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Gabon. By: Ariana Reyes. A- Art and literature. Artists: Ant Onio Pepin Benoit Arenaunt (these are only a few artists that are well recognized). There is a lot of talent inside of Gabon. Singers, dancers, sculptures, artists, u name it!. B- Buildings.

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  1. Gabon By: Ariana Reyes

  2. A- Art and literature Artists: • Ant Onio Pepin • Benoit Arenaunt (these are only a few artists that are well recognized) • There is a lot of talent inside of Gabon. Singers, dancers, sculptures, artists, u name it!

  3. B- Buildings • There are no buildings only houses..

  4. C- Communication • Most Gabonese speak at least two languages. The national language is French, which is mandatory in school. It is spoken by the majority of the population under the age of fifty.

  5. D- Dates • 17 August 1960- Declaration of Independence. • 13 February 1961- Accession of Mr. Leon Mba to Gabon’s Supreme Office • 28 November 1967- The death of Mr. Leon. • 1973, 1979, 1986- Re-election of El Hadi Omar Bongo Ondimba. • 1993- 1st re- election • 1994- Staging of the Paris agreement • 1998- 2nd re- election • 2005- 3rd re- election • 2009- The death of Omar Bongo Holiday: Independence Day August 17

  6. E- Economy • Gabon has a shortage of trained scientists and technicians (mostly French). • A small population of oil and mineral reserves have helped Gabon become one of Africa's wealthier countries! These circumstances have allowed the country to maintain and conserve its pristine rain forest and rich biodiversity

  7. F- Foods • Bananas • Papayas • Pine apples • Guavas • Mangoes • Bush butter • Avocado • Coconuts • Egg Plants Traditional Gabonese food like fish and meat have a distinctive taste and is really delicious. These foods could found be found in most of the smaller villages. • Feed Corn • Sugar cane • Peanuts • Plan Tains • Tomatoes Cassava- is a main starch They gather protein from seas and rivers.

  8. G-Government • The Gabonese Republic is organized according to the principle of national sovereignty, the separation of executive, legislative and judicial powers, and the principle of a constitutional state

  9. Housing • Very poor made structured, but provides the basic need, and comfort a house can bring.

  10. I-Icons Régabis the national beer of Gabon. It was brewed in Gabon since 1966, most locals drink it and those who have tasted it are quick to vouch that it is one of Africa’s best lagers.

  11. J- Jobs • Unemployment rate: 21% • There are sturdy jobs that keep the Gabonese people stable, but they are mostly spending money for their education.

  12. Kinds of physical features • World's second largest tropical rain forest :200,000 km2 of forest • Forests covering 85% of the country • Productive forest: 19 million hectares • 10% of the country is preserved with 13 national parks

  13. L- Laws • The laws of Gabon are basically the same as any other country. The difference is that the criminals are not as easily stopped and a broken law is more dangerous for an innocent child than it can be for an adult.

  14. M- Movement/Migration • Airports with paved and unpaved runways • Pipelines • Railways • Roadways • Waterways These are just a few examples of where and how Gabonese people travel

  15. N-national pride • three equal horizontal bands of green (top), yellow, and blue; green represents the country's forests and natural resources, gold represents the equator (which transects Gabon) as well as the sun, blue represents the sea. This is Gabon’s flag that is filled with pride!

  16. O- organizations Exports: • crude oil , timber, manganese, uranium Imports: • machinery and equipment, foodstuffs, chemicals, construction materials

  17. A growing Population: • Population: 1,514,993 inhabitantsGrowth rate: 1,9 % per year Urban population: 85% Aged 60 and older: 3,9% • Life expectancy (in 2009) :- Men: 52 years- Women: 55 years Because of AIDS there is a higher infant mortality, a lower life expectancy, and higher death rates

  18. Quality of life • Life expectancy (in 2009) :- Men: 52 years- Women: 55 years

  19. R-Religion • There are mostly Christians (55%-75%), and Muslim less than 1% in the area

  20. S- schools definition: age 15 and over can read and write total population: 63.2% male: 73.7% female: 53.3% (1995 est.)

  21. T- taboo • current situation: Gabon is predominantly a destination country for children trafficked from other African countries for the purpose of forced labor. Girls are primarily trafficked for domestic servitude, forced market vending, forced restaurant labor, and sexual exploitation, while boys are trafficked for forced street hawking and forced labor in small workshops.

  22. U- Urban vs. rural A modern lifestyleHousehold equipment rate:- Radio: 73 %- Television: 50 %- Refrigerator: 48 %- Video: 20 %- Car: 14 % • There is about 90,000 internet users • urban population: 85% of total population (rate of urbanization: 2.1% annual rate of change)

  23. V- Vacation/ Recreation • Playing soccer, dancing, panting, singing, celebrations, sculpting, these are only a few activities that take place in Gabon

  24. W- Weather and climate Seasons : 2 dry seasons:- May - September (main dry season)- December - January (small dry season) Two rainy seasons:- September - December (small rainy season)- February - May (main rainy season) Average temperatures: 22°- 32°C  Humidity rate: 85%  Annual rainfall: 2,000 - 3,800 mm  Annual sunshine: 1,400 hours  Evaporation: 1,300 mm   Wind : 5m/s

  25. X- xeriscope • Area : 267,667 km² • Population: 1,514,993 inhabitants

  26. Y- yearly income • There is a public debt of 34.7% • The Budget: • revenues: $3.141 billion • expéditeurs: $2.877 billion

  27. Z-zoology • 200,000 km2 of forest • Forests covering 85% of the country • Productive forest: 19 million hectares • 10% of the country is preserved with 13 national parks • 8,000 plant species • 680 bird species • More than 400 forest species • 180 different mammal species (gorillas, humpback whales, leatherback turtles, and so on)

  28. References • http://www.carltonward.com/africa/people18.htm • www.legabon.org • https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/gb.html • www.bing.com (pictures)

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