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Technical Assistance for Economic Analyses and Water Efficiency in Turkish River Basins

This project, co-financed by the European Union and Turkey, provides technical assistance on economic analyses and water efficiency in 3 pilot river basins in Turkey. The consortium, led by TYPSA and including EGIS, offers expertise in water resources management and integrated water resources planning.

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Technical Assistance for Economic Analyses and Water Efficiency in Turkish River Basins

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  2. This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. THE CONSORTIUM LEADER: TYPSA. Mr. Rafael LópezManzano Head of Hydraulic Infrastructure and Water Management Division

  3. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ON ECONOMIC ANALYSES WITHIN RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT PLANS AND WATER EFFICIENCY ASPECTS IN 3 PILOT RIVER BASINS IN TURKEY. 1. TheConsortium This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. 1. 1. TYPSA (1/4) • 1.1.1. Key figures • 51 years of experience. • Revenue in 2015: € 220 M. • 2,471 professionals (yearly average number of employees) • 1,405 international • 1,066 in Spain • Completely independent: • 100 % employee-owned • Equity: € 91 M • Commitment to quality and sustainable development. • Key business areas • Transport 53% • Buildings 18% • Water 17% • Environment and Energy 8% • Rural Development 2% • Others 2% • Output by working language: • English 63% • Spanish 26% • Portuguese 7% • French 4% 1.

  4. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ON ECONOMIC ANALYSES WITHIN RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT PLANS AND WATER EFFICIENCY ASPECTS IN 3 PILOT RIVER BASINS IN TURKEY. 1. TheConsortium This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. 1. 1. TYPSA (2/4) • 1.1.2. TYPSA in Hydrological Planning • Permanent staff covering all areas of know-how within Water Engineering and specifically Integrated Water Resources Management Plans (IWRM). Experts in the following fields: • Data compilation and its validation • Basin modelling and hydrology • Ground water modelling • Demand-supply allocation • Water quality • Structured stakeholder consultation processes, etc. • Main contracts in Spain according to the WFD and the EU water sector acquis • Development of hydrologic planning process, elaboration and drafting of basin management plans and definition of the Program of Measures at the Jucar River basin (43,000 km²; 5,7 millions inhabitants). • Follow-up of the River Basin Water Resources Management Plan in the Jucar River Basin and for the Implementation of the Program of Measures. 1.

  5. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ON ECONOMIC ANALYSES WITHIN RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT PLANS AND WATER EFFICIENCY ASPECTS IN 3 PILOT RIVER BASINS IN TURKEY. 1. TheConsortium This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. 1. 1. TYPSA (3/4) • Implementing the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) in the Júcar River Basin (pilot basin) • Environmental flows in surface water bodies of the Jucar River basin • Strategic Droughts Plan in Duero river basin • Technical assistance for the design and execution of dissemination and active public participation in the development of the Segura RBMP • Study of human activity impacts on the status of surface water bodies and risk assessment (IMPRESS-2), according to the WFD (Article 5 and Annex II) • Monitoring of water quality in groundwater bodies in the Tagus river basin and in the Jucar River basin, etc. • Other relevant contracts dealing with RBMPs abroad • Peru: River Basin Management Plans for three Peruvian pilot river basins: Chancay-Lambayeque, Chancay-Huaral and Quilca-Chili. • Peru: Development of the Regional Water Plan for the Ica region • El Salvador: Elaboration of a National Plan for the Comprehensive Management of water resources. 1.

  6. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ON ECONOMIC ANALYSES WITHIN RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT PLANS AND WATER EFFICIENCY ASPECTS IN 3 PILOT RIVER BASINS IN TURKEY. 1. TheConsortium This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. 1. 1. TYPSA (4/4) • 1.1.3. TYPSA in Turkey • TYPSA has 2 on-going contracts in Turkey. Current human resources of TYPSA in the country include more than 20 highly experienced bilingual professionals (both Spanish and Turkish) working in Ankara, Karabük and Mardin. 10 years experience in Turkey. • On-going and past contracts in Turkey • Works supervision of the railway section Irmak-Karabük-Zonguldak, 415 Km long . • Works supervision for Mardin WWTPs (co-funded by IPA-EU funds ) • Detailed design of Zonguldak WWTP (150,000 IE, 40.484 m³/d). • Gaziantep CNG Bus Project – Transport improvement programme (UTMP), BERD. • Feasibility study of Milas/Bodrum Rural Development project. • Feasibility study and environmental Master Plan of the Gediz River basin. • Regional development of Samsun, Kastamonu and Erzurum nuts II Regions 1.

  7. This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. THE CONSORTIUM PARTNER: EGIS Mr. Jean-Marc ROUSSEL Project Director of Water Resources / Hydrology of EGIS Eau

  8. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ON ECONOMIC ANALYSES WITHIN RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT PLANS AND WATER EFFICIENCY ASPECTS IN 3 PILOT RIVER BASINS IN TURKEY. 1. TheConsortium This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. 1. 2. Egis (1/4) • 1.2.1. Key figures • TheEgisGroup, a majorEngineering and ServicesGroup • Turnover 2016: 1,020 M€. • Total Group Staff: 13,800. • Capital: 75% Caisse des Dépôts, 25% IosisPartenaires • Engineering 76% Exploitation and services 24% • Urban and rail transport 20% • Road engineering 17% • Buildings 16% • Airports and aviation:6% • Water & Environment 6% • Energy and Industry 4% • Urban development 4% • Others 3% • Egis Eau • Created in 1949 as BCEOM • Staff : 300 • Turnover 2015: 49,4 M€ • Activity: France 50%, abroad 50% • Output by geographical area: • France 37% • Europe 20% • Middle East 17% • Africa 10% • Asia 7% • Americas 7% • Australia/Oceania 2% 1.

  9. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ON ECONOMIC ANALYSES WITHIN RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT PLANS AND WATER EFFICIENCY ASPECTS IN 3 PILOT RIVER BASINS IN TURKEY. 1. TheConsortium This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. 1. 2 Egis (2/4) • 1.2.2 Egis in the Water Sector • With over 60 years of experience in the water sector, Egis is capable of meeting the fundamental challenges facing our planet : • Urban Water • Water Supply • Wastewater and Storm water • Water for industry • River and Rural Water • Dams • Irrigation, Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) • Dikes, flood and river works • Consultancy Engineering • Strategy, institutional support Full Project Management Technical Assistance to Owner • Planning, master plans Feasibility studies • Project preparation Design studies • Water Utilities Management Work procurement • Due diligence, audits, expertises Execution studies • Environmental study Work supervision • R&D, training 1.

  10. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ON ECONOMIC ANALYSES WITHIN RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT PLANS AND WATER EFFICIENCY ASPECTS IN 3 PILOT RIVER BASINS IN TURKEY. 1. TheConsortium This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. 2. Egis (3/4) 1.2.3 Egis in WaterResources Management 1.

  11. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ON ECONOMIC ANALYSES WITHIN RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT PLANS AND WATER EFFICIENCY ASPECTS IN 3 PILOT RIVER BASINS IN TURKEY. 1. TheConsortium This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. 1. 2. Egis (4/4) • 1.2.4. Egis in Turkey • Egishas a liaison office in Ankara, toprovidesupporttothedifferentprojects • Egis is currently running one contract in Turkey with EU financing, on the Seydisehir water and wastewater project , including contract management, works supervision, capacity building and water supply studies. • Completed contracts in Turkey about water and environment: • Sanitation for the city of Samsun and its suburbs (around 600 000 inhabitants), EIB funds • Technical Assistance for IPCC-Integrated pollution prevention and control, EU funds • Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of a sludge incineration project in a cement plant, AFD funds • European Water Initiative, Mediterranean Component (for the Mediterranean sea region), EU funds • Regional Environmental Network for Accession (RENA), EIB funds • Other current and recent contracts: • National Transport Master Plan for Turkey • Urban regeneration Master Plan for Aydin (250 000 inhabitants in town, 1 000 000 with suburbs) • Institutional capacity for Leader Measure • TRACECA – Maritime Safety and Security II 1.

  12. This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. THE CONSORTIUM PARTNER: DOLSAR Mr. Irfan AKER President of DOLSAR Engineering Inc. Co.

  13. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ON ECONOMIC ANALYSES WITHIN RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT PLANS AND WATER EFFICIENCY ASPECTS IN 3 PILOT RIVER BASINS IN TURKEY. 1. TheConsortium This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. 1. 3. DOLSAR (1/4) • Established in 1971. • Performs engineering, consultancy and construction supervision services in a wide range of fields. • Extensive experience in basin planning, drought management plans, rural and regional development plans. • Completely independent of any contractor or manufacturer. Member of FIDIC, EFCA and ATCEA. • Rankedamong top 150 Engineering firms in Europe. • Committedtoexcellencethroughimplementation of Quality Management System ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 whicharecertified. 1.

  14. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ON ECONOMIC ANALYSES WITHIN RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT PLANS AND WATER EFFICIENCY ASPECTS IN 3 PILOT RIVER BASINS IN TURKEY. 1. TheConsortium This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. 1. 3. DOLSAR (2/4) FIELDS OF ACTIVITIES ENVIRONMENT WATER TRANSPORTATION BUILDINGS ENERGY • Environmental Impact Assessment • Environmental Monitoring • Waste Water Treatment Plants • Potable Water Treatment Plants • Solid Waste Management • Drought Management Plans • Social Impact Assessment • Action Plans • Educational Facilities • Laboratory Buildings • Hospitals • Mass Housing Projects • Shopping Malls • Business Centres • Sports Facilities • River Basin Planning • Dams, Weirs, Reservoirs • Water Supply and Distribution • Sewerage and Storm Water Drainage • Irrigation and Drainage • Pump Stations • Pipelines • Tunnels • Rural and Regional Development Projects • Motorways • Roads, Highways • Railways • Bridges, Viaducts • Tunnels • Sea Ports, Harbours • Airports • Hydroelectric Power Plants • Thermal Power Plants • Wind Farms • Switchyards • Substations • Energy Transmission Lines • Rehabilitation • Upgrading 1.

  15. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ON ECONOMIC ANALYSES WITHIN RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT PLANS AND WATER EFFICIENCY ASPECTS IN 3 PILOT RIVER BASINS IN TURKEY. 1. TheConsortium This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. 1. 3. DOLSAR (3/4) RANGE OF SERVICES CONSTRUCTION & COMMISSIONING DESIGN PLANNING TENDER • Construction Supervision • Permanent Equipment Erection and Testing Supervision • Project and Construction Management • Application Drawings • Quality Control/Assurance • Cost Control • Field Engineering • Temporary and Final Acceptance • Commissioning • Preparation of Operation and Maintenance Manuals • Tender Documentation • Prequalification • Preparation of Special Conditions • Tender Evaluation • Assistance to the Client During Contract Negotiations and Finalisation of the Contracts for all Works • Contract Finalisation • Conceptual Design • Final / Detailed Design • Design Reports • Technical Specifications • Tender Documents • Loan Application Reports • Bill of Quantities • Cost Estimates • Project Identification • Reconnaissance Studies • Pre-Feasibility Studies • Master Plan • Technical and Economical Feasibility Studies • Geological Studies • Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Studies • Hydrological Studies 1.

  16. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ON ECONOMIC ANALYSES WITHIN RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT PLANS AND WATER EFFICIENCY ASPECTS IN 3 PILOT RIVER BASINS IN TURKEY. 1. TheConsortium This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. 1. 3. DOLSAR (4/4) 1. Head Office: DOLSAR House, Kennedy Cad. No:43, 06660 Ankara, Turkey Branch Offices in Istanbul, Tblisi (Georgia), Lahore (Pakistan)

  17. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ON ECONOMIC ANALYSES WITHIN RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT PLANS AND WATER EFFICIENCY ASPECTS IN 3 PILOT RIVER BASINS IN TURKEY. Contact This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. • Head of Hydraulic Infrastructure and Water Management Division: TYPSA Mr. Rafael LÓPEZ MANZANO • rlmanzano@typsa.com • President of DOLSAR Engineering Inc. Co.: DOLSAR • Mr. Irfan AKER • caker@dolsar.com.tr • Project Director of WaterResources / Hydrology: EGIS Eau • Mr. Jean-Marc ROUSSEL • Jean-Marc.ROUSSEL@egis.fr 3.

  18. This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ON ECONOMIC ANALYSES WITHIN RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT PLANS AND WATER EFFICIENCY ASPECTS IN 3 PILOT RIVER BASINS IN TURKEY. Thank you for your attention.

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