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WILD ANIMALS. Authors : Zuzanna Wolniak and Natalia Czajka. H orse
WILD ANIMALS Authors: Zuzanna Wolniak and Natalia Czajka
Horse Equinemammal. Thehorsewas domesticatedprobablyin northern Kazakhstan. about 3.5 thousand. years BC Orientalancestors of horses, fromwhichtheyoriginateWarmbloodhorseswereprobablythe Przewalski horse and tarpan; Draughthorsescomefrom a horsewhiletheforest of northern Europe.
Tiger The species of large predatory mammal bearing the family cat, the largest of the four great living today, roaring cats of the genus Panthera,one of the largest land predators-second only to the size of some of the bears. Ideal jumps, swims very well, usually hunts alone. Formerly numerous all over Asia, always formidable, became the object of hunting for sport, money, or in retaliation - because of the threat posed to humans and livestock. Exterminated in many regions, in danger of extinction, has been subject protection programs. The largest wild population lives in India. In some regions of India,tigers are considered sacred animals.
Bear American bear, black bear it is species of the predatory mammal from the family bearish. The most spread in North America (from north Canada to Florida and Mexico). Massive build, body length of males of 140-200 cm, females of 120-160 cm, tail of 80-140 mm. Body weight of males of 47-409 kg, 39-236 females kg . Black hair sometimes verging on bronze. Black bears superbly are climbing to trees, particularly when are searching for a safe place to hide. The predator is falling into the slight winter sleep, during which the female is giving birth 2-3 young.
Shark The common name for a group of species, genera and even families of predatory cartilaginous fish podgromadyelasmobranch, characterized by a streamlined, fusiform body, caudal fin heterocerkalną, 5-7 gill openings located within just behind the head and very sharp teeth. Many species are caught for meat, hides and fish oil. Some are dangerous to humans because of the possibility of bites - even deadly.