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Biodiversity. Ciarra Ramirez Intg. Science 5 th hour. 1. African wild dog. The extinct animal that I found was the A frican wild dog. This dogs are located in the savanna sometimes but are normally found in the S ahara desert but not in forest areas.

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  1. Biodiversity Ciarra Ramirez Intg. Science 5th hour

  2. 1. African wild dog. • The extinct animal that I found was the African wild dog. • This dogs are located in the savanna sometimes but are normally found in the Sahara desert but not in forest areas. • They can also live in floodplains and woodlands. They are very flexible with the re habitat. • These animals eat impala, kudu, and wild beast. • They are endangered because of the flowing . • Loss of habitat • Killed by humans • Road deaths • Poison • Ecological balance • Many carry distemper and rabies. • The reason that I choose this animal is because I am really interested in animals I want to be a vet and choosing a endangered dog I thought would be a good way to start to get to know animals better.

  3. 2. • Not having this animal will create conflict. • Since it is a secondary consumer the primary consumers population would increase rapidly. They would eat all of the producers and then the top of the food chain would die because then they have nothing to feast on.

  4. 3. • Having this organism is because it gives others something to eat such a big animals. • Lions and such. • If they didn’t exist then the top of the chain that only eat them would have nothing to eat.

  5. 4. • What is being done to save the lives of African wild dogs is listed below: • A man named Greg makes light up collars so that the dogs wont get hit at night by cars or being caught. • An adult awareness program. • Relocating. • Checked on regularly. • Game reserves for protection. • Fields of study for the dogs.

  6. 5. • Ways to increase the population number of the painted wolf. • Protection of the population now. • An article says ; “Reintroduction of wild dogs is technically possible, Reintroduction has limited value for wild dog conservation, and In southern Africa, reintroduction could create a metapopulation”. By Rosie Woodroffe & Joshua R. Ginsberg

  7. 6. • Reasons the African wild dog’s are endangered listed below. • Habitat loss • Killing by humans • Poachers • Rough villagers • Reduced prey activity • Competition with other carnivores • Infectious diseases • Including rabies and distemper

  8. 7.Extra Information • The African wild dog can also be called the Lycaonpictus, painted hunting dog and painted dog. • Size at shoulders is 30 inches. • Life span of a African wild do is 10 – 12 years. • They are foragers and carnivorous • Bat like ears • Very long legs • Massive jaws • They have four toes not five. • They usually eat in the early mornings and late night. • They are able to run very fast.

  9. Pictures

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