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This document outlines the successful implementation of the Principles of Science at Ripple Primary School, emphasizing whole-staff collaboration, child-led inquiry, and the development of Sc1 skills in students. By creating a shared understanding of good science teaching, the school has strengthened its science curriculum and practices, leading to improved student engagement, learning, and progress. The school's approach includes regular review and monitoring to ensure ongoing improvement and alignment with educational goals.
Ripple Primary School PSQM Principles of Good Science Teaching
Summary of content • Ripple have developed the Principles of Science in their school through whole staff consultation and agreement, a method that gives ownership to all thus ensuring it is embedded in practice. • This is a good way of making significant impact on the provision of Science enquiry, as seen here in the examples of planning and child led enquiry. • The principles of Sc 1 skills can clearly be seen in the examples of children’s work.
What the schools say • Creating this document was a great way to get the whole school teaching team to meet together to discuss and agree on what good science is. This raised awareness of the subject throughout the school, acknowledged much good practise that was already in place and steered us in the right direction to make improvements which had been agreed by all. • We met as a staff to discuss and agree the principles of good science teaching. All teaching staff had the opportunity to contribute so there is a feeling of ownership. • Working on the principles together raised the profile of science. Children’s enjoyment and the importance of practical science investigations was highlighted. Science AT 1 skills development across the school was a clearer focus as a result. I was able to use the document when monitoring books, displays and on learning walks. • We will continue to use the document for monitoring purposes. Year groups are now taking more ownership of monitoring books and can use this document to support that. We plan to review the document in Autumn 2012 with the whole staff.
At Ripple Primary School we know good science occurs in our school when… • Children’s attitude to science is positive • Children are interested and excited • Children are learning • Children are asking questions • Children are able to talk confidently about their learning • Children want to find out more about their science topics • Whole investigations are happening • There are interesting science displays • Cross-curricular links are planned for and embedded • Children make progress in the lessons • There is positive feedback from staff • Children develop their Sc1 skills of • Observing • Exploring • Questioning • Using scientific vocabulary • Measuring • Modelling • (Particularly in EYFS but applicable to all) Demonstrating understanding and following up new learning in their self chosen activities and therefore making connections between different aspects of their learning. Agreed Autumn 2010. To be reviewed Autumn 2012
Child A - RVW Ask questions and encounter challenging problems and independently come up with ways to investigate them using growing scientific skills Exploring – a strong feature of EYFS curriculum that we have incorporated into good science practice Observing Children encouraged to reflect on their work Questioning Carefully framed open ended question Making connections
ANNOTATED PLANS: WEEKLY PLANNING SHEET SPRING TERM Week 6SCIENCE - SOUND (5F) WEEK BEGINNING: 7/2/11 Practical science ICT used selectively to support learning Children raising their own questions Application of science skills – designed so children can approach task at their own level AFL Open ended investigation given real life context AFL Assessment statement: Suggest how to investigate how well sound travels through materials and say how good their evidence is. Children working independently on challenging problem – all groups had different solutions
Y5 Forces/Weight lesson observationJudgement = GOOD Modelling AFL Exploring and observing Dialogic teaching AFL Using ICT to support learning Using scientific vocabulary
We also drew around Shanice’s shadow every hour. Slide from Y6 work on shadows – shows use of outdoor classroom for practical science work Measuring Whole investigations are happening Exploring and observing How did her shadow change through the day?