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The Beautiful Nature of Bulgaria. The Rila is the highest mountain in Bulgaria and in the Balkans. Its highest peak is Musala –2925 meters. The Rila Lakes Rila National Park. Kostenets. Kostenets regoin – a wonderful place to visit.
The Rila is the highest mountain in Bulgaria and in the Balkans. Its highest peak is Musala –2925 meters.
The Kostenets waterfall is 12 meters high. In 1974 it was made a national landmark.
The Pirin Mountain is remarkable for its beautiful lakes which date from the Ice Age.
The Stara Planina (the Balkan) is part of the Alps-Himalayan mountain range. Its rich with many natural parks and protected places. Heaven’s Waterfall – 125 meters
The Belogradchik Rocks are naturally-formed figures which measure up to 200 meters in height. They form a band 30-km long and up to 3-km wide. They are included into the list of the 100 National Tourist Sites.
Rodopi Mountain Dospat Reservoir Shiroka Polyana Reservoir
Rodopi Mountain The Natural Phenomenon The Stone Mushrooms, 2.5 -3 meters in height The Wonderful Bridges
Black sea Kaliakra Cape Emine Cape – The Balkan Mountain meets the sea
ПРОЕКТ №LLP-2011-COM-MP-117 • “ДА ЖИВЕЕМ В ПО-ЧИСТ СВЯТ” • Финансиран от ЕС • Програма “Учене през целия живот”, секторна програма “Коменски” • Стойност на проекта - 20 000 EUR • Продължителност: 01.08.2011-31.07.2013г. • Настоящият документ е изготвен с финансовата помощ на Европейския съюз. • ПГ “Г. С. Раковски” носи цялата отговорност за съдържанието на настоящия документ и при никакви обстоятелства не може да се приеме като официала позиция на Европейския съюз.