1. 9/1/2012 MLK, Jr., Parts 1&2 (cont.) Dr. Matt Robinson
2. 9/1/2012 1957 Events Same year when SCLC formed, nine pupils enter Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas
Governor Faubus interfered
Ordered by federal judge to stop delay of desegregation process
3. 9/1/2012 1957 Events Governor telegraphed President Eisenhower about his displeasures at unwarranted interference of federal agents
Called National Guard and then city police to face off federal govt.
Eisenhower called off National Guard and then sent in 101st Airborne Division paratroopers
4. 9/1/2012 1958-1959 1958 King published first book, Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story
1958 first attempt on life, stabbed in Harlem by black woman
1959 traveled to India where he studied writings of Gandhi
Non-violent protest
5. 9/1/2012 1960 1960 became co-pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church with father in Atlanta
Southern black students in cities such as Greensboro launched wave of sit-in protests (SNCC)
Not welcomed by whites!
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7. 9/1/2012 1960 King arrested for sit-in with SNCC at Richs Department store in Atlanta and sent to jail
Sentenced to 4-6 months but John F. Kennedy (JFK) intervened to have him released
JFK reached out to Coretta King for black support, eventually elected president
8. 9/1/2012 1961-1962 1961 Interstate Commerce Commission bans segregation in interstate travel
Freedom Rides organized by Congress on Racial Equality (CORE) sought to integrate southern transportation facilities
1962 Mass protests led by SCLC/SNCC unsuccessful in Albany, Georgia
9. 9/1/2012 September 1962 September 1962 federal court ordered University of Mississippi to accept James Meredith (28 year old Air Force veteran)
Governor Ross Barnett said he would never let school be integrated
10. 9/1/2012 September 1962 123 federal marshals
316 border patrolmen
97 federal prison guards
assaulted by over 2,000 white mob
16,000 federal troops
28 marshals shot, 160 officers injured
2 reporters killed
11. 9/1/2012 September 1962 Rioting did not stop enrollment (with assistance of federal officials) and Meredith graduated
Meredith later led 220-mile March Against Fear from Memphis to Jackson
Was shot during march
12. 9/1/2012 1963 SCLC launched massive demonstrations with SNCC in Birmingham, Alabama to overcome conflicts
protesting hair hiring practices, segregation of department-store facilities
13. 9/1/2012 1963 POLICE RIOT started against protestors (dogs, hoses) in presence of racist Governor George Wallace
Wallace said I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny, and I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.
14. 9/1/2012 1963 King arrested, wrote Letter from a Birmingham Jail
15. 9/1/2012 June 28, 1963 June 12, 1963 Medgar Evers, Mississippi Field Secretary of NAACP, murdered
Conviction of Byron De La Beckwith did not come until 1994
Murderer member of white Citizens Council, white power group made up of governors, congressmen, and judges
Southern Gentlemen, White Brotherhood, Christian Civic League, NAAWP protectors of racial integrity and states rights
16. 9/1/2012 August 28, 1963 250,000 marched on Washington and King gave I Have a Dream speech
1963 second book published Strength to Love
1963 Time Magazine named King Man of the Year
17. 9/1/2012 Dream or Nightmare? Malcolm X proclaimed You know, this dream of King is going to be a nightmare before its over.
September 15, 1963 18 days after march on Washington, KKK bombed Baptist church in Birmingham, Alabama killing four little black girls
18. 9/1/2012 October, November 1963 October 10, 1963 Attorney General Robert Kennedy authorizes FBI to wiretap Kings telephone and SCLCs phones with one year review
to look for communist infiltrators
November 22, 1963 President JFK assassinated, wiretaps stay on
19. 9/1/2012 1964 March King meets Malcolm X in Capitol building (only meeting)
June Why We Cant Wait published
July President Johnson ordered FBI to reopen office in Jackson, Mississippi. Sent J. Edgar Hoover in presidential aircraft for formal ceremony despite Hoovers racist sentiments.
20. 9/1/2012 1964 (cont.) Freedom Summer to encourage black vote
Civil Rights Bill proposed by President Kennedy to Congress and passed into law
Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited racial discrimination in public places, called for equal opportunity in employment and education
21. 9/1/2012 1964 (cont.) 1964 President Johnson gave Great Society speech
Summer 1964 Stoned by black Muslims in Harlem
December 1964 King awarded Nobel Peace Prize (youngest ever to receive it at 35 years old)
22. 9/1/2012 1964 -- But the violence continued June 21, 1964 Three civil rights workers murdered in Mississippi (Mississippi Burning) leading to conviction of 8 men including deputy sheriff
Similar to lynchings of past
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24. 9/1/2012 1965 King organized protests in Selma, Alabama against efforts of whites to deny blacks the chance to register and vote
Freedom march from Selma to Montgomery in February
25. 9/1/2012 1965 (cont.) To break up march, police on horseback used tear gas and sticks on Bloody Sunday
Within months, Congress approved legislation eliminating all barriers to Southern Blacks right to vote
26. 9/1/2012 1965 (cont.) 1965 President Johnson gave We Shall Overcome speech and signs Voting Rights Act (King present)
Prohibited states from using literacy tests and other methods from excluding blacks from voting
March 22, 1965 Civil Rights leader Viola Liuzzo murdered by KKK in Alabama
27. 9/1/2012 1966 1966 Began major civil rights campaign in Chicago to reduce slum conditions (reduce hunger, poverty) increase fair housing policies
30,000 march to city hall
King gets stoned in Chicago (with rocks not pot)
28. 9/1/2012 1966 King visited apartment family and said it was too hot, too crowded, too devoid of creative forms of recreation and reminded him of jail conditions
City officials agreed to implement fair housing policies
29. 9/1/2012 1966 Blacks in North and West did not buy into Kings message
Did not like pulpit oratory and solemn pleas for peaceful protest
More interested in getting even and fighting back BLACK POWER!
30. 9/1/2012 MLK and Black Power King came under scrutiny of Black Power leaders such as Malcolm X for being too soft.
They advocated self-defense and black nationalism by any means necessary rather than through non-violence
31. 9/1/2012 MLK and Black Power Malcolm X said Seek peace, and never be the aggressor but if anyone attacks you, we do not teach you to turn the other cheek.
March 1964 left Nation of Islam to start the Muslim Mosque
Feb. 21, 1965 - assassinated in New York days before supposed to speak to the U.N.
32. 9/1/2012 MLK beyond the black thing 1967 began Poor Peoples Campaign to unite poor people of all races
This is part due to lack of Black support
Earlier criticism by Malcolm X caused King to become more radical
33. 9/1/2012 MLK beyond the black thing Sought guaranteed family income, threatened national boycotts, spoke of disrupting entire cities by non-violent camp-ins
Attacked U.S. support of South Vietnam in Vietnam War
Thought he could gain support against injustice outside of Civil Rights
34. 9/1/2012 MLK beyond the black thing Called U.S. greatest purveyor of violence in the world!
Let us save our national honor stop the bombing
Let us save American lives and Vietnamese lives stop the bombing
Let us take a single instantaneous step to the peace table stop the bombing
Let our voices ring out across the land to say the American people are not vainglorious conquerors stop the bombing.
35. 9/1/2012 And then on to Memphis ... 1968 traveled to Memphis, Tennessee to support strike of black refuse collectors because of hazardous working conditions and unfair payment practices
Really aimed at discouraging violence there and focusing attention on unfair practices of poor laborers
First attempt in March led to looting and rioting
36. 9/1/2012 And then on to Memphis ... FIRST EVER VIOLENCE BY MLK SUPPORTERS
Sued by Memphis government for conspiracy to incite riots or breaches of the peace.
Accepted invitation to come back in April and try again
Despite death threats and cautions of advisors
37. 9/1/2012 And then on to Memphis ... Originally staying at Holiday Inn (white owned)
Criticized in Memphis press
Direct press release from FBI / Hoover
Changed reservation to Lorraine Motel (black owned)
Room switched from first to second floor by light skinned SCLC associate
38. 9/1/2012 And then on to Memphis ... April 3, 1968 Ive Been to the Mountaintop speech at Mason Temple
April 4, 1968 assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee on balcony at Lorraine Motel
39. 9/1/2012