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QOD. Who is Thomas Hunt Morgan? What were his contributions to the field of genetics?. Chapter 12: Inheritance Patterns and Human Genetics. Section 1: Chromosomes and Inheritance. Sex Determination and Sex Linkage. Thomas Hunt Morgan Fruit flies (Drosophila) Sex chromosomes Sex linkage

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  1. QOD Who is Thomas Hunt Morgan? What were his contributions to the field of genetics?

  2. Chapter 12: Inheritance Patterns and Human Genetics Section 1: Chromosomes and Inheritance

  3. Sex Determination and Sex Linkage • Thomas Hunt Morgan • Fruit flies (Drosophila) • Sex chromosomes • Sex linkage • X-linked and y-linked • Drosophila eye color • Humans • Color blindness • Hemophelia

  4. XX and YY Chart To return to the chapter summary click escape or close this document.

  5. Sex linkage

  6. Linkage Groups • Linkage group • Morgan’s drosophila • GGLL x ggll • F1 all heterozygous gray body, long wings • GgLl x GgLl • Hypothesis: 3:1 ration Gray/long:black/short • Actual: neither 9:3:3:1, nor 3:1 • Crossing-over

  7. Chromosome Mapping • Chromosome map • Alfred Sturtevant • Frequencies of crossing-over • Map unit

  8. Mutations • Germ-cell mutations • Somatic cell mutations • Lethal mutations • Chromosome • Gene

  9. Chromosome Mutations • Insertion • Deletion • Inversion • Translocation • Nondisjunction

  10. To return to the chapter summary click escape or close this document.

  11. Gene Mutations • Point mutations • Substitution • Frameshift mutations • Insertion • Deletion

  12. Gene Mutations To return to the chapter summary click escape or close this document.

  13. QOD What is a polygenic trait? Examples? Describe the phenotypic ranges resulting from this inheritance.

  14. Chapter 12: Inheritance Patterns and Human Genetics Section 2: Human Genetics

  15. Pedigree- Huntington Disease To return to the chapter summary click escape or close this document.

  16. To return to the chapter summary click escape or close this document.

  17. Genetic Disorders Caused by Single Allele • Dominant • Huntington’s disease • Polydactyly • Recessive • Albinism • Cystic fibrosis • Phenylketonuria • Tay-Sachs

  18. Codominance • Sickle Cell Disease • Homozygous sickle cell  disorder • Change in hemoglobin – protein in RBC’s that carry oxygen/carbon dioxide • Heterozygous: • Heterozygous individuals have advantage

  19. Multiple Alleles • Blood types • Three alleles • IA = A type • IB = B type • I = O type • Also shows codominance

  20. ABO Blood Group- Surface Pro A To return to the chapter summary click escape or close this document.

  21. ABO Blood Group- Surface Pro B To return to the chapter summary click escape or close this document.

  22. ABO Blood Group- Surface Pro B-B To return to the chapter summary click escape or close this document.

  23. ABO Blood Group- No Surface To return to the chapter summary click escape or close this document.

  24. Blood Types

  25. Blood Types

  26. Blood types • IA and IB are codominant to eachother • IA and IB are dominant to I • Type AB is known as the “Universal Acceptor” • Type O is known as the “Universal donor”

  27. QOD How can we detect genetic disorders in a fetus?

  28. Sex-Linked Traits • Muscular dystrophy • Color-blindness • Hemophelia • Different from sex-influenced traits

  29. Polygenic Inheritance • Range in phenotypes • Examples: • Height • Eye color • Skin color

  30. Number of Genes Involved in Skin Color To return to the chapter summary click escape or close this document.

  31. Abnormal Numbers of Chromosomes • How? • Nondisjunction • Monosomy • Trisomy • Polyploidy • Down syndrome

  32. Detecting Genetic Disorders • Genetic counseling • Amniocentesis • Chorionic villi sampling • Karyotyping

  33. Karyotype 1

  34. Karyotype 2

  35. Turner’s Syndrome

  36. Klinefelter’s Syndrome

  37. Karyotype 4

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