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Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership (TTIP ) - Strengthening the World’s Largest Economic Relationship -. Key messages. Trade treaties are about economic growth and about sustainability .
Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership(TTIP)- Strengthening the World’sLargestEconomicRelationship - Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership
Keymessages Trade treaties are abouteconomicgrowthandaboutsustainability. ‘Nobodysaidit was easy’: Many diverse andsometimesconflictinginterestsandmany different playersplay a crucialrole in negotiationsand in achieving a result. Negotiationsare always part of a democraticprocess, but cannotalwaysbefullytransparent. Both opportunitiesand concerns are part of the public debate. Politicians are accountable.
Bilateralagreements EU is negiotiating multiple agreements: US Japan India ASEAN Mercosur Africanregions And has concludedseveralothers, amongstwhich: Canada South Korea Singapore
What are theyabout? Market access – goodsand services Public procurement Investment SPS (food safety, animal health, plant health) TBT (technicalbarrierstotrade) Intellectual property Sustainability Competition Rules of origin Trade facilitation Transparency
Competence of European Union Member statesgive European Commission a mandatetonegotiate; Commissionnegotiates on behalf of 28 member states; Duringthisprocess, Commissionconsults member states, businessesandcivil society; At the end of negotiations, the deal has tobeagreeduponby the European Parliamentand the nationalparliaments of member states.
Competence of US federalgovernment Congressagreesupon the negotiatingdirectives of the administrationafter a threemonthperiod of comments; The US Trade Representative leads the negotiationsandgains input of businessesandcivil society; At the end of the negotiations, Congress has toratify the trade deal.
TTIP • Negotiationsstarted in 2013 • Aimto finish in twoyears • Benefits forboth EU and US
“Groundbreaking” “And tonight, I am announcing that we will launch talks on a comprehensive Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership with the European Union – because trade that is free and fair across the Atlantic supports millions of good-paying jobs” President Obama – (State of the Union, 13 February 2013)
WhyTTIP? New market opportunities, economicgrowth, jobs andlowerprices; Structural 545 Euro extra per European household. Important sectors in the Netherlands that benefit: Agriculture; Chemical industry; High tech; Maritime sector.
Sensitiveissues Geneticallymodifiedorganismsandhormonemeat; Investment protection; Privacy; European social model.
Trade anddevelopment TTIP will have effects on thirdcountries as well; Most studies show a positive effect; Keeping a close watch on hownegotiationswill impact thirdcountries is priority.
Complex negotiations: stakeholders • EU: • European Commission • 28 member states • European Parliament • National parliaments • US: • Obama Administration • 50 states • DividedCongress
European Commission Activelyengagesbusinessesandcivil society; Aftereachnegotiatinground, the Commissionand the US organize a joint stakeholder meeting; De Gucht announced a threemonthperiodforconsultation on specifically the EU approach on investment protection in TTIP; Online information on DG Trade website, including EU position papers, press releases, studies.
The Netherlands: interests Dutch interests are both private and public; For a relative small country with high stakes, quality in negotiationprocess is leading; Get ourmessageacrossandachieve the best resultfor NL.
Stakeholders in the Netherlands Civil society Consumers Parliament Business
TransparencyandParticipation in NL Mandate of European Commission shared withParliamentconfidentially; Technical briefings forParliament; Broadconsultation: businessesandcivil society; Information via seminars and media.
TransparencyandParticipation in NL As open as possible. However a certain level of confidentiality is necessary to be effective in negotiations and protecting your interests; Like playing chess on different boards: no-one starts by revealing his entire strategy to his counterpart from the outset; Still: the Commission and the member states involve stakeholders at every stage of the negotiations; At the end of the negotiations, member states and the European Parliament have to ratify it.
Input alwayswelcome! ttip@minbuza.nl