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Introductory Thoughts. Hebrews 11:6 We've been looking at characteristics that we need to have in our lives. We must have both the desire to please Him and the diligence to seek Him. That would be putting our faith into action. James 2:17-24 3 passages from 2nd Corinthians to consider.
Introductory Thoughts Hebrews 11:6 We've been looking at characteristics that we need to have in our lives. We must have both the desire to please Him and the diligence to seek Him. That would be putting our faith into action. James 2:17-24 3 passages from 2nd Corinthians to consider.
2 Corinthians 5:7 Paul is reminding the Corinthian brethren of another life. Do we really walk by faith? To the true believer the Lord is always present. In his book Dare to Believe, Dan Bauman illustrates the unique experience of knowing that something is yours, yet longing to enjoy it more fully.
2 Corinthians 10:15 Luke 17:1-6 Mark 9:23-24 Too often our attitude is one of having it all figured out. We need to have “A Truer Vision”.
A Truer Vision I need a truer vision, Lord. A vision filled with Thee To see the needy world again With eyes willing to see. A world where people are hurting And hungry every day, A world that's ready and waiting To hear what you would say.
I need a wider vision, Lord. A vision filled with Thee. To see that lonely woman Down the street from me. The teenager who's all mixed up, The child who's been abused, The day‑to‑day cares in my neighborhood. Lord, I want to be used. Give me a new vision, Lord. A vision filled with Thee.
To see the world and my neighborhood As your eyes would see. Help me use my gifts, dear Lord, In ways that glorify you, To act with loving kindness Toward those with a different view. A truer, wider, new vision, Lord. That's what I need To carry out your commands In word and thought and deed.
2 Corinthians 13:5 Take a good look at your life. The Corinthians were guilty of questioning Paul. The story is told of a famous teacher who was walking with some of his followers when one of them asked, “Teacher, when should a man repent?” Examine yourself. How's your faith?
Concluding Thoughts How's your faith today? Paul instructed the Galatians to remove the sins of the flesh and to fill their lives with the fruit of the spirit. Faith will cause us to obey.