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Haslingden Primary School

Haslingden Primary School. School Council. What is a school council?. Voice for the pupils Take part in decision making Help improve the school for everyone Raise awareness Take action Being part of solving problems that affect you, your friends, your class and school.

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Haslingden Primary School

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Haslingden Primary School School Council

  2. What is a school council? • Voice for the pupils • Take part in decision making • Help improve the school for everyone • Raise awareness • Take action • Being part of solving problems that affect you, your friends, your class and school.

  3. Who sits on the School Council • Short answer is ‘YOU!’ • Each class elects a representative • Commit to serving for one year

  4. How does it work? • Meets fortnightly • Has an agenda – you set it! (Circle Time) • Takes minutes that are feedback to classes by the representative • Some staff members will be chosen by the staff to represent them • Minutes fed back to staff in staff meetings • Organise action/publicity

  5. What should it do? • Gets everyone working together as a team to help make the school the best school possible. • Makes everyone feel that their ideas are listened to.

  6. How to be a School Council Rep’. • Pick up an application form at the start of morning break time from Mr Ellis’ classroom. • Applications to be handed into Mr Ellis by Monday 3.15pm. • Class elections on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. • Results announced on Friday.

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