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Detailed overview of Timer-Based Reliable Broadcast (TRB) for Wireless Body Area Networks, discussing the need, different schemes, motivations, behaviors of transmitters and receivers, and practical applications.
<September 2008> • doc.: IEEE 802. 15-08-0688-00-0006 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Reliable Broadcast for WBAN] Date Submitted: [September, 2008] Source: [Sungrae Cho, Wonsuk Choi, Xiangbo Zhang, Laihyuk Park and Dong Dong] [School of Computer Science and Engineering, Chung-Ang University ] Address [221 Heukseok, Dongjak, Seoul 156-756, Republic of Korea] Voice:[+82-2-820-5766], FAX: [+82-2-820-5766], E-Mail:[srcho@cau.ac.kr] Re: [Contribution to IEEE 802.15.6 Meeting, September 2008] Abstract: [This document is a summary of the proposed Timer-based Reliable Broadcast (TRB) for WBAN networks.] Purpose: [Contribution] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. < Sungrae Cho>, <Chung-Ang UNIV>
<September 2008> • doc.: IEEE 802. 15-08-0688-00-0006 Reliable Broadcast for WBAN Sungrae Cho, Wonsuk Choi, Xiangbo Zhang, Laihyuk Park, and Dong Dong UC LAB Chung-Ang University <September, 2008> Slide 2 < Sungrae Cho>, <Chung-Ang UNIV>
<September 2008> • doc.: IEEE 802. 15-08-0688-00-0006 Introduction • Why reliable broadcast is needed? • Sometimes medical emergency event occurs in WBAN and needs to be broadcast to entire network reliably. • Some control information needs to be delivered to entire network reliably. • S/W update needs to be done reliably <September, 2008> Slide 3 < Sungrae Cho>, <Chung-Ang UNIV>
Simple Flooding: it starts with a source node broadcasting a frame to all neighbors. Each of neighbors in turn forwards the frame to all its neighbors exactly one time and this continues until all reachable network nodes have received the frame. NAK-based: receivers respond with only negative acknowledgments. ACK-based: more reliable scheme where the transmitter waits for all ACKs from the receivers until it transmits the next frame <September 2008> • doc.: IEEE 802. 15-08-0688-00-0006 Different Reliable Broadcast Schemes <September, 2008> Slide 4 < Sungrae Cho>, <Chung-Ang UNIV>
<September 2008> • doc.: IEEE 802. 15-08-0688-00-0006 MOTIVATION (1/2) • Suppose that every receiver node acknowledges for broadcast data, e.g., • The broadcast node will be overwhelmed by acknowledge messages (a.k.a. implosion problem). • This acknowledgments are generated almost simultaneously if no control enforced. <September, 2008> Slide 5 < Sungrae Cho>, <Chung-Ang UNIV>
<September 2008> • doc.: IEEE 802. 15-08-0688-00-0006 MOTIVATION (2/2) • This implosion problem also causes the problems of • Unnecessary Collision • Unnecessary Power Consumption • Solution: randomize the transmission of the ACKs • How?: • Use timers • Implicit ACK (reduce the # of acks) <September, 2008> Slide 6 < Sungrae Cho>, <Chung-Ang UNIV>
<September 2008> • doc.: IEEE 802. 15-08-0688-00-0006 TRB (Timer based Reliable Broadcast) • Transmitter Behavior • Transmitter broadcasts data and waits for . • Transmitter maintains a Bit Map indicating whether it received an ACK from a particular one-hop neighbor. • If the Bit Maps are all set (Tx received all ACKs) before expires, the transmitter broadcasts the next data. • If any of the Bit Maps are not set after expires, the transmitter rebroadcasts the data. <September, 2008> Slide 7 < Sungrae Cho>, <Chung-Ang UNIV>
<September 2008> • doc.: IEEE 802. 15-08-0688-00-0006 TRB (Timer based Reliable Broadcast) • Receiver Behavior (after receiving broadcast data) • On successful receipt of broadcast data, each receiver acts as a transmitter by broadcasting the data using random timer DR. • This timer randomizes transmission of the received broadcast data. • One of the transmissions is considered to be an implicit ACK to the original broadcaster. <September, 2008> Slide 8 < Sungrae Cho>, <Chung-Ang UNIV>
<September 2008> • doc.: IEEE 802. 15-08-0688-00-0006 TRB (Timer based Reliable Broadcast) 1 2 7 coordinator 3 4 6 5 8 broadcast <September, 2008> Slide 9 < Sungrae Cho>, <Chung-Ang UNIV>
<September 2008> • doc.: IEEE 802. 15-08-0688-00-0006 TRB (Timer based Reliable Broadcast) 1 2 7 coordinator 3 4 6 broadcast 5 Implicitly considered as anACK 8 <September, 2008> Slide 10 < Sungrae Cho>, <Chung-Ang UNIV>
<September 2008> • doc.: IEEE 802. 15-08-0688-00-0006 TRB (Timer based Reliable Broadcast) 1 coordinator 2 ACK ACK 7 ACK 3 ACK ACK ACK 4 6 ACK 5 8 <September, 2008> Slide 11 < Sungrae Cho>, <Chung-Ang UNIV>
<September 2008> • doc.: IEEE 802. 15-08-0688-00-0006 TRB (Timer based Reliable Broadcast) 1 Coordinator 2 ACK ACK 7 ACK 3 ACK ACK ACK 4 6 ACK ACK 5 8 Collision <September, 2008> Slide 12 < Sungrae Cho>, <Chung-Ang UNIV>
<September 2008> • doc.: IEEE 802. 15-08-0688-00-0006 TRB (Timer based Reliable Broadcast) 1 coordinator 2 7 3 4 6 broadcast 5 8 Random timer <September, 2008> Slide 13 < Sungrae Cho>, <Chung-Ang UNIV>
<September 2008> • doc.: IEEE 802. 15-08-0688-00-0006 Performance Evaluation(1) SimulationsSetup • Results • -- 10 nodes • -- 20 nodes • -- 30 nodes • -- 40 nodes • -- 50 nodes <September, 2008> Slide 14 < Sungrae Cho>, <Chung-Ang UNIV>
<September 2008> • doc.: IEEE 802. 15-08-0688-00-0006 Performance Evaluation(2) Experimental setup • Simulation platform: NS2 + LR-WPAN • # of nodes: Variable • Neighbor distance: 7 m ~ 11m • Tx range: 12 m • PAN Coordinator (PC): bottom node (or designated node) • Network startup: • PC starts at: 0.0 • Any other node starts at: random time between 1.0 and 3.0 • Frame error rate : 10% <September, 2008> Slide 15 < Sungrae Cho>, <Chung-Ang UNIV>
Successfully received nodes (%):we collected # of nodes that received the frame successfully per each frame. Then, the percent of successfully received nodes is calculated as the ratio of # of successfully received nodes to entire # of nodes. Energy consumption:average # of transmissions of a frame as an energy budget. <September 2008> • doc.: IEEE 802. 15-08-0688-00-0006 Performance Evaluation(3) Measured <September, 2008> Slide 16 < Sungrae Cho>, <Chung-Ang UNIV>
<September 2008> • doc.: IEEE 802. 15-08-0688-00-0006 Performance Evaluation(4) 10 nodes : Reliable Broadcasting Parent ID [18] 25 Node ID PAN Coordinator Node having associated and being leaf node Node having associated and being coordinator <September, 2008> Slide 17 < Sungrae Cho>, <Chung-Ang UNIV>
<September 2008> • doc.: IEEE 802. 15-08-0688-00-0006 Performance Evaluation(5) 20 nodes : Reliable Broadcasting Parent ID [18] 25 Node ID PAN Coordinator Node having associated and being leaf node Node having associated and being coordinator <September, 2008> Slide 18 < Sungrae Cho>, <Chung-Ang UNIV>
<September 2008> • doc.: IEEE 802. 15-08-0688-00-0006 Performance Evaluation(6) 30 nodes : Reliable Broadcasting Parent ID [18] 25 Node ID PAN Coordinator Node having associated and being leaf node Node having associated and being coordinator <September, 2008> Slide 19 < Sungrae Cho>, <Chung-Ang UNIV>
<September 2008> • doc.: IEEE 802. 15-08-0688-00-0006 Performance Evaluation(7) 40 nodes : Reliable Broadcasting Parent ID [18] 25 Node ID PAN Coordinator Node having associated and being leaf node Node having associated and being coordinator <September, 2008> Slide 20 < Sungrae Cho>, <Chung-Ang UNIV>
<September 2008> • doc.: IEEE 802. 15-08-0688-00-0006 Performance Evaluation(8) 50 nodes : Reliable Broadcasting Parent ID [18] 25 Node ID PAN Coordinator Node having associated and being leaf node Node having associated and being coordinator <September, 2008> Slide 21 < Sungrae Cho>, <Chung-Ang UNIV>
<September 2008> • doc.: IEEE 802. 15-08-0688-00-0006 Successfully received nodes (%) <September, 2008> Slide 22 < Sungrae Cho>, <Chung-Ang UNIV>
<September 2008> • doc.: IEEE 802. 15-08-0688-00-0006 Energy Consumption <September, 2008> Slide 23 < Sungrae Cho>, <Chung-Ang UNIV>
<September 2008> • doc.: IEEE 802. 15-08-0688-00-0006 This work has been supported by HNRC of IITA. <September, 2008> Slide 24 < Sungrae Cho>, <Chung-Ang UNIV>
<September 2008> • doc.: IEEE 802. 15-08-0688-00-0006 Thank You! <September, 2008> Slide 25 < Sungrae Cho>, <Chung-Ang UNIV>