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Regional Workshop on National Strategies for Education and Training (E&T) in Radiation, Transport and Waste Safety: Policy Framework and Analysis of E&T Needs 5 - 7 October 2016, Nicosia, Cyprus. SERBIA. Results of the home exercise to establish a Policy Framework. SESSION 3
Regional Workshop on National Strategies for Education and Training (E&T) in Radiation, Transport and Waste Safety: Policy Framework and Analysis of E&T Needs 5 - 7 October 2016, Nicosia, Cyprus SERBIA Results of the home exercise to establish a Policy Framework SESSION 3 Policy Framework Maja Eremic-Savkovic,Serbian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency
Introduction Institutionalframework SerbianRadiationProtectionandNuclearSafetyAgency-SRPNA • Established in December2009byDecision of Serbian Government , according to Law on Radiation Protection and Nuclear SafetyandLaw on PublicAgencies (Official Gazette of RS No. 18/05 and 81/05-corr.) as a functionally separate regulatory organization performing public authorizations in accordance with the Law CompetentMinistry • Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development (MESTD) – Nuclear safety inspection • Ministry of Agriculture and EnvironmentalProtection (MAER) – Radiation protection inspection
SRPNA’s responsibilitiesof regulatory nature • Passing the bylaws for implementing Law on Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety, • Adopting the Programme of Systematic Environmental Radioactivity Examination, • Adopting the Programme for Additional Training and Qualification of Occupationally Exposed Persons and Persons Responsible for Radiation Protection • Adopting the Programme of Early Warning of Emergency
SRPNA’s responsibilitiesof regulatory nature: • EducationandTraining • Regulatorystaffmostlytrained in cooperationwith IAEA • no stipulated legal obligationsfortrainingofregulatorystaff • Usersofradioactivesources • trainingorganizedbyauthorizedtechnicalservices • programmegiven in specificrulebook • specializededucationforoccupationallyexposedpersonsandforradiationprotectionofficers
LEGAL AND REGULATORY FRAMEWORK FOR EDUCATION AND TRAINING Law on radiation protection and nuclear safety (Official Gazette of RS No. 36/09 and 93/12) Rulebook for establishing programme of additional training and specialized education of occupationally exposed persons and persons responsible for implementation of radiation protection measures (Official Gazette of RS No. 31/11) Rulebook on conditions for obtaining decision to perform activities in the field of radiation protection(Official Gazette of RS No. 61/11) Rulebook on conditions for obtaining licence to perform radiation practice (Official Gazette of RS No. 61/11)
Overview on the draft Policy document • 1. Background • Nuclear and radiation safety, security and safeguards in the Republic of Serbia are established by the ratified conventions and treaties in the relevant area, the Law on radiation protection and nuclear safety and the regulations adopted pursuant to the Law. • The main provisions for the requirements of proper qualifications and of providing additional training of the persons engaged in activities with radation sources are established in the Law on radiation protection and nuclear safety
Overview on the draft Policy document • 1. Background • Additional training andqualification of occupationally exposed persons and radiation protection officer (RPO) in line with the program from the Article 21 of theLaw, can be conducted and organized by the othorised legal entity, by SRPNA, that fulfillcertan requirements. • The Programme of additional training and specialized education of occupationally exposed persons and persons responsible for implementation of radiation protection measures shall provide a uniform manner of realization and training content, continuous education, evaluation and improvement of knowledge in the field of implementation of radiation protection measures for high risk jobs due to exposure to ionizing radiation.
Overview on the draft Policy document • 2. Commitments and Obligations - The SRPNA shall stipulate the professional qualification type and degree for the person responsible for radiation protection, work experience in radiation protection and additional skills and training, depending on the radiation practice - Duringthe application process, the SRPNA verifies the competence of individuals having responsibilities for the safety of authorized facilities and activities - In the licensing process the applicants shall submit copy of diplomas and certificates of education and trainings of their staff(Article 5 of the Rulebook on conditions for obtaining licence to perform radiation practice )
Overview on the draft Policy document • 3. National Strategy for Education and Training 1.Analisingeducation and training needsconsidering: • the existing and future facilities and activities with use of ionizing radiation; • in order to build competence for all the relevant category of personnel (RPO,workers, health professionals, staff of the regulatory body,etc.) 2. Designingof the National Education and Training Programme, identifying and scheduling all the education and training activities required to address the education and training needs (Rulebook for establishing programme of additional training and specialized education of occupationally exposed persons and persons responsible for implementation of radiation protection measures) 3. Implementing NationalEducationand Training programme
Overview on the draft Policy document 4. Relevant Stakeholders • SerbianGovernment, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development • Regulatorybody - SerbianRadiationProtectionandNuclearSafetyAgency - Must establish E & T requirements. - Must be a key stakeholder. • Policy approval is a high level government responsibility • Stackeholderswhocan be possibleprovidersfortraining, authorisedby SRPNA 1.Nuclear Physics Laboratory, Faculty of Science, Universiti of Novi Sad 2. Institute for nuclear sciences “Vinca” – Center for permanent education, Belgrade 3. Serbian Institute of Occupational Health „drDragomirKarajović“, Belgrade 4. Firm for technical testing, production,trade and service „Metal-Inspect“, Belgrade 5. Firm X-Ray Košutić - Ekoteh dosimetry, Belgrade
Overview on the draft Policy document • 5. Advising and Monitoring Mechanisms RPO is responsible on behalf of the legal entity to provide adequate training for personnel engaged in activities relevant to protection and safety. • After completion of additional training for working with radiation sources and specialized education for implementation of protective measures against ionizing radiation, knowledge evaluation test shall be conducted. • Knowledge evaluation shall be carried out in writing in the form of test. The participant shall respond by selecting one of three possible answers. It shall be considered that the participant responded positively to the test if he/she won at least 80% of the maximum points. • Periodic renewal of knowledge shall be carried out for all occupationally exposed persons at least once in a five years. • 2013/2014 • RegulatoryAuthorityInformationSystem (RAIS) • Includesallcategoriesofradioactivesources • Data ofexposedworkers, RPO, authorizations • Stillongoingprocess
Moving towards a National Policy/Strategy • SERBIA as a country which is in the process of joining the EU has as an obligation to transpose the acquis in the field of nuclear safety and radiation protection, which regulates basic safety standards and it is covered primarily by the Council Directive 59/2013 EURATOM. Current status/CouncilDirective2013/59 in nationallegislation: - Significantly transposed - general responsibilities for the education - training and provision of information, training of exposed workers and information provided to them - prior information and training for emergency workers • education, information and training in the field of medical exsposure • SERBIAneeds to complycurrentregulationswith IAEA Safety Standards (Strategy for education in the field of nuclear safety for the period 2013-2020 and Strategic approach to education and training in the field of radiation safety, transport and waste management for the period 2011-2020)
Moving towards a National Policy/Strategy (2) • UsingpreviousexperienceSerbianeeds to developthenewNationalstrategy in EducationandTraining • Future steps: NATIONAL STRATEGIC APPROACH • Collection of national data and analysis of education & training needs • Design of a national E&T programme tailored to meet national needs • Implementation of the national E&T programme • Evaluation and feedback of the National E&T Programme
Way Forward • Preparation of the new national programme in the framework of the EC Directive 2013/59/EURATOM • Issuing of the policy document • The newNationalstrategydocument will be approvedbytheGovernmentofRepublicofSerbia(theendof 2018)
Conclusions • The Regulatory Body has a vital role to play in the establishment of a National Strategy for E&T in Radiation, Transport and Waste Safety • The development of a national strategy requires significant resources • A national strategy a vital component in the building of competence. • Challenges to be faced • Assessment of effectiveness (numbers of trained persons, effectiveness of programme, identification of performance indicators) • Emphasis on the training of the needed qualifiedexperts, medicalexperts and the staff of the regulatory and inspections body should be given.