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Shakespeare Scene Presentations: Act IV and V

Students will present Act IV and V scenes from Shakespeare's play, divided into reader roles with slides, sketches, and questions for class participation. Grading criteria include preparation and group collaboration.

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Shakespeare Scene Presentations: Act IV and V

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Presentation Transcript

  1. DO NOW:1. Open Computer2. Go to Semester 2, Week 73. Open “Group Grade Sheet”4. Type in the names of everyone in your group (example: all Montagues) 3/17-18/11

  2. Today’s Objective Students will understand Act IV, scene 1. Students will complete and present on Act IV, scenes ii, iii, and iv.

  3. Agenda • Scene Presentation Set-Up (10 min) • Read/Review Scenes (20 min) • Prepare Presentations (50 min) • Present Presentations (30 min) • Group Grade (10 min)

  4. Scene Presentations Each group will be assigned a scene to read and present to the rest of the class. Montagues- Act IV, Scene ii Capulets- Act IV, Scene iii Verona- Act V, Scene iv

  5. You must divide the work between your group members… Each group must have • A Group Leader • A Sketcher • A Reporter • A Linecatcher • A Psychologist • A Critic • A Philosopher • A Digital Designer

  6. Your presentation must include… • A picture (or two) from your sketchers and an explanation of what it means. • A computer presentation that includes the information from each of the reader roles. • Two questions that the rest of the class will answer for participation credit.

  7. After you prepare… • Each group will present their scene to the class. • After each group has presented, the class will have to answer the questions that each group writes. • I will grade you on your preparation, individual work, and group work.

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