Blood Castle By Daniel
1.Introduction • You and your friend Ben are walking down the misty path. You see a castle covered with blood. You are terrified. Then you see a flash of light . You turn around … You can’t find your friend. Should you go into the wet glass door or enter the gate that leads into the house Go to 3 through the glass door or 6 through the main gate.
2. Kitchen • You enter room 3 and it takes you to the kitchen. You see a big chicken and you see a bite mark on it. This is not a nice place to be. If you take the tunnel you go to 5, or if you take the rope ladder you go to 4.
3. The Hall • You have arrived at the hall, there are rats and spiders and there might be more creatures of the dark . Climb the stairs to get to 4 or go on a magic carpet to get to seven.
Bedroom 4 • You end up at the bedroom. a cold breeze is coming through the closed window. You get scared you stepp on a squeaky floor board. Suddenly you hear a noise ooooh! Climb the ladder to get to 2 or the wobbly tunnel to get to 3
Bathroom. 5 • You end up at the bathroom. You see a skeleton it has wet chains around its legs. you also see spiders in its eyes and cockroaches on its spine and its thigh. To get to 8 climb the ladder, or to get to 6 go under the wobbly tunnel full of spiders.
Loft. 6 • You enter into the loft, but when you step on the third step you get!!! zapped game over !!!
Cellar 7. • You enter the cellar, where you see lots of skeletons. The door slammed instantly. They start to move and you are trapped Game over!!!
Dungeon 8. • You end up at the dungeon. you suddenly hear yelling and you smash down the cupboard. you Have found Ben. You have won