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Roumen Tsenov lost his wife last week – it is a big hole in his life! Messages of Sympathy from MICE Mariyan Bogomilov will be the MOM in June 18-31. Neutrino Town meeting at CERN. to prepare statement to be addressed to European Strategy for Particle Physics
RoumenTsenovlosthiswife last week – itis a bighole in his life! Messages of Sympathyfrom MICE MariyanBogomilovwillbe the MOM in June 18-31.
Neutrino Town meeting at CERN to preparestatement to beaddressed to EuropeanStrategy for ParticlePhysics Seedraftstatement on meeting web site (AB, presentation of draftstatement and following discussion) http://indico.cern.ch/event/neutrino_town well in line : 4. Opportunity for the nextstep: -- LBNO = CERN Pyhasalmi (2300 km) conventional ‘superbeam’ from SPS with NUFACT as possible upgrade detector = Larg + MIND -- R&D for future neutrino beams
The following aims to reflect the contents of the 3-4 pages summary European strategy for future accelerator-based neutrino physics • Physics case • Next steps: a neutrino road map • Community and global context • Opportunity in Europe for the next step • Short baseline neutrino beam and sterile neutrino search • Preparing for longer term, precision experiments
NEXT EVENTS NextCollaboration meeting June 25-29, 2012 – Glasgow Paul Soler + help from John Cobb for the agenda contact them if youwouldlike to show something. PLEASE REGISTER BOOK FLIGHTS AND HOTEL ETC …. ¨ NOW! Following one nowconfirmed : 17-19 October 2012 -- ‘light’ meeting becausewewillbeverybusywithassembly
MPB 31 October 2012 and FAC 15 November 2012 -- monitor how wellwe are doing in assemblingstep IV ! -- shoulddeliver a ‘realisticschedule scenario’ for the step VI assignment of CouplingCoilintegrationtaskshouldberesolved fullyloadedschedule for step VI shouldbeunderway -- should have paper II (emittancemeasurement) ready or published (Victoria has kindlyagreed to seeafterit) -- have to answer questions about operational aspect of increasedcomplexity of apparatus !
GENERAL NEWS • -- from MICO meetings • -- SpectrometerSolenoidnow cold and soonpowered! • once spectrometerworkswecan have a realisticschedule • Expecteddelivery date isnow August 2012. (SeeSteve’stalk latertoday) • -- somedelay in Focus CoilExpecteddelivery date isnowJune • but magnetwillonlythenbeepumped down, cooled and powered. • -- Hydrogen system willbetested in June. • SCHEDULE WILL BE REVISITED AT SUPER-MICO meeting nextweek • and collaboration meeting in Glasgow • Caution thatthingswillstill have a question mark untilmagnet has reached full field!
SUPER-MICO nextweek Next week's (Wednesday, 6th June, 13:30 GMT (14:30 UK time) room G-06, building R66 at RAL (Chair Andy Nichols) schedule preview meeting, draft agenda: (~1 slideeachunlessotherwiseuseful!) 0. introduction+ welcome Alain 1. Introduction Andy Nichols (all there is to do) 2. Milestone tracker (Gail Hanson) 3. main components 3.1 Spectrometer solenoids (Preece, Virostek) 3.2 Focus coil magnets (Courthold or Bradshaw) 3.3 Magnetic measurements and planning of magnets in the hall (Alain or Alan Grant) 3.4 Liquid Hydrogen system and absorbers 3.5 EMR planning, mechanical and magnetic constraints (Cadoux) 4. Installations 4.0 magnetic field issues (Courthold or Bayliss) 4.1 Diffuser commissionning and quench test (Blackmore) 4.2 Tracker installation (Adey) 4.3 EMR installation (Cadoux) 4.4 TOF re-installation (Bonesini) 5. liquid hydrogen commissionning(Watson) 6. beam line (decay solenoid power supply/quench protection fix) (TBD) 7. controls, DAQ and monotoring (Linda, Yordan, Pierrick) FROM THIS ALAN GRANT WILL PREPARE SCHEDULE TO BE reviewedat TB in Glasgow
-- STFC MICE team has been recognised under the "STFC staff recognition scheme“ * Outstanding work or major contributions to a project; * Those who "go the extra mile"; * Those who make a difference and/or influence others; * Those whose work impacts positively on the future success of their department or area of work; and * Those who have made a real effort to work across departmental boundaries. Clearly our colleagues at RAL and DL have earned recognition in each of these areas. Of course, MICE is a much wider, international team effort and the successes of STFC MICE team reflect the excellence and commitment of the MICE collaboration. To celebrate, Ken Long et al are planning a "MICE briefing" at 14:45 on Friday 01Jun12 TOMORROW during which Andrew Taylor will offer his congratulations. CONGRATULATIONS!