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HOUSING FACILITIES AND SERVICES. 6 Main Categories. Local Environment Industrial Buildings Housing Facilities Parish Council Communication Personal Assistance St Michaels and All Angels Church. Environment. Q38 – How important to you is the protection of the local environment?
6 Main Categories Local EnvironmentIndustrial BuildingsHousing Facilities Parish Council Communication Personal Assistance St Michaels and All Angels Church
Environment Q38 – How important to you is the protection of the local environment? 249 (97%) said very or fairly important Q39 – How important to you is it that Brampton Abbotts and Foy remain rural areas? 253 (98%) said very or fairly important OBJECTIVE – to maintain the rurality of the Parish ACTION – the Parish Council to accept the parishioners views when considering planning/environment issues
Housing Q1 – What is your view about additional house building in our parishes? 70 (27%) said no new housing 122 (47%) said within strict limits Q2 – If additional houses were to be built, which should they be? 149 (60%) said family homes 89 (36%) said starter homes 82 (33%) said affordable housing OBJECTIVE – development of housing to take account of the wishes of parishioners to keep the Parish rural ACTION – to accept the wishes of the parishioners to maintain the rurality and take account of the type of housing and location
Q30 – Should large industrial buildings be allowed? 220 (87%) said no Q31 – Should small business units be allowed? 120 (48%) said no OBJECTIVE – development of Industrial Buildings to take account of the wishes of parishioners to keep the Parish rural ACTION – the Parish Council to accept the parishioners views when considering planning/environment issues
Facilities Q3 – Which of the following would you use if they were set up in our parishes? Q4 – Which would you be prepared to help set up and run? Residents Association 117 (52%) 32 (14%) Farmers’ Market 180 (74%) 43 (20%) Bulk-buy food club 80 (36%) 24 (11%) Garden tool bank 93 (42%) 35 (17%) Community café 126 (54%) 34 (17%) Community IT facilities 126 (29%) 24 (11%) OBJECTIVE – to facilitate the setting up of viable initiatives ACTION – to provide the results to those who indicated they would be willing to set up and run the initiatives
Parish Council Q5 – Do you think that the Parish Council represents your interests well? 67 (26%) said yes 142 (17%) said no 145 (57%) no opinion Q6 – Do you think that the Parish Council publicises its decisions and activities sufficiently? 49 (19%) said yes 121 (47%) said no 86 (34%) no opinion
Q7 – Were you aware that contact details for the Parish Council and Council meeting dates can be found on Parish notice-boards and on the Parish website? 142 (56%) said yes 113 (44%) said no OBJECTIVE – to educate and encourage parishioners to take a stake in their parish and to improve the availability of information and make parishioners aware of the parish website ACTION – to ensure meetings and agendas are publicised and Parish Council is receptive to feedback. To continue publicity of the website.
Communication Q8 – Which of the following would you favour to keep you informed of news and events in your parish? Website 129 (50%) Email 24 ( 9%) Community notice-board (Brampton Abbotts) 68 (26%) Community notice-board (East/West Foy) 21 ( 8%) Parish newsletter 141 (55%)
Q9 – Would you be prepared to help set up and run a Parish newsletter? 5 (2%) said yes definitely 9 (4%) said probably 40 (18%) said maybe OBJECTIVE – to set up clear and effective communication in the parish. To provide the results to those who indicated they would be willing to help set up the initiatives ACTION – to provide the results to those who indicated they would be willing to set up the initiatives. To facilitate the setting up of a parish newsletter
Q10 – How useful would you find the following information if it was held on the Parish website Current events / events calendar 188 / 190 Welcome pack for new parishioners 127 Work of Parish Council 163 Parish Council meetings etc 141 Planning applications 180 Parish newsletter 176 Village hall news and committee minutes 137 Tourist information 131 Parish groups 114 Community led plan progress 152 Local business adverts 127 OBJECTIVE – to ensure the website includes useful information as identified by the questionnaire ACTION – provide the information to the website host
Q11 – Would you support bringing high speed broadband to our Parish? 201 (80%) supported at no or some cost Q12 – How important to you are post boxes in our Parish? 212 (83%) said very or fairly important Q13 – How important to you are public telephone boxes in our Parish? 77 (30%) said very or fairly important OBECTIVE – to investigate the introduction secure the facility of post boxes to retain the facility of public telephone boxes ACTION – to investigate possibility of introduction of HSB and costs ensure provision of postal service at its current level ensure current level of provision of telephone boxes
Personal Assistance Q14 – Do you have difficulty accessing any of the following services? GP / Pharmacy / Library / Hospital 8 people said yes OBJECTIVE – to assist vulnerable parishioners to access services ACTION – encourage neighbour assistance and knowledge of neighbours needs
Church Q17 – To what extent would you favour (or disfavour) each of the following alternative choices for St Michael and All Angels Church building in Brampton Abbotts: Be preserved as monument 169 (72%) strongly favour/favour 17 (7%) disfavour/strongly disfavour Be demolished to become attractive ruin 28 (15%) strongly favour/favour 111 (58%) disfavour/strongly disfavour ACTION – to ensure a factual statement of the current position concerning the Church is disseminated
The Revd Ann Knight update on Brampton Abbotts St Michaels & All Angels Church
3 Main Categories Roads Road Safety Transport
Q18: What do you think of the condition and maintenance road surfaces in our parishes ? 199 (75%) said poor condition OBJECTIVE – to ensure as far as possible regular maintenance ACTION – identify and continue to review problems and refer to the appropriate agency
Q19: What do you think of the maintenance of hedges, verges, ditches & drains in our parishes ? 155 (59%) said good condition OBJECTIVE – to ensure as far as possible regular maintenance ACTION – identify and continue to review problems and refer to the appropriate agency
Q20: Do you think that there are sufficient winter gritting-bins in our parishes ? 93 (36%) said sufficient 109 (43%) said insufficient OBJECTIVE – to ensure sufficient gritting-bins where required and regular filling ACTION – PC to request HC to provide more bins as necessary and monitor refilling
Q21: Do you think there are serious road problems at any of the following locations: 108 (41%) BA Church/Oak House school junction 56 (21%) Gatsford junction OBJECTIVE – to improve traffic and road safety ACTION – Seek co-operation of stakeholders and other agencies to improve road safety
Q22: Would you be prepared to help with possible traffic and/or road safety monitoring schemes 182 (84%) said No OBJECTIVE – to improve traffic and road safety ACTION – Investigate feasibility with HC and involve parishioners where appropriate
Q23: How often do you use local bus services ? 223 (84%) Never ACTION – No action
Q24: Would you be likely to use the service more often if any of the following were improved/changed ? Routes, Timetable, Price, Shelters, Stops 193 (74%) No response 21 (8%) Routes 53 (20%) Timetable ACTION – No action
Q25: Do you think better provision should be made in our parishes for cyclists ? 104 (42%) No opinion 80 (32%) No 66 (26%) Yes ACTION – No action
Main Themes 1 Crime 2 Neighbourhood Watch
Q26: How concerned are you about the following ? 177 (71%) Theft 169 (69%) Burglary 106 (46%) Vandalism 209 (83%) Speeding traffic 124 (54%) Personal safety in bad weather 126 (54%) Lack of police response 126 (54%) Low flying aircraft
Q26: Crime and Safety OBJECTIVE – reduce level of concern ACTION – liaise with community police and other agencies for advice managing concerns
Q27: Would you like to see establishment of a Neighbourhood Watch scheme 107 (44%) Yes 33 (13%) No OBJECTIVE – set up Neighbourhood Watch scheme for those who feel the need for it ACTION – liaise with community police officers on setting up a scheme
Q28: Would you be prepared to help establish and run a Neighbourhood Watch scheme 31 (15%) Yes 173 (85%) No OBJECTIVE – set up Neighbourhood Watch scheme for those who feel the need for it ACTION – to provide results for those who indicated that they would be willing to set up the scheme
Main Theme 1 Local food growing
Q29: Which of the following would you participate in and contribute to 33 (13%) Local food growing selling 21 ( 8%) Local gardening scheme 15 ( 6%) Locally run community transport 9 ( 3%) Locally run home improvement scheme OBJECTIVE – set up and support for those interested ACTION – to provide the results for those who indicated that they would be willing to set up the initiative
2 Main Categories • Youth Programmes • Youth Programme Volunteers
Youth Programmes Q32: Which of the following youth programmes do you think are needed in our parishes? Activity club / Homework club / Literacy classes Activity club 89 (34%) / Homework club 13 (5%) / Literacy classes 18 (7%) OBJECTIVE - Provide an activity club for the local community. ACTION - To provide the results to those who indicated that they would be willing set up the initiative.
Youth Programme Volunteers Q33: Would you be prepared to help set up and run any of the above programmes? (Activity Club/Homework Club/Literacy Classes) 18 Responded “YES” OBJECTIVE - Provide an activity club for the local community. ACTION – Identify those who indicted ‘Yes’ and provide the results to those respondents.
Main Themes 1 Personal fitness 2 Leisure activities
Q34: Would you attend any of the following if offered in our parishes ? 64 (25%) Keep fit 48 (18%) Yoga 33 (13%) Badminton 33 (13%) Multi Gym 31 (12%) Step aerobics 31 (12%) Arts & Crafts
Q34: Would you attend any of the following if offered in our parishes ? OBJECTIVE – provide facilities where feasible and identify if located elsewhere ACTION – identify where those facilities might be located and approach stakeholders
Q35: Do you think our parishes need any of the following ? 54 (21%) PGL Club 52 (20%)Tennis Court 49 (19%) Village maps 45 (17%) Playground 6-12 42 (16%)Mount bike trail 38 (15%) Playground under 5 36 (14%) Football pitch 35 (13%) Child’n Summer club 32 (12%) Fishing club 32 (12%) Fitness trail 29 (11%) Cricket pitch 24 ( 9%) Fishing club
Q35: Do you think our parishes need any of the following OBJECTIVE – provide facilities where feasible and identify if located elsewhere ACTION – research local venues and advertise those facilities
Q36: Do you think there should be a pedestrian, cycle, bridal way connection over Backney Bridge 124 (50%) Yes OBJECTIVE – provide an appropriate connection over Backney Bridge ACTION – PC to contact SUSTRANS to emphasise level of BA & Foy support
Q37: Do you think Foy Bridge is adequately repaired and maintained 95 (38%) Yes 25 (25%) No OBJECTIVE – ensure it is repaired and maintained ACTION – PC to obtain report on current position. Inform parishioners
Main Themes 1 Environment & Pollution 2 Energy 3 Recycling
Q40: Would you use any of the following if offered in our parishes? Recycling 150 (57%) Community Compost 76 (29%) Allotments 30 (11%) OBJECTIVE – recycling and composting no action adequate provision in Ross ACTION – research garden share schemes & feasibility for introduction to BA & Foy