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The Future of Spin Physics at RHIC. Present status and plans to improve luminosity & polarization Spin performance milestones & 6-year run plan to achieve them Recent highlights and future projections from RHIC Spin eRHIC and possible staging Precision experiments with stored polarized beams.
The Future of Spin Physics at RHIC • Present status and plans to improve luminosity & polarization • Spin performance milestones & 6-year run plan to achieve them • Recent highlights and future projections from RHIC Spin • eRHIC and possible staging • Precision experiments with stored polarized beams Steve Vigdor for Sam Aronson SPIN2008, Charlottesville October 10, 2008
Nucleon Spin Structure at RHIC and an Electron-Ion Collider p-p at RHIC addresses: 1) What does the share of p spin carried by gluons and sea quarks/ antiquarks reveal about effective degrees of freedom? 2) How is parton orbital motion (on the light front) in p manifested in transverse spin asymmetries? e-N at EIC would exploit scaling viola-tions & exclusive reactions to extend study to completely gluon-dominated region at low momentum fraction.
Polarized atomic H jet RHIC Polarimeters BRAHMS & PP2PP PHOBOS RIKEN/RBRC Siberian Snakes Siberian Snakes DOE/RIKEN/RBRC muon detector PHENIX STAR Spin Rotators Spin flipper Spin Rotators Solenoid Partial Siberian Snake Pol. H- Source LINAC BOOSTER Warm AGS Snake AGS 200 MeV Polarimeter AGS Internal Polarimeter Rf Dipole AGS pC Polarimeter Siberian snakes: Strong AGS Snake built into design from the start ! RHIC: World’s Only Polarized Hadron Collider No snakes ~1000 depolarizing resonances With snakes no first order resonances Two partial AGS snakes (11 and 27 spin rotators)
Absolute beam polarization calibration to better than 5% design goal achieved! Polarized Collision Performance at RHIC P L(pb^-1) Results 2002 15% 0.15 first pol. pp collisions! 200330% 1.6 pi^0, photon cross section, A_LL(pi^0) 2004 40% 3.0 absolute beam polarization with polarized H jet 2005 50% 13 large gluon pol. ruled out (P^4 x L = 0.8) 2006 60% 46 first long spin run * (P^4 x L = 6) 2007 no spin running 200850% (short) run * support for 2006 run from Renaissance Tech. crucial for program 2006, P=60% Delivered luminosity at s = 200 GeV 2008, P=45% 2005, P=46% 2003, P=34% Further development ( long runs!) needed to reach “enhanced” design goals: P=70%, L = 6 1031 cm2s1 (or 15 pb1/week) at s = 200 GeV
Polarized proton acceleration to 250 GeV demon-strated. First collision run anticipated 2009. 45 % polarization on first acceleration to 250 GeV! Loss at strong intrinsic resonance (136 GeV); correctable by adjusting betatron tunes. injection 250 GeV
RHIC Spin Luminosity and Polarization Goals • Planned luminosity improvements: • reduce * from 1.0 to 0.5 m • mitigate 10 Hz quad triplet vibration • near-integer working point • non-linear chromaticity correction • transfer line and booster mods. • 9 MHz and 56 MHz RF upgrades • Planned polarization improvements: • horizontal tune jumps in AGS • improved orbit control in RHIC snakes ** without vertex cuts
Further p Beam Improvements Under Development: Electron Lenses • p-p luminosity limited by head-on beam-beam tune spread • Low energy (~5 keV) e beam interacting with proton beam can compensate head-on beam-beam tune spread ( 2 luminosity?) • Single and multi-particle simulation underway • Possible implementation in RHIC by 2014 w/o beam-beam compensation with half and full beam-beam compensation Large tune spread luminosity loss See T. Roser talk, 10/11/08.
Kicker: attraction to e-beam density peak re-duces ion-beam E spread. Wiggler: FEL amplification (x 102-3) of e-beam modulations, while chicane adds dispersion to h beam Modulator: hadron beam structure intro-duces density modu-lation in e-beam Uses 20 MeV R&D ERL already under develop-ment at BNL Further p Beam Improvements Under Development: Coherent Electron Cooling CeC of high-energy hadron beams: high-gain FEL based on high-brightness ERL (V. Litvinenko & Y. Derbenev) boost LHC and EIC luminosities? Plan proof-of-principle test @ RHIC by 2014 with Au beam. Does not address beam-beam limit on RHIC p+p luminosity.
Characterize high-momentum components induced by correlations in the few-body nuclear wave functions via (e,e'N) and (e,e'NN) knock-out processes in nuclei and compare free proton and bound proton properties via measurement of polarization transfer in the Near-Term RHIC Spin Program Addresses Three Specific DOE Hadron Physics Performance Milestones A few brief comments on the physics goals to follow…
Tentative RHIC Run Plan Following 2008 PAC Recommendations (assumes 6-month FY09 CR, 2-species runs in FY10-14 & best info on detector upgrade schedules)
w/ Run 6 RHIC data w/ projected Run 9 RHIC data Present and Future Constraints on Gluon Polarization in the Proton: • 1st NLO pQCD analysis incorporating RHIC spin inclusive jet and 0 ALL (2006) data (arXiv:0804.0422) by de Florian, Sassot, Stratmann & Vogelsang • DIS and RHIC spin impose comparable constraints to date on shape & magnitude of gluon polarization vs. x; RHIC spin data should dominate after next long 200 GeV p+p run, with new jet+jet coincidence data significantly constraining x-dependence.
Future Constraints on Sea Anti-quark Polarization W + + X (u+d W + e + or + ) W + X (d+u W e or ) s = 500 GeV p + p Measure 1-spin PV helicity asymmetry AL for 2 beams 2 charge states u/u, d/d in valence region ( “self-calibration” of technique) d/d, u/u for x ~ 0.02 - 0.2 check prediction of many nucleon structure models that |u d |> |d u | (sizable from FNAL E866) 0.8 STAR projections for mid-rapidity e+ from W+ STAR projec-tions for mid-rapidity e from W AL 0.2 0.6 AL 0 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 0 300 pb1, P=0.7, 70% efficiency 0.6 0.2 0.8 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50 Lepton ET (GeV) Anticipate: 1st 500 GeV collision run in 2009 ~100 pb1 by 2012 ~300 pb1 by 2013 Similar sensitivity for PHENIX Program relies on ongoing upgrades to PHENIX trigger, STAR forward tracking
Constraining Origin of Transverse Spin Asymmetries: • Large AN observed for pp forward hadron inclusive can arise from entrance- (Sivers) or exit-channel (Collins jet fragmentation) transverse spin-momentum correlations. • Sivers asyms. sensitive to quark and gluon orbital ang. mom. on light front same frame where G, measured frame for Ji sum rule • ANSivers(SIDIS, FSI among outgoing partons) = ANSivers(DY, ISI) prediction sensitive to all aspects of pQCD treatment HERMES Sivers Results RHIC II Drell-Yan Projections Test predicted sign change first in inclusive p+p +X in time for 2015 DOE milestone. 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 x
Add ERL injector with polarized e source to enable e+p,3He and e+A (up to Uranium) to study matter in gluon-dominated regime e-ion detector Possible locations for additional e-ion detectors • 10 GeV electron design energy.Possible upgrade to 20 GeV by doubling main linac length. • 5 recirculation passes ( 4 in RHIC tunnel) • Multiple electron-hadron interaction points (IPs) permit multiple detectors; • Full polarization transparency at all energies for the electron beam; • Ability to take full advantage of transverse cooling of the hadron beams; • Possible options to include polarized positrons at lower luminosity: compact storage ring or ILC-type e+ source • R&D already under way on various accelerator issues; more to come. eRHIC PHENIX Four recirculation passes Main ERL (1.9 GeV) STAR Beam dump • Subsequent stages/ alternative layouts could increase e-beam & ion-beam energies and L from nominal 10 250 GeV, ~3 1033 cm2s1 e+p Low energy recirculation pass Electron source Long-Term (>2020) Future of Spin Physics at RHIC: EIC eRHIC
EIC Science: Study of Force (Gluon)-Dominated Matter Gluons dominate the soft constituents of hadrons! But density must saturate… Search for supersymmetry @ LHC, ILC (?): seeking to unify matter and forces Electron-Ion Collider: reveal that Nature blurs the distinction Deep inelastic scattering @ HERA EIC probes weak coupling regime of very high gluon density, where gauge boson occupancy >> 1. All ordinary matter has at its heart an intense, semi-classical force field -- can we demonstrate its universal behavior? See R. Milner talk, 10/6/08
Polarized e + N at EIC • Polarized DIS, -gluon fusion to determine gluon polarization down to x ~ few 104 • Bjorken sum rule test to ≲ 2% precision • SIDIS for low-x sea-quark polarization and transverse spin studies More luminosity-hungry: • Polarized DVCS, exclusive reactions + LQCD GPD’s map low-x transverse position-dep. PDF’s; Jq from Ji sum rule • Parity violation in e+p,d at high Q2 to study running of weak coupling below Z-pole See R. Milner talk, 10/6/08; Note INT workshops on EIC science, Fall ’09 and ’10.
Stage I e-RHICwith ERL inside RHIC tunnel @ IP2: up to 2 (4) GeV e with RT (SC) magnets 2 x (0.5-0.7) GeV SRF linacs IP 2-4 passes, depending on top energy 100 MeV injector • Would enable few GeV e on 100 GeV/N heavy ions and 250 GeV p • First look at saturation surface for nuclei in e+A DIS, confirmation of nuclear “oomph” factor; e+A diffraction tests of high gluon occupancy • e-p program emphasizing transverse-spin SIDIS over broad Q2-range TMD evolution; detection of boosted target fragments to probe spin-dependent correlations, intrinsic heavy flavor in nucleon; extend DIS. • Need todevelop science case, detector design, cost estimate. • Most equipment would be reused later in full EIC Intermediate-Term Possibilities: 1st (Medium Energy) Stage of EIC?
ME-EIC parameters for e-p collisions (2 GeV option, 50 mA polarized e source, maintaining pp, pA, AA collisions at RHIC detectors) Also a test-bed for high-energy coherent e-cooling to prepare for full EIC.
g-2 ring @ AGS Physics Beyond the Standard Model: Supersymmetry SUSY working group report: Les Houches 2007 (Feb 08 archive) “The strongest hint for a TeV-scale modifica- tion of the Standard Model originates from the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon.” Possible Alternative Intermediate-Term Future: Precision Experiments in Storage Rings History: muon anomalous magnetic moment @ AGS See W. Marciano’s talk, 10/7/08
Novel Storage Ring EDM Exp’ts @ AGS ? • Inject longitudinally pol’d p or d beam, via AGS, into dedicated storage ring • Choose magic momentum + static E, B combination (B=0 for protons) to ~cancel (g-2) horizontal spin precession • Search for EDM signature of vertical polarization build-up due to precession in strong E-field (static for p, v B for d) • Cancel many systematic errors by measuring for counter-rotating (vertically separated) beams simultaneously. • Sensitivity goal ~ few 1029 ecm for p, ~ 1029 ecm for d • If EDM 0 observed for n, p and/or d, the combination powerfully constrains the source. E.g., the three systems have quite different sensitivities to QCD vs. SUSY (latter strongly enhanced in d). See Y. Semertzidis talk, 10/07/08.
Summary • Strong progress in recent years on luminosity and polarization for p+p collisions at RHIC, clear plans for reaching ‘enhanced’ design specs over next few years. • Despite budget-induced shortening of recent runs, RHIC spin data already important in constraining G(x) and origin of transverse spin asymmetries. • Next ~5 years should produce dramatic progress toward 3 milestones in nucleon spin structure, including 500 GeV W production for antiquark polarization. • Innovative electron lens and coherent e-cooling R&D plans can have great impact on future p+p and e+p luminosities. • eRHIC linac-ring concept, with possible 1st “medium-energy” stage viable strategy toward spin physics at very low x. Much R&D and strengthening of science case needed before next U.S. Nuclear Physics Long Range Plan (~2012-13). • Charged-particle EDM searches in storage rings intriguing possibility for complementary beyond-SM spin physics.