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Breaking Ground : Preliminary Report of Butte County Sheriff’s Alternative Custody Supervision Program

Breaking Ground : Preliminary Report of Butte County Sheriff’s Alternative Custody Supervision Program . ACS Program Details. ACS program established to mitigate impacts of AB 109 and serve interests of public safety

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Breaking Ground : Preliminary Report of Butte County Sheriff’s Alternative Custody Supervision Program

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Breaking Ground: Preliminary Report of Butte County Sheriff’s Alternative Custody Supervision Program
  2. ACS Program Details ACS program established to mitigate impacts of AB 109 and serve interests of public safety ACS Deputies oversee offenders removed from the jail and placed on home detention Prior to placement on ACS offenders are assessed to determine potential risk to public safety If the offender is found to be suitable & meets program requirements he or she is accepted into ACS
  3. ACS Program Details Offenders are required to wear electronic ankle bracelets so deputies can monitor their location Offenders are not allowed to leave their homes without permission Deputies conduct regular unannounced home visits to ensure compliance Day Reporting Center (DRC) a key component of ACS program
  4. A Sample of DRC EBT Programs Moral Reconation Therapy – MRT Drug & Alcohol Abuse Prevention/Recovery Anger Management Theft Prevention Parenting Courses GED Preparation
  5. Sheriff’s ACS Program Statistics
  6. CSUC - Preliminary Report Released The team of Chico State professors and criminal justice interns working with the Butte County Sheriff’s Office to evaluate the Sheriff’s Alternative Custody Supervision (ACS) program released its initial report at the September 19, 2012, meeting of Butte County’s Community Corrections Partnership. The preliminary report indicates that the Sheriff’s ACS program is on track and showing promise. The report also makes recommendations for overall improvement of the program, which are being implemented.
  7. CSUC – Recommendations CSUC recommends BCSO staff conduct a supervision and treatment plan for all potential ACS eligible inmates CSUC recommends BCSO continue its search for an appropriate offender management system that has the capacity to store historical data and network with other county systems CSUC recommends BCSO further formalize the ACS program, to include additional officer training and a comprehensive, evidence-based supervision strategy CSUC recommends that the BCSO explore a population-validated risk assessment tool CSUC recommends the BCSO work proactively to prioritize research projects promoting public safety and resource management
  8. Preliminary Findings The Statistical Details ACS Eligible Inmate needs Establishing a baseline recidivism measure Exploring risk
  9. ACS Eligible Inmate Needs
  10. ACS Participant Descriptive Statistics
  11. ACS Survival Descriptive Statistics
  12. Royston-Parmar: ProgramFailure
  13. Royston-Parmar with Control Variables
  14. Royston-Parmar Hazard Ratios
  15. Questions or Comments

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