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A Depth-First-Search Controlled Gridless Incremental Routing Algorithm for VLSI Circuits. Hasan Arslan and Shantanu Dutt Electrical & Computer Eng. University of Illinois at Chicago ICCD 2004. Outline. Introduction Importance of Incremental Routing Previous work Our Goals
A Depth-First-Search Controlled Gridless Incremental Routing Algorithm for VLSI Circuits Hasan Arslan and Shantanu Dutt Electrical & Computer Eng. University of Illinois at Chicago ICCD 2004
Outline • Introduction • Importance of Incremental Routing • Previous work • Our Goals • A DFS-Based Incr. Routing Alg. • Non-Uniform Grids • DSR (Depth first search controlled Segment bump and Refit) Algorithm • Experimental Results • Conclusion
Introduction • In current VLSI Chip • The size gets smaller • High clock frequency • Interconnections on chip very important • Technical Problems • Wire-congestion and routability • Crosstalk / noise • Power consumption • Terminal distribution
Incremental Routing • After a chip layout is completed • Time/noise violation • One or more optimization metrics • Technology constraints • Make changes to the circuit/system • Engineering Change Order (ECO) process • Time to meet market requirements • Enormous resources and time already spent. • Need a time-efficient & effective incremental routing algorithm
Incremental Routing (Cont.) • Incremental Routing Problem • Set of existing routed nets R • Set of new nets S(due to timing violation, noise…) • Quality metrics for an Incr. Routing • Near-optimal incr. solutions in a short amount of time • Preserve previous routing results as much as possible • Complete the required incremental routing in the available channel area if such a solution exists
Prior work on Incremental Routing • 1)Emmert and Bhatia, “Incremental Routing in FPGA” , IEEE Int. ASIC Conference, 1998. • 2)Cong and Sarrafzadeh, “Incremental Physical Design” , ISPD 2000. • 3)Dutt, Shanmugavel and Trimberger, “Efficient Incremental Rerouting for Fault Reconfiguration in FPGAs”, ICCAD 1999. • 4)Dutt, Verma and Arslan “A Search-Based Bump and Refit Approach to Incremental Routing for ECO Applications in FPGAs”, TODAES 2002 • 5)Xiang, Chao, Wong “An ECO Algorithm for Eliminating Crossalk Violations”, ISPD 2004
Emmert-Bhatia (ASIC’98) • Nets connected to faulty PLB, deleted and rerouted • A graph is built, from source pin to target pin • Standard single-net routing mode (global then detailed) • Do not perturb or move existing nets Cong-Sarrafzadeh (ISPD’00) • Single Net Routing : Route new nets without removing any existing nets. • Rip & Reroute : If some nets cannot be routed, rip-up the existing nets which occupy the resources of new nets. Reroute the ripped up nets.
Dutt, Shanmugavel and Trimberger (ICCAD’99) • Used incremental rerouting for dynamic fault reconfiguration in FPGAs • Does not rip-up and reroute • Shift them (or their subnets) to other track positions ---Bump-&-Refit (B&R) • No change in topology, length of existing nets • Optimal: Finds a detailed route if exists Dutt, Verma and Arslan (TODAES’02) • Extended basic B&R significantly for: • full incremental routing (global + detailed) • complex switchboxes • much better results than Std and R&R (routing succ within avail res, HP of failed nets, speed under certain conditions)
Our Goals • Incremental routing for VLSI (ASIC) circuits • Gridless framework for non-uniform width & spacing req. and memory & time efficiency • Address the quality metrics of incr. routing • Near-optimal incr. solutions (min. WL and vias) in a short amt. of time • Preserve previous routing results as much as possible • Complete the required incremental routing in the available channel area if such a solution exists = min. # of metal layers = max. routing success in given layers • Approach: • Allow bumping of existing nets for near-optimal solns to new nets • However, to obtain an overall good solution control the amount of perturbation of existing nets or their routing failures by retracting their bumpings using an overall DFS control
Adjacent-via R-BBox DFS-Based Incr. Routing Alg.(Incr. Routing Concepts) n1 n 2 n 2 n 1
CG of n 1 n v n h n 1. 1 1. 1 1 1 1 ob possible v v 1 ob 2. 1. overlapping 1 n n n h 2. 1 n 2 n v n h 2. 1 n h 2. 1 1. 1 CG of n 2 DFS-Based Incr. Routing Alg.(Incr. Routing Concepts) • If there is an edge between two nets in OG, they might bump each other during shifting one of them. • For net ni in OG • higher degree (more adj. net in OG) might bump more nets, • passing through in dense area • Check only adj. nets/blocks in OG to create non-uniform grid for ni
DFS-Based Incr. Routing Alg. Do-DFS-Routing(ni) Route-with-Bumping(ni) Cp=Get-Candidate-Paths Generate grid line in R-BB Route-without-Bumping(ni) All paths in Cp tested? return(fail) YES return(succ.) Soln? For each bumped net nk Do-DFS-Routing(nk) NO Route-with-Bumping(ni) YES return(succ.) Soln? NO YES Soln? Retract curr. bumping-causing routing path NO return(fail)
Non-Uniform Grid Extraction • Variable width/spacing rule Width / space req. of new net • To route new net • Create obstruction zone around existing nets • Find zero width path for new net
BGLs (Boundary Grid Lines) OGLs (Occupied Grid Lines) VGLs (Vacant Grid Lines) Non-Uniform Grid Extr. & Routing t s • Use VGLs to get solution without bumping . • Use VGLs and OGLs to do B&R type routing (OGLs has higher cost than VGLs).
DFS-Based Incr. Routing Alg. Do-DFS-Routing(ni) Route-with-Bumping(ni) Cp=Get-Candidate-Paths Generate grid line in R-BB YES Route-without-Bumping(ni) All paths in Cp tested? return(fail) NO YES return(succ.) Soln? Get-Next-Path(CP) For each bumped net nk Do-DFS-Routing(nk) NO Route-with-Bumping(ni) YES return(succ.) Soln? YES Soln? NO Retract curr. bumping-causing Routing path NO return(fail)
Adj -via n Adj -via 2-via routing 1 n j n 3 n 1 n 2 Adj -via Adj -via Bumped seg. Adj -via Adj -via n n 4-via routing 3-via routing 1 1 cv n n 1 1 cv Adj -via Adj -via Finding Solution without Bumping – Use the 4-via Algorithm(Carothers,Lee,T-CS,1999) 1-via routing n 2 n 1 If 3-via path cannot be found due to obstacles If 1-via path cannot be found due to obstacles If 2-via path cannot be found due to obstacles
DFS-Based Incr. Routing Alg. Do-DFS-Routing(ni) Route-with-Bumping(ni) Cp=Get-Candidate-Paths Generate grid line in R-BB YES Route-without-Bumping(ni) All paths of Cptested? return(fail) NO YES return(succ.) solution Get-Next-Path(Cp) For each bumped net nk Do-DFS-Routing(nk) NO Route-with-Bumping(ni) YES return(succ.) Soln? YES Soln? NO Retract curr. bumping-causing Routing path NO return(fail)
Adj-via n 1 n n n 1 1 1 Adj-via Adj-via Equal distance m paths n 1 The first m paths Selecting Paths to Route Bumped Seg. Adj-via n 1 Adj-via Random m paths The randomized initial path set selection gave the best solutions in terms of both quality and runtime.
DFS-Based Incr. Routing Alg. Do-DFS-Routing(ni) Route-with-Bumping(ni) Cp=Get-Candidate-Paths Generate grid line in R-BB YES Have all path of CP tested Route-without-Bumping(ni) return(failed) NO YES return(succ.) Soln? Get-Next-Path(CP) For each bumped net nk Do-DFS-Routing(nk) NO Route-with-Bumping(ni) YES return(succ.) solution YES Soln? NO Retract previous bumping-causing routing NO return(failed)
nj n1.b-seg P1 n2.pin or obs DFS-Controlled Routing with Bump & Refit n3 nj n3..v1 n2 nj n1..b-seg n3..h1 n2..h1 n2..h2 n1 n1..b-seg Pi= i-via path is explored
nj n1.b-seg P1 P2 n2.pin or obs n2.h2 P1 n3.v1 DFS-Controlled Routing with Bump & Refit n3 nj n3..v1 n2 nj n2..h2 n3..h1 n2..h1 n2..h2 n1 n1..b-seg Pi= i-via path is explored
n3..v1 nj n1.b-seg P1 P2 n3..h1 n2.pin or obs n2.h2 P1 P1 n3.v1 obs P1 P2-P4 anc obs or anc.n1 or anc.nj DFS-Controlled Routing with Bump & Refit n3 nj n3..v1 n2 nj n2..h2 n2..h1 n2..h2 n1 n1..b-seg Pi= i-via path is explored
n3..v1 nj n1.b-seg P1 P2 n3..h1 n2.pin or obs n2.h2 P2-P3 P1 P1 n3.v1 n3.h1 P1 obs P1 P2-P4 P2-P4 obs anc obs or anc.n1 or anc.nj obs or anc.n1 or anc.nj DFS-Controlled Routing with Bump & Refit n3 nj n3..v1 n2 nj n2..h1 n2..h2 n1 n1..b-seg Pi= i-via path is explored
n3..v1 nj n1.b-seg P1 P2 n3..h1 n2.pin or obs n2.h2 P2-P3 P1 P1 n3.v1 n3.h1 P1 obs P1 P2-P4 P2-P4 obs anc obs or anc.n1 or anc.nj obs or anc.n1 or anc.nj DFS-Controlled Routing with Bump & Refit n3 nj n3..v1 n2 nj n2..h1 n2..h2 n2..h2 n1 n1..b-seg Pi= i-via path is explored
n3..v1 nj P2 n1.b-seg n2.h1 P1 P2 n3..h1 P1 n2.pin or obs n2.h2 obs P2-P3 P1 P1 n3.v1 n3.h1 P1 obs P1 P2-P4 P2-P4 obs anc obs or anc.n1 or anc.nj obs or anc.n1 or anc.nj DFS-Controlled Routing with Bump & Refit n3 nj n3..v1 n2 nj n1..b-seg n2..h1 n2..h2 n1 n1..b-seg Pi= i-via path is explored
n3..v1 nj P2 n1.b-seg n2.h1 P1 P2 n3..h1 P2 P1 n2.pin or obs n2.h2 VGL obs P2-P3 P1 P1 n3.v1 n3.h1 P1 obs P1 P2-P4 P2-P4 obs anc obs or anc.n1 or an.nj obs or anc.n1 or anc.nj DFS-Controlled Routing with Bump & Refit n3 nj n3..v1 n2 nj n2..h2 n1 Pi= i-via path is explored
Characteristics of Benchmark Circuits • Width of net 2 -15 unit • Space req. btw. nets 1 - 8 unit • Base 2x2 tile of Mcc1 benchmark is replicated with diff. cell sizes and diff. # of pins • Nets connected to pins randomly generated routed by using max 4-via routing • Experiment involved routing as many nets as possible under the constraint of 2 metal layers only routing succ. rate = efficacy of router
Experimental Results(Comparison of Failed Nets) • Unrouted nets are longer and wider when Std. and R&R used • DSR gets more compact layout by routing more and wider nets
Conclusions • New Incremental Routing Algorithm DSR • gridless routing • variable width/space • Produces significant impr. over Std. R&R • Via incr. of modified nets (3 (5) times less than R&R, 10% and 20%, respectively) • Higher routing success rate (Std.=10.8 (8.5) R&R= 4.6 (2.4) times worse) • Wire length (HPBB) of failed nets: Std. = 36.7 (6.59) R&R = 5.1 (2.15) times worse) • Degree of modification (~20% less modification than R&R) • Future Work • Tile-based approach to avoid congestion • Timing-driven DSR algorithm