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Briefing on the Annual Performance Plan (APP) and budget for 2013/14 to 2015/16

Detailed analysis of APP and budget, alignment to various programs, budget allocations, and strategic objectives for sustainable resource management.

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Briefing on the Annual Performance Plan (APP) and budget for 2013/14 to 2015/16

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  1. Select Committee: Land & Environmental Affairs Briefing on the Annual Performance Plan (APP) and budget for 2013/14 to 2015/16 07 May 2013 DOCUMENT 1

  2. Contents • Part 1: Executive summary on the APP and budget • Part 2: Detailed briefing on the 2013/14 APP • Part 3: Analysis of the 2013/14 medium term budget • Main account • Trading account • Part 4: Progress report on the 2012/13 budget

  3. Part 1: Executive summary of the Annual Performance Plan and budget

  4. Alignment of the APP to various programmes WRC MDGs TCTA MDGs Outcome 12 IPAP Outcome 4 &6 Outcome 6 KOBWA NT SIPs NDP NDP SIPs DPSA NGP IPAP DMR Energy DEA DAFF COGTA

  5. Alignment of the APP to various programmes MDGs CMAs Irrigation boards ~ WUAs Outcome 10 Outcome 11 WBs as IA NDP Outcome 4, 6, 7, 9 & 10 DEA DIRCO NDP SIPs DMR Intl commissions DEA IPAP DMR Energy DAFF COGTA Health DRDLR DHS

  6. Alignment of the APP to various programmes

  7. Alignment of the APP to various programmes

  8. Alignment of the APP to various programmes

  9. Alignment of the APP to various programmes

  10. Overview of budget allocation per programme (Main)

  11. Overview of budget allocation per economic classification (Main) 11

  12. 12 Overview of budget allocation per economic classification (Main)

  13. Alignment of the annual performance plan to human and financial resources per programme and sub-programme

  14. Programme 1: Administration (Main Account) • means this sub-programme will be incorporated within • Corporate Services during the 2014/15 financial year

  15. Programme 2: Water Sector Management

  16. Programme 4: Regional Implementation & Support • means the budget is for 2 financial years (i.e. 2012/13 and 2013/14 • only)

  17. Programme 4: Regional Implementation & Support • means the budget is for 2 financial years (i.e. 2012/13 and 2013/14 • only)

  18. Programme 5: Water Sector Regulation Red means these sub-programmes functions are currently merged

  19. Programme 6: International Water Cooperation

  20. Programme 1: Administration (Trading Entity)

  21. Programme 3: Water Infrastructure Management (Trading Entity)

  22. Programme 4: Regional Implementation & Support (Trading Entity)

  23. Part 2: DETAILED BRIEFING on the 2013/14 annual performance plan

  24. Vision Mission Values An efficient, effective and development oriented sector leader Equitable and sustainable provisioning of raw water Provision of equitable and sustainable water services of acceptable quantity and quality Protection of freshwater ecosystems GOALS Improve and increase the skills pool and build competencies in the Department and within the sector Ensure the availability of / access to water supply for environmental and socio-economic use Ensure compliance to water legislation Ensure compliance to water legislation Support the water sector Improve the protection of water resources and ensure their sustainability Improve equity and efficiency in water allocation Effective and efficient internal control environment Strengthen and implement strategies for water management in the country Implement programmes that create job opportunities STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Improve water resources and water services information Improve water use efficiency Coordinate regional and global water cooperation Ensure effective performance of water management and services institutions

  25. Programmes per budget (ENE) structure Water Trading Entity Administration Water Sector Management Water Infrastructure Management Regional Implementation & Support Water Sector Regulation International Water Cooperation Ministry Policy & Planning Mgt & Support Infrastructure dev & rehabilitation Regional Mgt & Support Regulation Mgt & Support IR Mgt & Support Departmental Management Integrated Planning Operation of water resources Water Sector Support Economic & Social Regulation Africa Cooperation Internal audit Policy & Strategy Financial Management Institutional Establishment Water use authorisation Global Cooperation Corporate services Water Ecosystems Integrated Catchment Mgt Regional Bulk Resource regulation Financial Management Water Info Mgt Transfer of Water Schemes Compliance Monitoring Office accommodation Institutional Oversight Support Services Enforcement Water Services Projects Legend Integrated Catchment Mgt Programmes Mine Water Mgt Sub-programmes

  26. Main account indicators and targets

  27. Programme 1: Administration

  28. Programme 1: Administration

  29. Programme 1: Administration

  30. Programme 2: Water Sector Management

  31. Programme 2: Water Sector Management

  32. Programme 4: Regional Implementation & Support

  33. Programme 4: Regional Implementation & Support

  34. Programme 4: Regional Implementation & Support

  35. Programme 4: Regional Implementation & Support

  36. Programme 4: Regional Implementation & Support

  37. Programme 5: Water Sector Regulation

  38. Programme 6: International Water Cooperation

  39. Water trading entity indicators and targets

  40. Programme 1: Administration

  41. Programme 3: Water Infrastructure Management

  42. Programme 3: Water Infrastructure Management

  43. Programme 3: Water Infrastructure Management

  44. Typical phases for the development of water infrastructure Phase 1 to 4 constitutes planning Phase 5 to 7 constitutes implementation 1 Reconnaissance 1% - 2% 2 Pre-feasibility 3% - 5% 3 Feasibility 6% - 8% 4 Decision support 9% - 10% 5 Design 11% - 20% 6 Construction 21% - 95% 7 Commissioning 96% - 100% • Preliminary investigation of options • Identify best options for detail study • Detailed investigation and assessment of best option(s) sizing and configuration (technical, environmental & cost) • Recommend the project • Environmental approval • Reserve determination • Public involvement • Initial funding and institutional arrangements • Some optimisation • Decision to implement • Formalise institutional arrangements • Secure funding • Procurement procedures • Engineering design and construction documentation • Procurement • Resettlement & compensation • Construction • Impounding • Testing to verify if performance is according to design objectives or specifications • Handover to Operations & Maintenance • Closure • Needs identification • Identification and selection of possible interventions Operations & maintenance A percentage is allocated to each phase and the cumulative total of all phases is 100%

  45. Programme 4: Regional Implementation & Support

  46. Part 3: Analysis of the 2013/14 medium term budget • Section 1: Analysis on the budget allocation for the 2013/14 financial year • Section 2: main account medium term allocation (overview and details per programme) • Section 3: medium term statement of financial position for the water trading entity

  47. Budget allocation Overview – 2013/14

  48. Budget allocation Overview – 2013/14 Economic Classification

  49. Earmarked vs. Unearmarked Budget allocation

  50. Details of Earmarked vs. Unearmarked Budget Unearmarked Funds Earmarked Funds

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