To safe guard service quality we need a better solution.

  16. IT enabled service improvement needs to be part of the solution

  17. But…..

  18. Projects get delayed and blame will be apportioned

  19. Your reputation to keep to budget, deliver on time and release benefits is both fragile and extremely precious.

  20. Be it your ideaYour Boss’s ideaAn idea based on a 30 minute conversation with Bill Gates (allegedly)

  21. Business cases are about making sound business decisions, not about getting something approved.

  22. Business CasesA Hurdle Worth Jumping ?

  23. A Worth While Business Case

  24. A Worth While Business Case • Looking back across a range of implementations [in the long term] “real” benefits are more important than. • A well written business case • Affordability • Funding • Excellent project management • Benefits realisation and management • Training • Floor walking • Service management • Business continuity • Technical solution. • Don’t try to justify benefits that aren’t there and don’t try to pass non cash releasing benefits off as cash releasing. • Do include all of the above in your business case • Don’t be tempted to take out any of the above out of your business case to make it affordable.

  25. A Worth While Business Case • Understand the finances • Investment policy • Impact on Monitor risk rating • ROI • Liquidity / Cash • VAT • Managed service vs lease • etc • Understand the HR • TUPE • Protection • etc • Understand the procurement • Framework • SFIs • etc

  26. A Worth While Business Case • Ensure business case fits the new way of working. • Business change • Implementation – PC support • Business Case or Backlog maintenance ? (learn from estates) • Pilot can prove the benefits • Gives time to really gain support. • Creates champions for further roll out. • Spread the costs (watch the risks though). • Be careful with contract T&Cs especially regarding stage payments. • Don’t Forget on going revenue and support requirements. • Benefits and pay back periods are key. • Expect significant scrutiny and short pay back periods.

  27. So….

  28. Business Cases are a real Opportunity, but… • A great business case may not get approved. • Given the amount of effort required to produce a business case a good business case should be celebrated even if the organisation chooses not to invest. • Organisations wont have the cash to bail out a poor business case.

  29. Remember • Business cases are about making sound business decisions, not about getting something approved. • You reputation to keep to budget, deliver on time and release benefits is both fragile and extremely precious.

  30. Questions ?

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