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Future Opportunities in Transverse Spin Physic at RHIC

STAR. Future Opportunities in Transverse Spin Physic at RHIC. Strong Interaction Physics at BNL RHIC  e-RHIC RHIC from present to future Detector Upgrades Overview of the Physics Program Transverse Spin Physics Collins and Interference Fragmentation

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Future Opportunities in Transverse Spin Physic at RHIC

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  1. STAR Future Opportunities inTransverse Spin Physic at RHIC • Strong Interaction Physics at BNL • RHIC  e-RHIC • RHIC from present to future • Detector Upgrades • Overview of the Physics Program • Transverse Spin Physics • Collins and • Interference Fragmentation • Sivers • Drell Yan pp2pp Matthias Grosse-Perdekamp, Univ. Illinois Les Bland, Brookhaven National Laboratory

  2. Strong Interaction Physics at RHIC, future RHIC, now e-RHIC • Quark Matter at high • Temperatures and Densities • ion-ion collisions (Cu-Cu, Au-Au: √sNN=22.5, 62, 130, 200 GeV) • Proton Spin Structure • polarized proton-proton collisions (p-p: √s=62.4, 200, 500 GeV) • Low-x and high parton densities • ion-deuteron collisions (d-Au: √sNN=200 GeV) 10 x higher luminosity, detector upgrades ∫RHICLdt  2 fb-1, high luminosity transverse spin running? polarized e-p very active field: > 90 PRL letters in the first 6 years (high luminosity) forward detector upgrades e-A scattering Future Transverse Spin at RHIC

  3. RHIC Run 6 Performance 60% beam polarization and 1MHz interaction rate

  4. Luminosity Projection (no mini-quads) Expect polarization of 70% and luminosity of http://spin.riken.bnl.gov/rsc/report/RHIC_spin_LRP07.pdf Future Transverse Spin at RHIC

  5. Expectations for Future RHIC Operations • Factor 2-3 increase in pp luminosity • Improvement in ratio of recorded/delivered luminosity (vertex) • Small improvements in polarization • Polarized 3He2+ or polarized d beams may be possible • Maximum energy √s = 650 GeV • Mini-quads at the IRs might provide additional increase in luminosity. Future Transverse Spin at RHIC

  6. Some Issues • delivered versus recorded integrated luminosity • luminosity monitoring at high luminosity • s200 GeV versus s=500 GeV collisions • longitudinal versus transverse polarization collisions • More, later… Future Transverse Spin at RHIC

  7. RHIC: Upgrades in STAR and PHENIX • Luminosity expectations (example, PHENIX) • ∫Ldt ≈ 15 pb-1 2007 • ∫Ldt ≈ 85 pb-1 2008 – 2012, √s=200 GeV • ∫Ldt ≈ 300 pb-1 2008 – 2012, √s=500 GeV • ∫Ldt ≈ 1300 pb-1 2013 – 2016, √s=500 GeV • Upgrades will be available for most of RHIC spin luminosity! • Completed / In Progress / Future HBD (Hadron Blind Detector) Silicon (VTX, FVTX) Muon Trigger Forward Calorimeter FMS (Forward Meson Spectrometer) Time of Flight (TOF) HFT (Heavy Flavor Tracker) Forward Tracking Upgrade DAQ 1000 Future Transverse Spin at RHIC

  8. Transverse spin program at RHIC is luminosity limited Physics channel Luminosity? AN very good AN(back-to-back) good AT (Collins FF) limited AT (Interference FF) limited ATT (Jets) not studied AT (Drell Yan) --- ATT( Drell Yan) --- RHIC by 2009 at 200 GeV ∫Ldt ~275pb-1delivered ∫Ldt ~100pb-1 accepted (eg. PHENIX: vertex cut, trigger efficiencies, duty factor)  ∫Ldt ~25 pb-1 transverse Future Transverse Spin at RHIC

  9. Transverse Spin Physics at RHIC with Large ∫Ldt Transversity : correlation between transverse proton spin and quark spin Sivers : correlation between transverse proton spin and quark transverse momentum Boer/Mulders: correlation between transverse quark spin and quark transverse momentum Collins and Interference FF ∫Ldt > 30 pb-1 AT in Drell Yan ∫Ldt ~ 250 pb-1 A(φ0) Drell Yan ?, not studied Future Transverse Spin at RHIC

  10. Transversity + Tensor Charge froma Global Analysys of e-p, p-p and e+e- Factorization + Universality ?! Belle RHIC / GSI Transversity Tensor Charge Theory Lattice QCD: Tensor Charge Future Transverse Spin at RHIC

  11. Transversity from Inter- ference Fragmentation in pp (Efremov, Collins, Heppelman, Ladinsky, Atru, Jaffe, Jin, Tan, Radici, Jacob, Bacchetta) QCD analysis of Belle IFF and RHIC AT in IFF to extract transversity Future Transverse Spin at RHIC

  12. Projected Errors at for ∫Ldt=125 pb-1 at RHIC Projected statistical errors in one invariant mass bin 800 MeV < m < 950 MeV 1% 2% IFF from Belle AT from STAR+PHENIX M. Grosse-Perdekamp, RBRC Workshop on Future Transversity Measurements, BNL (2000) Future Transverse Spin at RHIC

  13. SSA from pions to Drell-Yan Many issues have already been discussed at this workshop about transverse SSA for inclusive pion production at RHIC. A future transverse SSA measurement of Drell-Yan at RHIC is possible, with some optimization to the experiments. But, there is need and opportunity for goals intermediate between inclusive pion and Drell-Yan SSA at RHIC  Large-Rapidity Prompt Photon Transverse SSA Future Transverse Spin at RHIC

  14. Sample decays on FPD++Run-6 / 6.8 pb-1 / 60% polarization With FPD++ module size and electronic dynamic range, have >95% probability of detecting second photon from p0 decay. Future Transverse Spin at RHIC

  15. Where do decay partners go? m = p0(h) di-photon parameters zgg = |E1-E2|/(E1+E2) fgg = opening angle Mm = 0.135 GeV/c2 (p0) Mm=0.548 GeV/c2 (h) • Gain sensitivity to direct photons by making sure we have high probability to catch decay partners • This means we need dynamic range, because photon energies get low (~0.25 GeV), and sufficient area (typical opening angles few degrees at our h ranges). Future Transverse Spin at RHIC

  16. Single  events in “inner” FPD++ cells PYTHIA 6.222 Simulations L=0.9 pb-1 3.81010 calls  from 0 (Without VETO)  from (Without VETO) Direct-  from 0 (With VETO) E Future Transverse Spin at RHIC

  17. Sivers in SIDIS vs Drell Yan Important test at RHIC of the fundamental QCD prediction of thenon-universality of the Sivers effect! requires very high luminosity (~ 250pb-1) Transverse-Spin Drell-Yan Physics at RHIC L. Bland, S.J. Brodsky, G. Bunce, M. Liu, M. Grosse-Perdekamp, A. Ogawa, W. Vogelsang, F. Yuan http://spin.riken.bnl.gov/rsc/write-up/dy_final.pdf Future Transverse Spin at RHIC

  18. Non-universality of Sivers Asymmetries: Unique Prediction of Gauge Theory ! Simple QED example: Drell-Yan: repulsive DIS: attractive Same inQCD: As a result: Future Transverse Spin at RHIC

  19. Experiment SIDIS vs Drell Yan: Sivers|DIS= − Sivers|DY *** TestQCD Prediction of Non-Universality *** HERMES Sivers Results RHIC Drell Yan Projections 0 Sivers Amplitude Markus Diefenthaler DIS Workshop Műnchen, April 2007 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 x Future Transverse Spin at RHIC

  20. Benchmarking Simulations p+p  J/+X  l+l-+X, s=200 GeV PHENIX, hep-ex/0611020 m+m- 1.2<|h|<2.2 e+e- |h|<0.35 J/ is a critical benchmark that must be understood before Drell-Yan Future Transverse Spin at RHIC

  21. Dilepton Backgrounds cc bb Drell-Yan J/  ’ Isolation needed to discriminate open heavy flavor from DY Future Transverse Spin at RHIC

  22. Rapidity and Collision Energy Large rapidity acceptance required to probe valence quark Sivers function Future Transverse Spin at RHIC

  23. Summary of Transverse SSA Drell-Yan • 250 pb-1 transverse polarization Drell-Yan data sample probes Sivers function sign relative to SIDIS. • Isolation required to discriminate low-mass DY from open-heavy flavor. • Large rapidity will require tracking for charge-sign discrimination. • Polarized deuteron collisions, with forward spectator tag, could probe flavor dependence. Future Transverse Spin at RHIC

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