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Mean Perfect. Who Says We're All in This Together . Albert Einstein Looks like a wacky old man, but was probably the most intelligent person ever born. Bill Gates One of the wealthiest men alive. Marion Jones Olympic Gold Medalist and Hero to many young athletes.
MeanPerfect Who Says We're All in This Together
Albert EinsteinLooks like a wacky old man, but was probably the most intelligent person ever born.
Marion JonesOlympic Gold Medalist and Hero to many young athletes
Marion JonesUsed steroids to become a bigger and faster athlete.
Lionfish-beautiful and graceful addition to an aquarium-but deadly, aggressive, venomous fish whose spiny fin rays can kill!
Susan Boyle – looks like a rather clumsy wanna-be chef, but holds the record for consecutive #1 record albums in England with 3. Not even The Beatles could claim that. Her record sales have made her a millionaire!
Nick Vujicic was born with no arms or legs but makes the best out of every day…..
Nick Vujicicand his beautiful wife. You truly can’t see someone until you look at them from the inside out..
Why Judge or make snap judgments? Everyone has a story! *This could be incorporated into ELA! -Reading novels, writing own experiences, journaling, etc. Our students read: Middle School, The Worst Years of my Life
Social Studies: -Do we make snap judgments about people in the public eye like some politicians? -What has happened in past historic events from making a snap judgment about someone? -Racial discrimination, women’s rights, etc. -What have we done to overcome these challenges? -What challenges are still present in society today?
INSERT “JUST KIDDING PPT” • Students are to work with a small group and read each scenario and to discuss whether the incident described is “harmless teasing” or “hurtful”. Students should be specific as they list their reasons and articulate particular criteria used to evaluate each situation. When students have responded to all three scenarios, discuss their conclusions as a class and add key ideas to the list you started in Part 1 of the lesson.
ACTIVITY! • Crumble up your piece of paper. • Throw it on the ground. • Step on it. • Now stomp on it with both feet.
The Nails in the Fence.. There once was a boy who had a temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the back of the fence.
The first day the boy had driven 50 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks as he learned to control his anger the number of nails hammered gradually dwindled down. He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive nails into the fence.
Finally the day came when he didn't lose his temper. He told his father and his father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his anger. The days passed and the boy told his father that all the nails were gone. The father took the boy by the hand and led him to the fence. He said look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same,
Lesson from The Story: When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like the ones on the fence. Words can hurt forever. It won't matter how many times you say I am sorry, the wound is still there. A verbal wound is as bad as a physical one. Our Friends and family are special. They make you smile and encourage you to succeed. They lend an ear and always want to help us- so let them!
Brain Teaser Sometimes we need to help each other get through hard times like bullying. We need to work together like how each nail helped each other and balance on one another. ** Science teachers you may use this in your science classes review how the trick works.
What type of bullying is this? • -harassing (not leaving him alone) • -cyber (posting negative things on you tube) • How to prevent cyber bullying: • keep pages private • don’t respond or retaliate • tell person(s) to stop • block the person (s) • save evidence • tell an adult • don’t be a bully yourself! Big Bang!
Common Misconceptions: • Bullying only is a problem for kids and teens. • Bullying happens from people “bigger” than their victims. • Sticking up for yourself will only make things worse. • Ignoring the bully will make things worse. • Getting back at the bully will make you feel better. • Telling on the bully will only make things worse. • -Good news! You will most likely not be stuck in space!!! • But you still may feel far away from those who may help… • -NEVER feel that you are in the wrong to tell someone!
Think! Pair! Share! • Bernie gives advice to say: “Being mean is lame, what’s cool is being nice!” • What is some better advice to give? • He said his mom called NASA, but the bullies got worse. What should he do? • Why is it important to tell someone about bullies? • What are some things that could happen if someone has no one to talk to and feels alone? • How can we stop this from happening?
Stand up! * MATH Teachers: Some of these statistics can be used in math class to really understand how many students bullying affects by comparing numbers to students in their school, taking their own surveys, or even making graphs/charts.
Suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people, resulting in about 4,400 deaths per year. • For every suicide among young people, there are at least 100 suicide attempts. • Over 14 %of high school students have considered suicide, and almost 7 %have attempted it. • Bully victims are between 2 to 9 times more likely to consider suicide than non-victims, according to studies by Yale University. • www.bullystatistics.com
Activity: • Write one reason (though there should be a million!) why you should be here. • Together we grow in strength. • “I am important and I am strong”.
Jonah’s Story : An Inspiration • Made the realization on his own of his strength • Scared to tell an adult and the bullying got worse • His advice: tell someone! Mainly so you are not alone. • Having just 1 friend kept him from taking away his own life. • Gained support • Found truce and forgiveness • Able to be himself …..and be happy!
Video Team Long Brothers: The Journey of Brotherly Love !
Together…….. We can try to connect to people we normally wouldn’t. We can stick up for each other because in numbers we grow in strength. We can make sure not to let anyone sit on the sideline. We can work together as one. We can eliminate bullying in our school. We can work as one.
ACTIVITY: Sign your name on one side and place a statement or pledge of what YOU will do to help prevent bullying in your school. We're All in This Together
Activity! SHIP TO SHORE This is a game about grouping. First the captain (teacher) explains all the commands. It starts with all hands on deck. From there the captain calls the next command and the students will get into the groups as fast as they can. Sometimes there are people left out and if that happens they are OUT! They sit off to the side and watch. The captain continues to call the commands until there is only two people left….WINNERS Commands: All hands on Deck: one big group standing in a straight line facing the captain (you). Chow down: (group of four) kneeling on ground pretending to “chow down” Man over Board: (group of three) one person in the middle and the other two join hands around them like a buoy. Sea Sick: (group of two) one person kneels down and pretends to be the ships railing and the other person pretends to be getting sick over the rail. The idea of this game is to show how groups are formed and sometimes students are left out. Then they are watching from the outside.
We all need each other’s help for little things like an activity like this game or something as big as bullying. Remember the person that might help you might be the most unlikelyperson like in this next video.
There is always someone that feels just like you. You are not alone. “You Belong” Remember, the best thing we can do for our students is be a support system and relate to their situations. We have all felt bad about ourselves for one reason or another. Bullying does not just happen to kids. Remind yourself and your students… You are beautiful!