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Hadith Session 4 – Part 1

Hadith Session 4 – Part 1. Ramzan Shahid. Hadith. “Do not backbite the Muslims or seek their faults, for whoever seeks their faults, then Allah will seek his faults; and if Allah seeks a person’s faults, then He will expose him even in (the privacy of) his house.”. Hadith.

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Hadith Session 4 – Part 1

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  1. Hadith Session 4 – Part 1 RamzanShahid

  2. Hadith • “Do not backbite the Muslims or seek their faults, for whoever seeks their faults, then Allah will seek his faults; and if Allah seeks a person’s faults, then He will expose him even in (the privacy of) his house.”

  3. Hadith • “He who removes from a believer one of his difficulties of this world, Allah will remove one of his troubles on the Day of Resurrection; and he who finds relief for a hard-pressed person, Allah will make things easy for him on the Day of Resurrection; he who covers up (the faults and sins) of a Muslim, Allah will cover up (his faults and sins) in this world and in the Hereafter.”

  4. Hadith • “On the day of Qiyaamah Allah shall call a believer to draw near to Him. A curtain shall be drawn so that none may see. Allah shall then remind him of each and every fault of his which he shall be obliged to admit. Seeing the great amount of his faults, that person shall feel that he had indeed failed and shall perish . . .

  5. Hadith (cont.) • . . . But then Allah will say: “In the world I covered your faults and today too I hide them and forgive them for you”.

  6. Hadith Explanation • Allah does not want to embarrass this person, humiliate this person • If we want Allah to do this with us on Day of Judgment, we must not embarrass any person in this world • We should not try to find faults in others • We should not criticize others

  7. Hadith • Hadith: Women who was a prostitute and gave water from a well to a dog. This one deed will be an excuse for Allah to forgive her sins and put her in heaven. • Allah will basically scan a person on the Day of Judgment and look for one deed that He can accept and use an excuse to put him into Jannah. • We should not judge anyone

  8. Hadith • Usama ibn Zayd said, "The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, sent us to al-Huraqa, a sub-tribe of Juhayna, and we came upon the people in the morning at their springs. A man of the Ansar and I overtook one of their men. When we descended on him, he said, 'There is no god but Allah.' The Ansari held back from him, but I stabbed him with my spear until I had killed him . . .

  9. Hadith (cont.) • When we arrived in Madina, that reached the Prophet and he said, 'O Usama, did you kill him after he had said, "There is no god but Allah"?' I said, 'Messenger of Allah, he was only trying to save himself.' He said, 'Did you still kill him after he had said, "There is no god but Allah” . . .

  10. Hadith (cont.) • I said, 'Messenger of Allah, he only said it out of fear of our weapons.' He said, 'Did you then split open his heart so that you knew whether he truly meant it when he said it or not?'

  11. Hadith • “A man said: 'By Allah, Allah will not forgive So-and-so.' At this Allah the Almighty said: 'Who is he who swears by Me that I will not forgive So-and-so? Verily I have forgiven So-and-so and have nullified your own good deeds.”

  12. Previous 2 Hadith • Never judge anyone • Never make an assumption about another person • We can never look inside of anyone’s heart

  13. Hadith • "A believer is not a fault-finder and is not abusive, obscene, or coarse.“ • Ibn 'Abbas said, "If you wish to mention the faults of your friend, mention your own faults first."

  14. Hadith • Hadrat Anas (R), was the Prophet’s (SAW) servant for 10 years • “He never said as much as Uff to me.” • He never criticized him for doing something wrong • He never scolded him • He never questioned why he had done something in such and such way

  15. Judging Others • A person always compares himself as a standard and finds mistakes in others • A person comes to masjid once a day • Instead of looking up at others and say I should come more often, he looks at someone and says look at him, he doesn’t even come at all. So I am at least better than that person. We find their faults.

  16. Judging Others • We judge others by comparing them to ourselves • We find their faults so we can compare ourselves to them and feel good • If I can do this, then why can’t he • This leads to pride • We begin to feel we are better than that person or above that person

  17. Judging Others • We always look at someone that we feel we are better than because that makes us feel good • Instead of looking at someone who is better than us and trying to be like them, we look at someone who is doing less than us and say at least I am better than that person

  18. Judging Others • We need to judge ourselves honestly • We find faults in others so we don’t feel bad about our sins • It’s a defense mechanism • Once we justify and become comfortable with who we are, we can never improve. • We can never recognize our own faults and try to change them

  19. Allah is the Only Judge • Al-Hakam • The One who is the Only True Judge. • The One who always delivers justice in every situation. • The One whose judgments and decrees are never over-turned or thwarted. • The One who makes the final decision in all matters

  20. Judging Others • When we judge others, we are challenging the name of Allah (SWT) • Only He is Al-Hakam • We have no authority to judge others

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